Rating Studio 69 

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Counter-Strike 4on4 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
14.03.10 ALIENWARE Detail
12.03.10 BRAUCHTS HART!!! Detail
23.02.10 b0xenaiming Detail
22.02.10 Austrian Toast Mafia Detail
22.02.10 Why so serious Detail
21.02.10 Buben vom Dorf Detail
21.02.10 Ruderclub 88 e.V. Detail
20.02.10 mouse-control MR15.int gg Detail
20.02.10 FUCKYOU! naja int Detail
19.02.10 MINLATE Detail
19.02.10 think different Detail
13.02.10 Sportclub hNc Detail
13.02.10 cuppen.4on4 Detail
08.02.10 unsportlich gg Detail
07.02.10 mouse-control MR15.int Detail
06.02.10 rivalen :y Detail
06.02.10 duck breast Detail
31.01.10 FUNNNNNNy Detail
31.01.10 misterious Detail
28.01.10 sentinels Detail
28.01.10 20cheese und 1 BIG MAAAAAAAC Detail
24.01.10 Team Midnight-Gaming 5on5 1.6 gg Detail
20.01.10 Die Muensinger Rasselbande Detail
17.01.10 DrueckeNN Detail
04.01.10 Team SNH nur am whinen und flamen Detail
04.01.10 Team.9Niners - 5on5 Detail
30.12.09 brechstange Detail
30.12.09 Game Over gg Detail
27.12.09 DrueckeNN Detail
27.12.09 v.4.0.4 Detail
01.11.09 GEgbn. Detail
01.11.09 hNc.closed IV Detail
31.10.09 incoming__lipsticksonmydick Detail
26.10.09 Hey Little World Detail
25.10.09 187 Detail
21.10.09 invisible sun Detail
21.10.09 Deutschland <3 Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.02.10 One Piece Detail
20.02.10 Ruderclub 88 e.V. Detail
20.02.10 autumn mix Detail
20.02.10 hyyboiis13 Detail
12.02.10 Bionetic.ba Detail
10.02.10 yHbIJIbIE PE69ITA Detail
06.02.10 impressiveM e-Sports Club Detail
05.02.10 hackers in action Detail
31.01.10 noodis Detail
31.01.10 untouchable Detail
30.01.10 Sauerstoffmangel Detail
30.01.10 TEAM FOE Detail
30.01.10 RIVALRY eu Detail
29.01.10 ZAMA Detail
28.01.10 Pressplay Detail
28.01.10 Lets Get High Detail
27.01.10 afk base Detail
17.01.10 SK Detail
16.01.10 Sauerstoffmangel Detail
15.01.10 omgits Detail
30.12.09 NY EXCUSE Detail
26.12.09 SMILEY Laughing Of Loud Detail
26.12.09 ANGEPISST 09 gg Detail
19.12.09 notag Detail
19.12.09 Big Five Detail
16.12.09 KISS FM Detail
16.12.09 NochKeinNameVorhanden.int Detail
16.12.09 warmup Detail
10.12.09 Eg*mixed Detail
10.12.09 Moschus Detail
10.12.09 misc_team_old 1 Detail
10.12.09 INT3RNATI0NAL Detail
06.12.09 SCUSI?! Babe di Bubi Detail
06.12.09 Team SNH Detail
27.11.09 cliQ int Detail
27.11.09 PYR4TEN Detail
31.10.09 dopefish Detail
25.10.09 destroyer Detail
25.10.09 crackwhores Detail
19.10.09 distenzia Detail

Evercup Counter-Strike Friday don't stop the 5on5 Cup 104
created from rating comment match
12.02.10 proTECHsystem Detail

Counter-Strike Nightcup 284 - 4on4 MR15 - 03.01.
created from rating comment match
03.01.10 D1CK Detail

Counter-Strike Nightcup 282b - 5on5 MR15 - 29.12.
created from rating comment match
29.12.09 g-club Detail
29.12.09 Peberes mutoniatus Detail

Counter-Strike Nightcup 259 - 5on5 MR15 - 24.11.
created from rating comment match
24.11.09 GIANTS Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.10.09 Team Turkey.cs Detail
20.10.09 team-lan.fellbach Sauber! Wir spielen dann mal wieder lowmid FW Detail
20.10.09 Achwas Detail
19.10.09 FGP.CS 5on5 GG =) Detail