Rating 1stCav Riders of Apocalypse 

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Alliance of Valiant Arms Demolition 5v5 Celebration Cup!
created from rating comment match
06.05.12 Nothing Detail
05.05.12 PokerSt4rs obvious chams but W/E Detail
05.05.12 deep Detail

Alliance of Valiant Arms Demolition 4on4 Plus 5on5 Team Cup
created from rating comment match
20.03.11 Ro Sprayers Detail
18.03.11 Curse.EU gg Detail
14.03.11 AVA.b00bs Detail
07.03.11 Patriots eSport A.V.A. Detail

Combat Arms Search & Destroy 4on4 Pro Ladder
created from rating comment match
08.11.09 Czech smerfuf i smerfetka Detail
08.11.09 VeryInsanePeople .Errore Detail
20.10.09 The Dark Syndicate GG Detail

Combat Arms Search & Destroy 4on4 PRO Cup
created from rating comment match
25.10.09 in Memory of UHPS Team.CA Detail
19.10.09 CEFO Detail
13.10.09 Never Die Alone.CA Detail

Combat Arms Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
25.10.09 The Dark Syndicate Detail
11.10.09 DELETE Pl0X Detail
23.09.09 in Memory of UHPS Team.CA Detail
09.07.09 el3ktron!k arMy Detail
06.07.09 steel soldiers Detail
03.07.09 Bacon Pancakes! Detail
30.06.09 Finnish Force Detail
24.06.09 KillInG SpreE Detail
18.06.09 UNIKAT.GAMING e.V. CA Detail
02.06.09 Sprzedam Sanki SYS-gaming.com Detail
28.05.09 Bacon Pancakes! Detail
21.04.09 In memory of faculty.CA gg Detail
03.04.09 TeamGROM Detail
01.04.09 In memory of faculty.CA gg Detail
26.03.09 CEFO Detail
22.03.09 4fun 3vs3 Detail
19.03.09 Remember2k9 gg Detail
18.03.09 Vexy Team Detail
15.03.09 Brotherhood-Gaming Dont know if hack/bug or not... but ok gg Detail
10.03.09 ReMiX Detail
05.03.09 Bacon Pancakes! gg Detail
05.03.09 CEFO Detail
03.03.09 TORMENT adek&majmaa Detail
27.02.09 TeamGROM Detail

Combat Arms Team Deathmatch 3on3+ PRO Cup
created from rating comment match
25.09.09 PRO - STAKI gg Detail
14.09.09 Fan@tics Detail
10.09.09 Remember2k9 Detail

Combat Arms Search & Destroy 3on3+ Summer League 2009 Playoffs
created from rating comment match
04.09.09 Combat Arms Summercup09 Detail
26.08.09 SoA.GaminG - LoL - Detail

Combat Arms Search & Destroy 3on3+ Summer League 09
created from rating comment match
05.08.09 TRD-eSports CA I gg :D Detail
30.07.09 Combat Arms Summercup09 Detail