Rating Black 

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Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Spring League 2011
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18.05.11 Peculiar Gaming.DoD:S Detail
17.05.11 in memory of Evil Genius Detail
11.05.11 RELAPSE! DODS Detail
20.04.11 maagic WP Detail

Day of Defeat: Source Bundesliga Saison 11 Gruppenphase
created from rating comment match
03.04.11 Sommer-Pause Detail
28.03.11 Team.PDEG gg ++ :P Detail
13.03.11 Desire Power Gaming Detail
08.03.11 la.familia Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Spring League 2011 Quali 3
created from rating comment match
22.03.11 Alpha Squad Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Wintercup 2011
created from rating comment match
16.01.11 insular DoD:S Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Autumn League 2010
created from rating comment match
23.11.10 dA! Gaming DoD:S Detail
14.11.10 Entropy.dods Detail
07.11.10 unStopablya! Detail
06.11.10 In Memory of BOS Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Herbstcup 2010
created from rating comment match
26.10.10 Team scarleX Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.10.10 kkthxbye Detail
20.09.10 Endemic Detail
15.09.10 aw3some.dod Detail
11.08.10 Lauf oder Stirb DoD:S Detail
05.08.10 Playground Avenue Detail
03.08.10 oSk Gaming Detail
19.07.10 kkthxbye nice rates ;) Detail
29.03.10 fuBAR gg Detail
08.03.10 hard-knocks.ladder Detail
25.02.10 Team Empire DoD:S Detail
04.02.10 In Memory of Detail
24.01.10 In Memory Of Relapse-Gaming Detail
21.01.10 Tribute-Gaming-SoM Detail
14.01.10 Team Empire DoD:S Detail
13.01.10 Sommer-Pause Detail
07.01.10 Platz der Einheit Gamer.ea Detail
06.01.10 In Memory Of Relapse-Gaming Detail
02.01.10 MicroGames Detail
25.11.09 brain-failures.css Detail
18.11.09 outCast Detail
18.11.09 naoWned Detail
13.10.09 inXtenso Detail
12.10.09 echoes gg guys Detail
08.10.09 eMpathy .dods Detail
05.10.09 Syntax-clan Detail
29.09.09 New generation servers Detail
28.09.09 naoWned GG !!! Detail
24.09.09 FirstFrag.DoDS Detail
23.09.09 Elite Sturm-Kommando Detail
20.09.09 In memory of elite.aIm Detail
17.09.09 Team Empire DoD:S Detail
14.09.09 eMpathy.dods Detail
10.09.09 SnoopY.dods Detail
09.09.09 Desire Power Gaming Detail
08.09.09 NITROSE.CheapKey.fr Detail
06.09.09 upper Detail
08.07.09 C Bon TouAaa Detail
29.06.09 Lauf oder Stirb DoD:S medium GG Detail
22.06.09 hahahaha.cheater only mgs and tommys n1. Detail
17.06.09 lp.Bahamut Detail
30.05.09 hahahaha.cheater Detail
28.05.09 no me Rayes Detail
20.05.09 eMpathy.dods Detail
18.05.09 Team Premiums Detail
14.05.09 DON'T SHOOT ME Detail
07.05.09 GSG Squad GG Detail
06.05.09 Afrikakorps Detail
26.04.09 out Detail
22.04.09 In Memory of dA Gaming DODS Detail
14.04.09 Alpha Squad Detail
25.03.09 Ls.dk gg. thanks for nice match Detail
19.03.09 Letal-Team Detail
18.03.09 Alpha Squad Detail
12.03.09 Sexy and OldSql Detail
11.03.09 Nipple Addiction Multigaming Detail
08.03.09 Haufen Detail
05.03.09 The Devils Clan AUT 6on6 Detail
01.03.09 Flipside e-Sports Detail
26.02.09 Mit freundlichen Gruessen PA Spawnnade in der ersten runde harrington Detail
26.02.09 One Bullet Kill Detail
24.02.09 ArcAngels Barchiel Detail
22.02.09 EliXir Detail
19.02.09 C Bon TouAaa no problemo Detail
18.02.09 Lauf oder Stirb DoD:S Detail

Day of Defeat: Source Bundesliga Saison 10 Gruppenphase
created from rating comment match
10.10.10 EnRo GRIFFINS bye bye! Detail
26.09.10 Sommer-Pause Detail
19.09.10 eXotic.eu GG Hard Match Detail
17.09.10 Team.PDEG Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Sommercup 2010
created from rating comment match
22.08.10 aw3some.dod Detail
08.08.10 sturmrueben Detail
01.08.10 eXotic.dods Detail

Day of Defeat: Source Bundesliga Saison 9 Playoffs 2nd
created from rating comment match
11.04.10 Peculiar Gaming.DoD:S Ein Finale ohne Stv ist iwie sehr bitter und dann einen server wechsel zu verweigern... Detail
21.03.10 in memory of hQ-Gaming Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 EMS VI Quali - QR1
created from rating comment match
30.03.10 what the fock ?! Detail

Day of Defeat: Source Bundesliga Saison 9 Gruppenphase
created from rating comment match
07.03.10 Peculiar Gaming.DoD:S Detail
21.02.10 unified.dods.oFF Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Custom Map Cup #2
created from rating comment match
27.12.09 insular DoD:S Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 League Autumn 2009 Open
created from rating comment match
02.12.09 Demasiado Artistico Detail
15.11.09 DesasterClan.TU Detail

Day of Defeat: Source Liga Saison 8 Gruppenphase
created from rating comment match
25.10.09 leer007 Medium lässt grüßen ;) Detail
18.10.09 in Memory of logiX e.V. Detail
11.10.09 myRevenge e.V. Detail
04.10.09 lp.Bahamut gg, gl 4 following matches Detail
27.09.09 Tribute-Gaming-SoM Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Open EMS V Qualification Cup
created from rating comment match
11.10.09 mTxServ .dod:s Detail
11.10.09 PhenixGaming Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Summer Cup 2009 Division 2
created from rating comment match
06.09.09 Tribute-Gaming-SoM Detail
18.08.09 mysTix.Girls! Detail
02.08.09 myn2L.de DoDS gg Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Summer Cup 2009 Qualification
created from rating comment match
09.07.09 Desire Power Gaming Detail

Day of Defeat: Source Liga Saison 7 Gruppenphase
created from rating comment match
16.06.09 elite.quRe Detail
07.06.09 Suchtbande #R.I.P nettes Team Detail
24.05.09 RIP EnRo DoDs :( Detail
20.05.09 Arc Angels Gabriel Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 League Spring 2009 Open Playoffs Division 3
created from rating comment match
21.05.09 Elixir2 Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 League Spring 2009 Open
created from rating comment match
20.04.09 Power Of Knowledge Detail
05.04.09 In memory of muppets Detail