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Counter-Strike Funmap 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.01.11 emancypacja kobiet Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 AWP Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
24.12.10 Nie ma ze boli Detail
19.12.10 thirteen OLD Detail
30.11.10 hajabuza Detail
29.11.10 old gaming Detail
29.11.10 pracc Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
19.12.10 AMSTERDAM Detail
19.12.10 Kolby Detail
18.12.10 K@TY Detail
18.12.10 113a ! Detail

Counter-Strike 3on3 MR15 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
22.10.10 hooligans Detail
22.10.10 P.LUS 3on3 Detail
18.09.10 team Existence Reborn Detail
17.09.10 YELLOWMELLOW Detail
16.09.10 EUROGABKI Detail
14.09.10 nothing creative Detail
04.08.10 Dragon Ball Detail
03.08.10 HARD STYL Detail
03.08.10 marikony Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.01.10 injection team Detail
26.01.10 MADE IN HELL POL MR15 Detail
26.01.10 Bo snieg Detail
25.01.10 PEDO BEAR Detail
20.12.09 STAWIAMY OPRI Detail
20.12.09 AUTOKASKI Detail
20.12.09 playboy playah Detail
20.12.09 SeeKandDestroy 5on5 Detail
20.12.09 coldgame .LoL Poland Detail
20.12.09 Fear.5on5 Detail
19.12.09 blindness Detail
19.12.09 Menczyciele Czaszek Detail
19.12.09 FUNCLUB Dragon-Team Detail
18.12.09 Underground Players.cs Detail
18.12.09 WPIERDOLow Detail
18.12.09 rEBELIA Detail
17.12.09 Team Parodia.fnatic Detail
17.12.09 VERY HARD SKILL 3x3.eu Detail
17.12.09 BoomSlave Detail
16.12.09 team melanz Detail
16.12.09 cbteam Detail
16.12.09 dwadziescia zlotych Detail
16.12.09 hedopizgacze Detail
16.12.09 MAKEdotBELIEVE Detail
16.12.09 Siekiera w Drzwi Detail
16.12.09 kAtters1337 Detail
15.12.09 iN FLAMES Detail
15.12.09 Polish Game Control .cs Detail
15.12.09 Twarzowcy 5on5 Detail
15.12.09 AUTOKASKI Detail
15.12.09 Paradiso Girls! Detail
15.12.09 rEBELIA Detail
14.12.09 hedopizgacze Detail
14.12.09 PSZCZOLA Detail
14.12.09 zaklad Karny 5on5 Detail
14.12.09 WJAZDNACHATE Detail
13.12.09 ULTIMATE kaTTax! eSports CLUB Detail
13.12.09 5 THE FORCE UNLEASHED Detail
13.12.09 renamed by ESL Detail
12.12.09 cbteam Detail
12.12.09 DYREKTORZY Detail
12.12.09 Info od Boga Detail
10.12.09 iZ C00L Detail
09.12.09 dwadziescia zlotych Detail
09.12.09 H E X A G O N Detail
08.12.09 Adios Uncle Tom Detail
07.12.09 Adrenaline eXplosioN CLUB Detail
07.12.09 nnnz 5on5 Detail
07.12.09 RADAWUHACZY Detail
05.12.09 Team ciotEd Detail
05.12.09 TURBODYMOMAN Detail
05.12.09 Menczyciele Czaszek Detail
05.12.09 Team ciotEd Detail
04.12.09 AUTOKASKI Detail
04.12.09 MAKEdotBELIEVE Detail
04.12.09 Siekiera w Drzwi Detail
03.12.09 OWNUJE FECIE Detail
03.12.09 FRED PERRY Detail
03.12.09 Niemozliwi! Detail
03.12.09 LOLECZKI Detail
03.12.09 team melanz Detail
03.12.09 Lamehack Detail
02.12.09 PIZGATORY Detail
01.12.09 mixy.pl Detail
30.11.09 Team DEFACTO EAS Detail
30.11.09 Team Parodia.fnatic Detail
26.11.09 toplvlekipa Detail
25.11.09 team16 Detail
24.11.09 Menczyciele Czaszek Detail
24.11.09 Amazing Gaming Detail
23.11.09 nonNotus Detail
23.11.09 Hakuna Matata Detail
22.11.09 Ultimate Gaming Detail
22.11.09 PIZGATORY Detail
22.11.09 Empty Walls Detail
22.11.09 Calvin Klein Detail
22.11.09 ULTIMATE kaTTax! eSports CLUB Detail
21.11.09 Anima vilis Detail
21.11.09 Lepiej Spedzony Dzien Detail
21.11.09 Adrenaline eXplosioN CLUB Detail
21.11.09 Marihuanina Detail
21.11.09 plecy gejming Detail
21.11.09 WPIERDOLow Detail
21.11.09 Ekipa Dobrego Czynu Detail
20.11.09 L33T CR3W Detail
20.11.09 AUTOKASKI Detail
20.11.09 Team Parodia.fnatic Detail
20.11.09 InfinityHunters Detail
20.11.09 Fumo Erba Detail
19.11.09 BoomSlave Detail
19.11.09 Lamehack Detail
19.11.09 Empty Walls Detail
18.11.09 Anima vilis gg Detail
18.11.09 nieobliczalni Detail
18.11.09 plecy gejming Detail
17.11.09 ASTRONAUCI Detail
17.11.09 TEAM WARIAT Detail
17.11.09 Twarzowcy Detail
17.11.09 Twarzowcy Detail
16.11.09 Stereotype ProXion Rank Detail
16.11.09 ADHDcrew Detail
16.11.09 mixy.pl Detail
16.11.09 team melanz Detail
14.11.09 BoomSlave Detail
14.11.09 HYPER.A1M Detail
13.11.09 TEAM OGIEN Detail
13.11.09 COCCOL1NO Detail
13.11.09 pornoBOYS Detail
13.11.09 BoomSlave Detail
12.11.09 Liberian Players Detail
12.11.09 tim loosers Detail
12.11.09 BRAZYLIJSKIE DZBANY vol.2 Detail
12.11.09 Polish Game Control .cs Detail
11.11.09 divinE et impera Detail
08.11.09 United-Forces Detail
08.11.09 ENCORE Detail
08.11.09 tim loosers Detail
06.11.09 bang! Detail
06.11.09 GRiFiNS Detail
06.11.09 Trzej Krolowie Detail
05.11.09 baba czy chlop? Detail
03.11.09 team melanz Detail
03.11.09 TEAM OGIEN Detail
02.11.09 mix_02 Detail
01.11.09 pornoBOYS Detail
01.11.09 Kibice Polski Detail
30.10.09 PSZCZOLA Detail
28.10.09 toplvlekipa Detail
27.10.09 Nam strzelac nie kazano Detail
26.10.09 ULTIMATE kaTTax! eSports CLUB Detail
26.10.09 TEAM OGIEN Detail
25.10.09 MIX0WNIA Detail
25.10.09 PRIDE 5x5 Detail
25.10.09 PSZCZOLA Detail
25.10.09 MYKHZ Detail
25.10.09 Trzej Krolowie Detail
25.10.09 JOKERS Detail
25.10.09 Plonsk Detail
25.10.09 baba czy chlop? Detail
24.10.09 Szybkie Szachy m1xando Detail
20.10.09 PRIDE 5x5 Detail
20.10.09 We Love Kate Voegelee Detail
19.10.09 mix_01 Detail
19.10.09 DIABELKI gg Detail
18.10.09 BARLINEK Detail
18.10.09 WeDontCare Detail
18.10.09 Biedroneczki Detail
18.10.09 AGGRESIVE GAMING Detail
18.10.09 MYKHZ Detail
18.10.09 K3B@B!@RZ3 Detail
18.10.09 BoomSlave Detail
18.10.09 WZITY SOSITY Detail
17.10.09 BoomSlave Detail
17.10.09 We Love Kate Voegelee Detail
17.10.09 Pejsy Detail
16.10.09 Nam strzelac nie kazano Detail
16.10.09 Electronic Cheats League Detail
16.10.09 MODECOM Detail
16.10.09 RECYDYWA Detail
15.10.09 no to sru Detail
15.10.09 X-Ray Infernalin Detail
15.10.09 Bijemy w Ryj Detail
15.10.09 SZCZECIN.CZM Detail
15.10.09 HIGHFLYERS MOCNY Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.11.08 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Detail
17.11.08 gods company Detail
17.11.08 radiance inactive Detail
17.11.08 myWIFE Detail
16.11.08 luxus Detail
16.11.08 Nocne Bobry Detail
16.11.08 pLace mix Detail
15.11.08 blank Detail
15.11.08 Bad Manners.cs Detail
15.11.08 Animal Detail
14.11.08 soviet power supreme Detail
14.11.08 NINJAKIDS Detail
14.11.08 ZEMBLESS Detail
14.11.08 NUBASOW DO WORA Detail
13.11.08 EmptyWallZ Detail
12.11.08 fara para cira tooongaa Detail
12.11.08 LOLOWO Detail
12.11.08 WESOLY CS gg Detail
11.11.08 elyta Detail
11.11.08 myWIFE Detail
11.11.08 tim headuvers Detail
11.11.08 THE SKUNHEADS Detail
11.11.08 boslou Detail
10.11.08 COLDPLAY Detail
09.11.08 SHOTTA Detail
09.11.08 Bombardierzy Detail
09.11.08 zw ide polezec Detail
09.11.08 NINJAKIDS Detail
09.11.08 Nazwa zastrzezona. Detail
09.11.08 FIRMA JP Detail
08.11.08 empty Detail
08.11.08 SKYNET gg Detail
08.11.08 mix Detail
08.11.08 WNW Detail
08.11.08 NUBASOW DO WORA Detail
07.11.08 freaks Detail
07.11.08 RUMCAJSY x Detail
07.11.08 ZWST Detail
06.11.08 opor opor Detail
03.11.08 FIRMA JP Detail
02.11.08 Wsiadaj Robin Detail
02.11.08 WESOLY CS gg Detail
01.11.08 chlebek zostal podjedzony Detail
01.11.08 empty Detail
01.11.08 Atari Teenage Riot widać rodzice nie nauczyli kultury Detail
01.11.08 EUPHORIA CS Detail
31.10.08 KONTO ACME Detail
31.10.08 elyta Detail
31.10.08 Nadzy i Puszysci Detail
30.10.08 Playaz Universe Detail
30.10.08 SHOTTA Detail
29.10.08 Tubylcy Betonu Detail
29.10.08 empty Detail
29.10.08 NUBASOW DO WORA Detail
29.10.08 FIRMA JP Detail
28.10.08 Niemozliwi! Detail
26.10.08 LANYOFF Detail
18.10.08 myWIFE Detail
18.10.08 elyta Detail
17.10.08 NA BOGATOOOOO Detail
17.10.08 nosce te ipsum Detail
17.10.08 ORP GROM GG Detail
16.10.08 nagie psy Detail
16.10.08 LANOWE CHLOPAKI Detail
15.10.08 fighters.team MIXOWO Detail
13.10.08 Street Kings Detail
12.10.08 KARA MUSTAFA Detail
11.10.08 CZLOWIENIU Detail
10.10.08 GIGASET Detail
10.10.08 eXTREMEHOUSE 5on5 Detail
10.10.08 Kalesony Boga Wojny Detail
09.10.08 OGARY Detail
09.10.08 KH Detail
09.10.08 myWIFE Detail
08.10.08 elyta Detail