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Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy Hardcore 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.08.09 Reiss dich zusammen Nice Team GL in esl and rl Detail
07.07.09 Hermanos de Guerra Detail
05.07.09 LHC.3on3 Detail
02.07.09 Die Schmusetiere. Reloaded gg Detail
30.06.09 Clan of notorious Soldiers somthing was wrong on AeQuuS Server Detail
10.05.09 C4E GummiBärenBande gg leider oft gesprayed aber trotzdem good war Detail
09.05.09 dieGruendlichen.de gg nice game Detail
04.05.09 eXcessive-Gaming 5on5 HC Next time SC :D Detail
01.05.09 instant Detail
29.04.09 TeamMitDemGeilstenNamen gg Detail
26.04.09 Hardcoreheroes gg Detail
19.04.09 z3 sMOkerS sQuaD 1 Detail
02.04.09 MuhKuhSquad gg wp!! Detail
20.03.09 Nightwalker gg Detail
12.03.09 Sinnlos im Clan Krieg Detail
02.03.09 Knuddel Clan gg good guys good clan Detail
01.03.09 Elite Assault Shooters Detail
20.02.09 eXistence Crew gg Detail
16.02.09 Knuddel Clan gg wp like always :D Detail
27.01.09 myn2l.de mfg compton Detail
23.01.09 MuhKuhSquad Detail
18.01.09 Swat Italia Clan gg Detail
09.01.09 Knuddel Clan GG Detail
28.11.08 MuhKuhSquad Detail
16.11.08 Istari GG, good people ;) Detail
14.11.08 Drunken Wild Hogs Detail
09.11.08 Hermanos de Guerra Detail
07.11.08 ArtiK old school Accusing of cheats and Rup Fast Next Time Please Detail
03.11.08 Knuddel Clan Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy Hardcore 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.01.09 Knuddel Clan gg Detail