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Call of Duty: World at War Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.01.10 Delicious Gaming Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.01.10 inkativvv 1887 , campers & wh Detail
03.01.10 Aerosol eSports 2vs2 low team only 1887 Detail
02.01.10 polstar team Detail
02.01.10 signTeX-gaming Detail
02.01.10 Sowieso die Coolsten Damn Model and noob Tube lamer! Learn to play, noobs! Detail
01.01.10 der berg ruft ! modell & camp ..srsly only lame Detail
01.01.10 Straw-Hat-Danger Cant play without cheating and akimbo 1887 totally noob style ESL BAN [on] pls Detail
01.01.10 häcktif Detail
01.01.10 2x euphoria Detail
31.12.09 Bear-Shadow NooB-Tuber-AkimboPupen-omg Detail
31.12.09 polstar team Detail
31.12.09 ownzZ. Cod6 Detail
31.12.09 Team Thermaltake Detail
31.12.09 low aber stolz scheis cheater Detail
30.12.09 alice in hyrule Detail
30.12.09 FsK MW2 WTF CAMPING Detail
29.12.09 nKouy say to me no gl and used 1887 -.- Detail
28.12.09 alice in hyrule Detail
28.12.09 The DaeMon.CoD Detail
28.12.09 UNIQUE eSports AW Detail
28.12.09 59.SturmTrupp-Beta Squad akimbo rust Detail
27.12.09 Rumcajsy Detail
27.12.09 aubafsfa Detail
26.12.09 Sowieso die Coolsten Detail
26.12.09 larifari66 Detail
26.12.09 Team Faustschlag Detail
26.12.09 Die Homofürste Detail
26.12.09 Gamers-Fightclub 2on2 Alpha Detail
26.12.09 insane - networks Detail
26.12.09 TdG gg Detail
25.12.09 Austrian Powers two Detail
25.12.09 Delicious Gaming Detail
25.12.09 Happiness By The Kilowatt Detail
25.12.09 Brothers Of Weapons lamers and campers Detail
25.12.09 Delicious Gaming akimbo spray 2 win Detail
24.12.09 Team Faustschlag Detail
23.12.09 epilepi aber happy Detail
23.12.09 Team PLASMA.2on2 next time plz without model 1887 :x ^^ Detail
22.12.09 kruppstahl.mw2 gg Detail
21.12.09 Team Faustschlag Detail
21.12.09 Tony eSports gg Detail
10.12.09 Bildungsstreik gg Detail
10.12.09 HyPG Detail
09.12.09 hypz feat. scr noob weapons OMFG Detail
09.12.09 Aerosol eSports 2vs2 Detail
09.12.09 InCoGniTo TeQuilaa Detail
09.12.09 AEF MW2' Detail
09.12.09 inaktiv Ladder suxxhard Detail
09.12.09 Les aventures de Tintin Detail
09.12.09 Bildungsstreik Detail
08.12.09 FEUEEEEEEEER very late. camp on, brain off, gg =) Detail
08.12.09 Rage.2on2 flame and cheats Detail
08.12.09 SchülerNubs Well done :-) Detail
08.12.09 eXtreme64*.CoD6 at end of match flame Detail
08.12.09 Clan.Destino Detail
08.12.09 H34DZO74U70M47 2on2 Detail
08.12.09 Bildungsstreik gg Detail
08.12.09 Alive (dutchgamers) Detail
07.12.09 G-Buster.MW2 2on2 Detail
07.12.09 Hard Strike Nation Detail
07.12.09 AW-GAM!NG Detail
05.12.09 E.T & Big Foot sorry Detail
05.12.09 InCoGniTo TeQuilaa Detail
05.12.09 lol wie low nc Detail
05.12.09 PRICEless Soap Detail
04.12.09 Ohne Witz camper and noobtube!!! Detail
04.12.09 umgwtf danm gl, only using this =/ thats not funny -. - Detail
02.12.09 Cypisy gg Detail
02.12.09 Call of Dudes Detail
01.12.09 Vodka oNmasZ gg Detail
01.12.09 gbvhubh Detail
01.12.09 hypz feat. scr noobtuber... Detail
30.11.09 Mumu Schabubu Detail
30.11.09 Kiss-My-Ass Grenade launcher only, go buy skill Detail
30.11.09 Revolution-X MW2 2on2 Detail
30.11.09 OverDose Detail
30.11.09 NeXt Detail
30.11.09 Kill Master Detail
29.11.09 Republic Of Gamers.2v2 gg Detail
29.11.09 INYOURASS. Detail
29.11.09 COD 6 Tampons Reloaded Detail
28.11.09 umgwtf gg guys :> Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.12.09 International Task Force Next time MR8 guys gg Detail
28.12.09 05.11.09 ! Detail
17.01.09 d64.CoD4.2on2 -- Detail
03.01.09 QALCOM Detail
01.01.09 kkthxbb very strange people which always make protest Detail
31.12.08 Fcgaming Detail
30.12.08 Jay und Silent Bob Detail
27.12.08 eXtreme Gamers - 2 vs 2 Detail
07.12.08 multifunKtQ.ol Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
27.12.09 CAGASOTTO team 2on2 Detail
06.07.09 Acido Stannico Detail
12.06.09 ultimate definition Detail
25.05.09 ExAEquoItaliacod4 2 vs 2 Detail
24.05.09 GuEriLLa eSports 2on2 Detail
29.04.09 Free4Fun Detail
13.04.09 hYbrid 2vs2 gg Detail
10.04.09 e.Gaming Z ho un compagno nappo.... Detail
09.04.09 AND 2 Detail
09.04.09 axios Detail
09.04.09 iPvoGamevs 2on2 Detail
08.04.09 WuuZuuuuP Detail
07.04.09 Team Sciocchi Detail
30.03.09 Mikado Team Detail
27.03.09 zenit. gg Detail
25.03.09 The Shadows Oscure Detail
23.03.09 incredibl3 Detail
22.03.09 Team Sciocchi Detail
08.03.09 cruZer team Detail
02.03.09 BandaDellaMagliana Detail
28.02.09 checksix GG =) Detail
20.02.09 White Power 2on2 Detail
17.02.09 I LUMBARD DOC Detail
15.02.09 Rash Detail
15.02.09 Future Soldiers Detail
08.02.09 IHS 2on2 Ladder Detail
01.02.09 Airborne team Beta Detail
30.01.09 eXtreme Gamers - 2 vs 2 Detail
20.01.09 ThE WormS Detail
19.01.09 Future Soldiers nice1 Detail
17.01.09 Airborne team Beta Detail
17.01.09 Full Headshot .CoD4 2on2 Detail
16.01.09 Lega Nerd Detail
16.01.09 M.A.S. Detail
15.01.09 eXtreme Gamers - 2 vs 2 Detail
07.01.09 nameLess eSports Detail
30.12.08 deadCrew gg Detail
27.12.08 M.A.S. Detail
15.12.08 netDEMONs team 2on2 un gg ci sta sempre bb Detail
12.12.08 Pingu Team 2v2 Detail
11.12.08 The Lagghetor Detail
02.12.08 nameLess eSports Detail
28.11.08 ReBeL gg Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 2on2 TwinCup VII
created from rating comment match
29.01.09 oblivion Detail

Call of Duty: World at War Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.01.09 PoDgOrA's TeAm Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy Hardcore 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.01.09 eXcessive-Gaming 2on2 Elite Detail
08.01.09 Patt und Patterchen gg Detail
29.12.08 In memory of eX.eSports Detail
27.12.08 J.L.B GG Detail
27.12.08 HBS DoublePack gg Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.12.08 Bournout at Play low camper!!!!!! dont play vs this team!!!! Detail
11.12.08 1220 nOObs 4ever Detail
02.12.08 AI-Gaming m8 leaves before end Detail
26.11.08 FFT gg Detail
25.11.08 guten taq gg Detail
24.11.08 csevin & aschi Detail
23.11.08 grassi & digger Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 2on2 TwinCup VI
created from rating comment match
27.11.08 2.0 boys Detail