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Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
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08.06.12 RAJA KLAN Detail
22.04.12 Bad Warriors Detail
15.03.12 Area01 Detail
06.03.12 SHUT DOWN Detail
01.03.12 Snipers Elite Portuguesa Detail
28.02.12 pandemic - COD Detail
13.02.12 Team Beastmode Detail
13.02.12 Area01 Detail
01.11.10 FrogZ Detail
01.11.10 OpA-Sturm-Trupp 5on5 EU-Squad gg Detail
26.10.10 Ompare Detail
26.10.10 Protype Detail
25.10.10 respawn eSports CoD4 gg Detail
22.10.10 Paranoia eSports Cod4 Detail
22.10.10 Never on Top Detail
21.10.10 Team Decerto! Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 5on5 Opening Cup
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24.11.11 UNLIMITED club Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder Old
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20.10.10 Team RAIDERS Detail
13.10.10 ReQuiem Detail
04.11.09 Clinex Detail
29.10.09 Cod Wars FH Detail
14.10.09 eScuadron Suicida Detail
08.10.09 AJIERRO GG bien jugado amigos!! hasta la proxima! Detail
24.06.09 CoD3cS e-Sports gg Detail
16.06.09 Royal Soldiers by Xyon Detail
04.06.09 SnK Detail
02.06.09 ApoCorpS Muy buena señores Detail
27.05.09 Quick Combat Detail
20.05.09 Clan Elite Shooters Buena Gente. GG Detail
12.05.09 Devil Fighters e.Sports Detail
11.05.09 Clan CTC .DivisioN PatCom. Detail
06.05.09 CLAN ASSURE Detail
05.05.09 Clan FeNiX Detail
23.04.09 Clan F.S.P buena war, gran remontada Detail
16.04.09 Squad 3v COD4 Detail
02.04.09 2KO M.Squad Detail
30.03.09 Devil Figthers Bravo e.Sports gg Detail
11.03.09 borrarplise Buena war gente:D Detail
11.03.09 ApoCorpS Detail
02.03.09 JDA Detail
25.02.09 LKT Detail
18.02.09 The SenSation the limit! Detail
17.02.09 JDA Detail
16.02.09 4x4 eSports Club Detail
05.02.09 Ala De Muerte Detail
04.02.09 CTC Nacional Detail
29.01.09 Sacrifice Squad 3nDleSS Detail
27.01.09 2KO M.Squad Detail
24.01.09 Spanish Edonkeys Detail
22.01.09 Clan Gaditanos Buena war pichas!!! Detail
20.01.09 Viva La Fiesta Detail
15.01.09 FTE wena war Detail
19.12.08 Dia-D Detail
12.12.08 G.Point Buena war , es un placer jugar con gente como vosotros. Detail
05.12.08 Soldados Rasos Detail
03.12.08 Team Kamikazes Detail
28.11.08 MidNight Detail
27.11.08 Yoo-Hoo Five Detail
25.11.08 eScuadron Suicida Detail
20.11.08 Subliminal Kontrol Detail
18.11.08 iNsErSo Detail
17.11.08 Only For Friends bien xabales Detail
14.11.08 Soldados Rasos Detail
11.11.08 FTE Detail
31.10.08 Viva La Fiesta Detail
22.10.08 12345678io buena war Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
17.12.09 Next Generation COD4 gg tios, y no hacia falta que pararais, queriamos seguir jugando Detail
16.12.09 QuiCk Combat by servermania Detail

Call of Duty: World at War Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.06.09 Obskure klan Wena WAR!!! ya echaremos la rebancha! Saludos Detail
17.06.09 Clan FeNiX Detail
22.05.09 Shooter-Spain Detail
21.04.09 Katunor gg Detail
29.03.09 Clan brO Detail
26.03.09 Lem.Cod Mw2 Detail
19.03.09 ICECLAN Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Best of Backlot
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26.05.09 The Numb3rS Alpha Detail

Call of Duty: World at War Capture The Flag 3on3 Ladder
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07.05.09 XPlayers Detail

Call of Duty: World at War Search & Destroy 5on5 MapPack Cup
created from rating comment match
26.04.09 Suicidal Tendencies Soldiers GG. Muy wena war xavales. Hasta la próxima Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Best Crossfire Cup
created from rating comment match
10.03.09 Wizards cups Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 NightCup I
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08.03.09 The Numb3rS Alpha Detail