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Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 2on2 Old Ladder
created from rating comment match
07.01.09 Portugalujos Detail
06.01.09 uino gg Detail
06.01.09 bretonbeLgicien Detail
05.01.09 Schnell Steil Geil very laggy Detail
05.01.09 we pwn ya all Detail
05.01.09 Unter Uns Detail
23.12.08 bretonbeLgicien lag and deconnect Detail
23.12.08 Jogadeiros Detail
23.12.08 We are rigged.pes Detail
23.12.08 78 AllStar Detail
23.12.08 Decima Mas Detail
23.12.08 QuEsO MeCaNiCooOo LAG AND DISCONNECT Detail
23.12.08 we pwn ya all Detail
23.12.08 Tuga_Power_2011 lag Detail
22.12.08 delinquent gamers Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.12.08 Les Dogue Allemands Detail
23.12.08 bretonbeLgicien deconnecter or 2-0 Detail