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FIFA 10 Clanwar 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.08.10 WE LOVE JELIC Detail
27.07.10 The Black Titans Detail
06.06.10 SKZI MASTER gamerZ giga luck Detail
04.06.10 niema gg !!! Detail
23.05.10 Moscow Fifa Clan Detail
23.05.10 LowLandLions.fifa Detail
21.05.10 diamondZ e.V. Detail
16.05.10 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
15.05.10 The Black Titans Detail
15.05.10 Campeoes SQuade . Detail
09.05.10 cW. Allstars gg Detail
09.05.10 EQUALITY Detail
03.05.10 customs union Detail
02.04.10 In Memory of EMS VI Detail
18.03.10 Wolves Detail
12.03.10 WE LOVE JELIC Detail
02.03.10 FIFA EMS Season VI Detail
25.02.10 maniaX Gaming FIFA Detail
31.01.10 ukrainetop1and 13 Detail
31.01.10 EPROX.Fifa Int. Detail

FIFA 10 3on3 League Series Season II
created from rating comment match
07.06.10 VooDoo 3on3 Uczniowie Maradony Detail
06.06.10 eFIFA.pl Team Detail
02.06.10 Shaolin Soccer ander - obejrzyj mecz i wtedy włącz fifę Detail
30.05.10 CEFO Detail
23.05.10 niema gg Detail

FIFA 10 3on3 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
03.06.10 Voodoo Gaming Detail

FIFA 10 5on5 League Series Season I
created from rating comment match
02.03.10 Black Zone eSPORTS.fifa Detail
25.02.10 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
21.02.10 Universal Soldiers FIFA Detail
15.02.10 Voodoo Gaming Detail
10.02.10 Club EG 2007 gg Detail
07.02.10 Digital-eXtreme. Gaming powo dalej Detail
03.02.10 eFIFA.pl Team 3on3 minus za problemy w 1 cw z graczem KarCud Detail

FIFA 10 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.02.10 eFIFA.pl Team 3on3 Detail
22.01.10 eFIFA.pl Team 3on3 Detail
21.01.10 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
17.01.10 SAYCOM GAMER.FIFA Detail
13.01.10 eFIFA.pl Team 3on3 Detail
03.01.10 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
28.12.09 Black Zone eSPORTS.fifa Detail
22.12.09 Digital-eXtreme. Gaming powo dalej Detail
21.12.09 OCB?! Detail
20.12.09 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
15.12.09 Wolves Detail
13.12.09 Team FifaPlaY.com.pl Detail
10.12.09 eFIFA.pl Team 3on3 Detail
06.12.09 OCB?! Detail
02.12.09 OCB?! Detail
01.12.09 Wolves Detail
30.11.09 ViP FIFA Detail
26.11.09 Club EG 2007 gg Detail
12.11.09 eFIFA.pl Team 3on3 Detail
10.11.09 Digital-eXtreme. Gaming Detail
08.11.09 Semper-Invicta Detail
27.10.09 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail

FIFA 10 1on1 5on5 New Years Cup
created from rating comment match
11.01.10 WE LOVE JELIC Detail

FIFA 10 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.10.09 Wolves Detail

FIFA 09 5on5 EMS V - polskie kwalifikacje
created from rating comment match
30.09.09 Club EG 2007 Detail
27.09.09 Digital-eXtreme. Gaming powo dalej :] Detail
24.09.09 keepYOURskill EMS Detail
22.09.09 Club EG 2007 gg ++ Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.07.09 dA-Gaming FIFA gg Detail
08.07.09 LeiSuRe Detail
08.07.09 oXmoze.fifa for FUN Detail
07.07.09 leer Detail
07.07.09 denkor & Marik Detail
04.07.09 Xpto Team Detail
03.07.09 dA-Gaming FIFA Detail
02.07.09 Play-agaiN Detail
02.07.09 Hall of fame FIFA (Trigun) Detail
01.07.09 OCB?! Detail
30.06.09 Team Cyberplay FIFA Detail
29.06.09 Gangard eSports FIFA 10 Detail
28.06.09 Nou Nejmy Detail
25.06.09 olololP0ko Detail
21.06.09 Earthquake.Gaming gg Detail
17.06.09 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus gg Detail
15.06.09 S.A eSport- FiFa ++ Detail
13.06.09 Nou Nejmy gg Detail
08.06.09 BLACKFADE Detail
07.06.09 Black-Zone.Reactor Detail
04.06.09 leer Detail
01.06.09 uPro Detail
25.05.09 Core-Revolution FIFA Detail
24.05.09 EYES ON U Detail
23.05.09 Revolution Games Detail
21.05.09 need2Lead.FIFA Main Detail
19.05.09 Black-Zone.Reactor Detail
15.05.09 Residents Detail
12.05.09 r66 gg Detail
11.05.09 Antwerp Aces Detail
08.05.09 Digital-eXtreme. Gaming Powo dalej Detail
04.05.09 uPro Legends FIFA Main Detail
03.05.09 removeteam gg Detail
02.05.09 K1ck eSports Club FIFA Detail
01.05.09 uPro Legends FIFA Main good cw))) Detail
30.04.09 eXtensive-FIFA Detail
28.04.09 WE LOVE JELIC Detail
27.04.09 Born To Win Detail
23.04.09 eXtensive.FIFA Detail
18.04.09 MinB Detail
15.04.09 Earthquake.Gaming Detail
12.04.09 Return of the Legends Detail
09.04.09 Rising Generation.FIFA Detail
07.04.09 eXtensive.FIFA Detail
06.04.09 nG - FIFA 2009 Detail
31.03.09 nSydia & eXtensive Detail
31.03.09 Hall of fame FIFA (Trigun) gg Detail
30.03.09 neXtPlease Gaming Detail
30.03.09 Return of the Legends Detail
29.03.09 Team-Unleashed gg++ Detail
29.03.09 underCover.FIFA Detail
29.03.09 FuKa-Gaming Detail
28.03.09 Black-Zone.Reactor Detail
28.03.09 eXtensive.FIFA Detail
27.03.09 WE LOVE JELIC gg Detail
27.03.09 EYES ON U Detail
23.03.09 sin war mal gut Detail
20.03.09 Team-Unleashed Detail
18.03.09 aNgeL's WingS Detail
17.03.09 European Football Stars Detail
16.03.09 diamondZ e.V. Detail
14.03.09 Unity.FIFA.Cupaccount gg, but too many spamming in the irc-channel! Detail
12.03.09 Earthquake.Gaming gg Detail
11.03.09 European Football Stars Detail
10.03.09 S.A eSport- FiFa gg Detail
09.03.09 TurQuality-eSports Detail
09.03.09 Team-DEFCOM.fifa Detail
08.03.09 aNgeL's WingS gg all very good team Detail
08.03.09 Return of the Legends very good team Detail
05.03.09 Clanlos.FIFA gg Detail
03.03.09 DarknesS FIFA Detail
28.02.09 Fifanet.pl Academy gg Detail
24.02.09 Soccer4ever.fifa gg Detail
22.02.09 eFIFA School Team hajt! xd Detail
20.02.09 Return of the Legends Detail
16.02.09 Brave Brothers-Academy Detail
10.02.09 Hazardous Hallucinations Detail
09.02.09 Elite Fifa Spain laggers Detail
09.02.09 Antwerp Aces Detail
07.02.09 Return of the Legends Detail
06.02.09 Memory of aVon gg Detail
05.02.09 Slovak Republic Team Detail
03.02.09 mL-Gaming FIFA gg++ Detail
31.01.09 Club EG 2007 dzięki za meczyk Detail
29.01.09 eXtensive.FIFA Detail
27.01.09 pek.intel e-sports Detail
24.01.09 RedDevil's Detail
20.01.09 Never.Back.DOWN Detail
18.01.09 S.A eSport- FiFa GG Detail
18.01.09 NoClan Klan Detail
17.01.09 aNgeL's WingS Detail
15.01.09 AuX-Team Detail
14.01.09 H2k Detail
13.01.09 eXtensive.FIFA Detail
13.01.09 Return of the Legends Detail
12.01.09 Wolves Detail
11.01.09 Clossed1226 Detail
09.01.09 DreamTeam Detail
08.01.09 K1ck eSports Club FIFA Detail
04.01.09 Never.Back.DOWN Detail
04.01.09 nSydia & eXtensive Detail
03.01.09 uPro.Legends Detail
30.12.08 diamondZ e.V. Detail
28.12.08 off Good Connection & Fair Play GL IN THE FUTURE! Detail
27.12.08 OCB?! gg Detail
23.12.08 Wolves Detail
22.12.08 Semper Fidelis FIFA Detail
21.12.08 Play For Victory Detail
20.12.08 Team-Unleashed Detail
19.12.08 delete0990 Detail
18.12.08 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
17.12.08 ex Gamax Clan FIFA 08 hard match Detail
10.12.08 Never.Back.DOWN Detail
09.12.08 Nou Nejmy Detail
06.12.08 In Memory of Mindhack Detail
06.12.08 uPro.Legends Detail
06.12.08 Earthquake.Gaming Detail
05.12.08 European Football Stars Detail
04.12.08 ES-GAMING Detail
04.12.08 Wolves Detail
03.12.08 Maryno.FiFa Detail
02.12.08 DreamTeam Detail
01.12.08 Soccer4ever.fifa gg Detail
01.12.08 delete0990 Detail
28.11.08 Club EG 2007 Detail
27.11.08 iGn eSports.Fifa Detail
26.11.08 uNtouchables-eSports Fifa 2009 Detail
25.11.08 ex Gamax Clan FIFA 08 gg we waited 55 min for their player but ... Detail
24.11.08 OCB?! gg Detail
20.11.08 Never.Back.DOWN Detail
08.11.08 off Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.07.09 OCB?! gg Detail
17.06.09 Nou Nejmy Detail
16.06.09 Nou Nejmy Detail
09.06.09 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
26.04.09 Wolves Detail
13.04.09 Nou Nejmy Detail
10.04.09 Club EG 2007 Detail
03.04.09 Digital-eXtreme. Gaming dziekujemy za cw!!! Detail
24.03.09 Digital-eXtreme. Gaming Detail
13.03.09 Black-Zone.Reactor Detail
18.02.09 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus Detail
13.02.09 Hazardous Hallucinations Detail
12.02.09 Digital-eXtreme. Gaming Detail
11.02.09 eFIFA.pl TEAM GG Detail
04.02.09 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
04.02.09 Brave Brothers Detail
23.01.09 OCB?! Detail
21.01.09 Hazardous Hallucinations Detail
11.01.09 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
10.01.09 OCB?! gg Detail
06.01.09 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus Detail
05.01.09 Multis Pro Unsus FIFA Team Detail
30.12.08 Mistrzowie Swiata Detail
29.12.08 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
28.12.08 Wolves Detail
11.12.08 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
07.12.08 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus gg Detail
23.11.08 off Detail
19.11.08 Wolves Detail
12.11.08 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
11.11.08 Galacticos Devils Detail
09.11.08 Multis Pro Unsus FIFA Team Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar KOS IV
created from rating comment match
17.05.09 WithoutName.FIFA Detail
10.05.09 Soccer4ever.Copa Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar Spring Cup
created from rating comment match
26.03.09 Team-DEFCOM.fifa Detail

FIFA 09 5on5 EMS IV - polskie kwalifikacje
created from rating comment match
25.03.09 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
24.03.09 Nou Nejmy Detail

FIFA 09 5on5 EMS - polskie kwalifikacje drużynowe
created from rating comment match
21.03.09 eFIFA School Team pozdro dla Cinka lowa ;DDDDDd Detail
18.03.09 Digital-eXtreme. Gaming Dzieki GG ++ Powo dalej Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar Winter Playoffs
created from rating comment match
01.03.09 European Football Stars Detail

FIFA 09 5on5 Bałwanobranie - Faza Playoff
created from rating comment match
25.02.09 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail

FIFA 09 5on5 Bałwanobranie - Faza Grupowa
created from rating comment match
16.02.09 Nou Nejmy Detail
10.02.09 Semper Fidelis FIFA Detail
02.02.09 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus Detail
29.01.09 Brave Brothers Detail
21.01.09 Wolves Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar Winter League Groupstage
created from rating comment match
08.02.09 AuX-Team Detail
01.02.09 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
30.01.09 .A Detail
25.01.09 PinCho Detail