Rating KsK-Eliteclan .Multigaming

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Germany Call of Duty 4 (360) 5on5 Hardcore Ladder
created from rating comment match
07.01.09 HBK Detail
06.01.09 German Hunt3rs Detail
04.01.09 Astartes Grey Knights Detail
28.12.08 7thGate Complete Detail
22.12.08 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
17.12.08 WoH.CoD4.inactive Detail
12.12.08 NvG Team 2 SeXy Detail
11.12.08 feMaLe00 Detail
30.11.08 Nord Offensive - Cod4 Gammas Detail
25.11.08 eAciD Detail
22.11.08 German Hunt3rs Detail
15.11.08 Nord Offensive - CoD Raiders Detail
09.11.08 Astartes Grey Knights Faires Game NetteLeute . Jederzeit wieder : ) Detail
07.11.08 WoH.epic.inactive Detail
02.11.08 The Lucky 7 Detail