Rating FRENCH ..FR

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Counter-Strike King of the Hill Cup #1
created from rating comment match
02.05.11 godmates dabruck RIP Detail
25.04.11 SUNRISE GAMING Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club NightCup v196
created from rating comment match
18.04.11 CRAMPONS AUX PIEDS Detail
17.04.11 REDZONE Detail
17.04.11 Ahjtaipeter Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club NightCup v194
created from rating comment match
15.04.11 LA SAUCE POUR LES KSOS Detail
15.04.11 redzone.6 Detail
15.04.11 High-Quality Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club NightCup v188
created from rating comment match
03.04.11 LA SAUCE POUR LES KSOS Detail
02.04.11 mdrkwa Detail
02.04.11 lsd Detail
02.04.11 Misanthrope.cs Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club NightCup v187
created from rating comment match
01.04.11 lsd Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club NightCup v186
created from rating comment match
31.03.11 CRAMPONS AUX PIEDS Detail
31.03.11 12pps Detail

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.03.11 W8.G Detail
28.03.11 Xp3rienZ GG les gars, a bientot Detail
21.02.11 team eXosia Detail
21.02.11 team eXosia Detail
16.06.10 offenSiv Cz Detail
10.06.10 Light Warrior Team Detail
03.06.10 Full Stop Detail
25.05.10 TheCzdians Detail
09.05.10 I Need Paradise .Cz lame, team pas intéréssante du tout Detail
25.03.10 Fg Team GG A VOUS Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club NightCup v182
created from rating comment match
24.03.11 godmates Detail
23.03.11 king kong wallshot lamers Detail
23.03.11 Orig1nal.cs Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.01.11 quota GG Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.01.11 KLESZCZE .2on2EU Detail
13.01.11 MURPHY LAVIN group Detail
13.01.11 MAJIN friendly french guys o_O what a wounder ^^ Detail
13.01.11 sexy babyboyz Detail
13.01.11 Aiming JJ Detail

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 5on5 MR15 Fall's Tournament 2010 v1
created from rating comment match
15.10.10 aGressiV Against All. Cs.Go Detail
15.10.10 E.fp Detail

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.03.10 ADICOLOR GG Detail
10.03.10 GOoD-BrAiN Detail
09.03.10 Brain To Skill Detail
08.03.10 TheCzdians Detail
07.03.10 liberty .CZ Detail
07.10.09 IGamerZZ Detail
05.10.09 aGressiV Against All. Cs.Go Detail
24.08.09 In Game.Gaming Detail
21.08.09 DIBIZED Detail
18.08.09 Triade Detail
13.08.09 liberty-Since2003 Detail
06.08.09 DigitalK Detail
06.08.09 Triade Detail
31.07.09 eXn Detail
30.07.09 OG'Pr0D Detail
30.07.09 art Of kill 4ever Detail
30.07.09 angels Of frag.cz Detail
29.07.09 Barman CZ Detail
29.07.09 Team k2w Detail
29.07.09 La Team Des Chti Detail
28.07.09 thank You Detail
28.07.09 iG.Cz - Detail
28.07.09 angels Of frag.cz Detail
27.07.09 Triade Detail
27.07.09 aCs Detail
26.07.09 rest in peace Detail
26.07.09 W8.G GG Detail
01.03.09 cLonz Detail
28.02.09 Why Always me.. Bj les gars Detail
27.02.09 iRis.gaming Cz Detail
25.02.09 In Memory oS.Com Detail
20.02.09 aGressiV Against All. Cs.Go Detail
20.02.09 deleted fiche svp Detail
14.02.09 BOBOKILLERZ Detail
13.02.09 supprimez la fiche plz Detail
10.02.09 United - Since 2008 Detail

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 5on5 MR15 5on5 OldSchool
created from rating comment match
25.08.09 IceDream Detail
18.08.09 Barman CZ Detail
17.08.09 Oldschool.5v5 Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
25.02.09 IN DA BOSH Detail
13.02.09 PAMPERS Detail
10.02.09 BINOME 2ON2 ESL Detail

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.02.09 FRAGB9X hackers see u lan :) Detail
15.02.09 BOBOKILLERZ Detail