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Left 4 Dead 4on4 Summer Phase Finale
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05.10.09 aNgels WingS Detail
24.09.09 Safety Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Premiership SummerCup 09
created from rating comment match
14.09.09 Allendale frcup Detail
09.09.09 Weedz4zombies Detail
07.09.09 Has Been Zuuuumbiiiies GG Detail
25.08.09 aNgels WingS Detail
16.08.09 EpileptiK Gaming Detail
10.08.09 K-LibR2.L4D Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 FastCup1 CEVO Cfg
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13.09.09 NITROSE.L4D Memory Detail
13.09.09 UBITEAM Detail
13.09.09 Weedz4zombies Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Spring Cup 2009
created from rating comment match
20.05.09 Extinct 4 Kings Detail
10.05.09 Team Dignitas.l4d Detail
04.05.09 eXtatus L4D thanks for the adjournment Detail
26.04.09 Eyes on u - L4D Flamer Detail
19.04.09 CEKTA Detail
09.04.09 Ghostz L4D Detail

Materiel.net Left 4 Dead Materiel Final
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12.05.09 UBITEAM Detail
27.04.09 Has Been Zuuuumbiiiies gl hf pour la suite Detail
22.04.09 Section.du.Crime.Organise Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.05.09 UBITEAM Detail
04.05.09 Weedz4zombies gg les mecs bon match encore. Detail
24.04.09 GREEN FForces Detail
29.03.09 TANKBUSTERS nice team Detail
20.03.09 Has Been Zuuuumbiiiies Detail
17.03.09 crakk Detail
17.03.09 Weedz4zombies GG à vous les gars, Guilty, MisterJ et Snipewolf... Zykon hors sujet Detail
14.03.09 coup 2 crosse Detail
09.03.09 Melofee Detail
07.03.09 coup 2 crosse Detail
01.03.09 M.2.R Good tres bon match Detail
26.02.09 Crazy Team du très bon niveau ;) team convivial! Detail
20.02.09 Section.du.Crime.Organise des gens pas sociable je garderais pas un bon souvenir de ce match j\'aimerais bien avoir les reco Detail
19.02.09 BG Team très fair play ;) Detail
17.02.09 Les 4 PGM's GG à vous, à bientôt ^^. Detail
17.02.09 West Coast Team - L4D - 4on4 Detail
11.02.09 Has Been Zuuuumbiiiies très bon fair play et bon niveau aussi Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.04.09 Stofftiere Online e.V. L4D Detail
23.04.09 eXtatus L4D gg Detail
22.04.09 No T-h-anks Needed Detail
21.04.09 pub gg guys :) Detail
08.04.09 Extinct 4 Kings gg ^^ Detail
27.03.09 Methodic eSports gg impressive aim Detail
26.03.09 reveNge e-sports Very intense game, I really enjoyed! GG Detail
22.03.09 In Memory of Vertigo Gaming Detail
22.03.09 Leet4Dead Detail
21.03.09 Left 4 Random On schedule, polite, and very good players... Detail
13.03.09 Weedz4zombies Grosse sauce Detail
08.03.09 OlyTeam really nice game guys Detail
22.02.09 oSIGNo GG1 GUYS you best! Detail
14.02.09 Hostile BreeD GG )) Detail
13.02.09 POWERCLAN Detail
12.02.09 4 Fäuste für ein Hallelujah Detail
10.02.09 DeaD.bOdY.mEn gg guys Detail
10.02.09 oNiric Detail
09.02.09 Extinct 4 Kings Detail
09.02.09 COREteam Detail
04.02.09 BroT 4 Dead Detail
01.02.09 OlyTeam Detail
31.01.09 Casuals Detail
30.01.09 z0mg gg close game, excelent team Detail
25.01.09 Extinct 4 Kings Detail
25.01.09 STILL ALIVE - REBORN GG real nice Detail
22.01.09 Bunch of Noobs Nice bunch of lads. Detail
21.01.09 POWERCLAN gg, was close. Detail
19.01.09 BroT 4 Dead Detail
17.01.09 RAMASS TEAM Detail
11.01.09 frenzy GG Detail
10.01.09 arsenik Detail
10.01.09 K1LL3r90 - Memories Detail
07.01.09 Insane Detail
06.01.09 aggressive Suchtis Detail
05.01.09 POWERCLAN Detail
04.01.09 Pro Pro Booming Detail

Materiel.net Left 4 Dead Coupe Materiel.net Old
created from rating comment match
03.04.09 All games fun teamplay extra, juste prenez 2 sec avant la déco.Team a jouer quand on as le moral!! Detail
24.03.09 Clan Des Damnes L4D Bonne équipe sympathique Detail
21.03.09 Monkey Detail
10.03.09 Let's 4 Dick gg all Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Winter Cup
created from rating comment match
27.03.09 R.I.P. L4D2 Detail
24.02.09 z0mg gg Detail
15.02.09 R.I.P. L4D2 gg Detail
08.02.09 zanith Detail
01.02.09 AngstFragezeichen Detail
26.01.09 kot im mouth da steh ich drauf gg Detail