Rating Earthclan .Earth-Esports

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Enemy Territory 6on6 Winters Play-off
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23.04.06 Legendary Knights Detail

Enemy Territory 6on6 Premiership Winter’s Groupstage
created from rating comment match
27.03.06 Wolf Detail
21.03.06 Les Miserables Detail
12.03.06 nAkAshi Detail
01.03.06 eXplosion C4 Detail
16.02.06 Rebels Detail

Enemy Territory 6on6 Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.11.05 eLemenTal Forces Detail
22.11.04 ESVKA TEAM. Detail
15.09.04 Angels of Death The least friendy clan i have ever met. Challanged us for the next day, when i contacted them and then they wonted to postpone the game couse they dit not have strategy for our map and wanted to practice, we without seccond thoughts agrred. When we wonted to postponed they didnt want to hear about that. Had lower average ping on neutral Dutch server and dint want to play there whole match- we had to play on their local server with 3 times biger pings. Whining all the time and called our names... I advise not to play them, a waste of nervs and time... Detail

Enemy Territory 6on6 Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.04.05 ROR Swingerclub Fleischpeitsche INAKTIV nice war :) Detail
27.03.05 S p a c e S Gegner war pünktlich und nett. Detail
06.03.05 GaB . ET - oldschool Detail
27.02.05 chrome.et Detail
20.02.05 excessive eSports gg thx Detail
17.11.04 Gods of Quake - Team undead closed Detail
14.11.04 excessive eSports :) Detail
15.08.04 Team dAmage nice game earth Detail
21.04.04 Team-eXit Detail
07.04.04 xml nedde leude, good game :) Detail
04.04.04 sfg - delete Detail
04.04.04 proPlay Detail
24.03.04 Team Elite Killers fair und schnell aber eben 2 klassen besser! good game Detail
22.01.04 IntelligentPlatoon Team Arsenic Detail
19.01.04 Nappetshow Supa War richtig Nice der War Detail
18.01.04 Team-eXit Detail
11.01.04 just-Knifed Detail
08.01.04 FroZeN HellGuardZ Detail
15.12.03 Gods of Quake - Team undead closed nette jungs Detail
11.12.03 DUCK Enemy Territory Detail
08.12.03 SoLa Panzerfahrer Detail
07.12.03 Allied Team good game Detail
01.12.03 Westwall Soldaten echt so ein lame hab ich noch bei keinem clan gesehen Detail
24.11.03 sfg - delete Detail
17.11.03 Team PhoeniX echt netter + freundlicher clan ... Detail

Enemy Territory 6on6 Playoffs
created from rating comment match
11.03.04 Nappetshow Detail
08.03.04 time.Nudge.Closed Detail

Enemy Territory 6on6 Playoffs1
created from rating comment match
24.02.04 FroZeN HellGuardZ Detail

Enemy Territory 6on6 Premiership
created from rating comment match
03.02.04 Team-eXit Detail
29.01.04 ping of death.et gg :) Detail
20.01.04 plan-B.et closed Detail