Rating Dia-D .Clan

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Call of Duty 4 Hardcore Search & Destroy 5on5 Hardcore SD League 5on5 IV
created from rating comment match
15.12.09 z3 sMOkerS sQuaD 1 Detail
08.12.09 Hermanos de Guerra Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
26.10.09 ApoCorpS Detail
23.10.09 Clan KO! Los mejores sin duda¡¡¡¡¡¡ Detail
20.10.09 AJIERRO Detail
15.10.09 extasix Gaming CoD4 Detail
07.10.09 Clan FeNiX Detail
30.09.09 Klan Coe by Cod4 GG! Detail
28.09.09 QuiCk e-Sports Club Detail
23.09.09 AJIERRO Siempre un placer jugar con vosotros!! hasta la proxima!!! Detail
22.09.09 SnK Detail
20.09.09 SQ69.CLAN 5on5 Detail
18.09.09 Spain Tikitaka Detail
16.09.09 ProeliuM e-Sports.COD4 Detail
16.09.09 dCOD4equipo Detail
15.09.09 QuiCk e-Sports Club Detail
11.09.09 BEC Detail
03.09.09 AFK sports Detail
03.09.09 eScuadron Suicida Detail
03.09.09 Saboteadores Cod4 Detail
27.08.09 DiVerSiTy Detail
25.08.09 iNsErSo Detail
20.08.09 Ala De Muerte gg Detail
19.08.09 DiVerSiTy Detail
13.08.09 eScuadron Suicida Detail
12.08.09 SnK Detail
05.08.09 AFK sports Detail
05.08.09 Ala De Muerte Detail
04.08.09 Guerreros de Honor Detail
24.07.09 dCOD4equipo Detail
21.07.09 Cod Wars FH Detail
19.07.09 squad x B Detail
02.07.09 Clan KO! Un placer gente , ya echaremos otra ^^ Detail
22.06.09 MHIA CTC Detail
17.06.09 ApoCorpS Detail
10.06.09 QuiCk e-Sports Detail
04.06.09 FTE Detail
02.06.09 Clan KO! Sin Sniper que llevais xD, muy buen clan¡¡¡ Detail
29.05.09 SnK Detail
21.05.09 Sacrifice Squad 3nDleSS Detail
15.05.09 eScuadron Suicida Detail
04.05.09 SnK Detail
30.04.09 FTE Detail
24.04.09 ApoCorpS Detail
22.04.09 ProeliuM e-Sports.COD4 gg Detail
15.04.09 iNsErSo Detail
15.04.09 4Gotten Team Detail
07.04.09 LoW Detail
19.03.09 Dragon Ball Z Detail
17.03.09 Clan Gaditanos GG bien jugado amigos!! hasta la proxima! Detail
15.03.09 Time To Kill Resurrection Detail
12.03.09 vR - veteranos Renegados gg Detail
05.03.09 Ala De Muerte Detail
04.03.09 Saboteadores Cod4 Detail
03.03.09 Clan KO! Detail
01.03.09 LKT Detail
22.02.09 AFK sports Detail
20.02.09 Clan Gaditanos GG bien jugado! Y como siempre un placer. Detail
17.02.09 iNsErSo Detail
16.02.09 The SenSation the limit! Detail
13.02.09 Clan Elite Shooters Detail
11.02.09 Dragon Ball Z Detail
05.02.09 Clan KO! Detail
04.02.09 Cowboys From Hell Detail
28.01.09 MDE Omicron Persei 8 Detail
23.01.09 Ala De Muerte Detail
21.01.09 Vendettas Cod4 Team Detail
21.01.09 4Gotten Team Detail
20.01.09 4x4 eSports Club Detail
19.01.09 G.Point Detail
16.01.09 Clan Elite Shooters Detail
15.01.09 WARCLAN e-Sports Club me peto el juego y al cerrarlo no tengo nada ni aequitas de fotos ni nada .lo siento pero no tengo n Detail
13.01.09 NsN.eSports Detail
07.01.09 Clan KO! Detail
05.01.09 asasw23 Detail
04.01.09 Team - xPulz bien menos en PIPELIne el mapa ese... Detail
23.12.08 Black Panthers Clan gg Detail
19.12.08 Unidad de Intervencion Tactica Detail
18.12.08 Shocks Impacts Detail
15.12.08 Green Beret Detail
11.12.08 Time 2 kill Detail
09.12.08 BlackSheet eSports Detail
03.12.08 R6TANCE r6. Detail
03.12.08 BelowZero COD4 club Buena war Detail
01.12.08 iNsErSo Detail
26.11.08 Black Panthers Clan Detail
26.11.08 Clan Gaditanos Buena war pichas!!! Detail
19.11.08 OverDreams COD4 Detail
18.11.08 FTE Detail
13.11.08 Clan KO! Detail
07.11.08 EnRage Detail
29.10.08 Viva La Fiesta Detail
27.10.08 Only For Friends Detail
23.10.08 Clan Gaditanos Buena war pichas!!! Detail
20.10.08 Clan Elite Shooters Detail
14.10.08 Clan Renegados Detail
10.10.08 Shooter-Spain Detail
05.10.08 SPQR Legion IX Hispana Detail
28.09.08 electronic Gods.CoD4 gg Detail
07.08.08 New SchooL Detail
31.07.08 iNcompresive e-Sports COD lastima de pipeline que no nos gusta XD Detail
29.07.08 eRuS Detail
25.07.08 Clan Gaditanos Detail
24.07.08 SS inactive Detail
11.07.08 Team r2k' e-SporT CoD4 2 squAD soys gente d puta madre con perdon ;) Detail
10.07.08 Clan dEsPi Detail
08.07.08 eRuS Detail
07.07.08 OveR Cod4 Team Detail
06.07.08 clan.s4DroN Detail
25.06.08 SS inactive Detail

Call of Duty 4 Hardcore Search & Destroy 5on5 Survival Hardcore Cup
created from rating comment match
07.09.09 teamviejo Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Summer End Cup
created from rating comment match
25.08.09 majestic five Cups Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Nightcup V
created from rating comment match
23.08.09 Pek Intel LG gg Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Nightcup IV
created from rating comment match
16.08.09 The Numb3rS Alpha Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Summer League
created from rating comment match
26.06.09 epiK Gaming Revolution ' Detail
19.06.09 Clan KO! Detail
11.06.09 QuiCk Combat.cod Detail

Call of Duty 4 Hardcore Search & Destroy 5on5 League Season III
created from rating comment match
12.05.09 The Bot'S.exe Hardcore Detail
28.04.09 hermanos de sangre Detail
21.04.09 Soldados Rasos Detail
13.04.09 Time To Kill Resurrection Detail
07.04.09 z3 sQuAD 3 Detail
31.03.09 Istari Detail
24.03.09 UMRA POWA Detail

Call of Duty 4 League Winter 2008 Promod Groupstage
created from rating comment match
23.02.09 Project EVERSIO Detail
15.02.09 in Memory of Via 2 Lux Detail
08.02.09 Art of Gaming CoD4 gg Detail
02.02.09 a6 Gaming Detail
26.01.09 Out of Gaming Detail
20.01.09 mgm.by CoD 4 GooD Game ! Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 San Valentin Cup 2009
created from rating comment match
23.02.09 all-Control Detail
15.02.09 OverDreams COD4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Team Deathmatch Freeze Tag Cup
created from rating comment match
05.02.09 overGame Ladder Detail
03.02.09 Clan Gaditanos GG bien jugado! Y como siempre un placer. Detail
28.01.09 v.team Detail