Rating OpA-Sturm-Trupp 5on5 EU-Squad 

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Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
31.01.11 Auf HC sind wir HIGH :-) gg Detail
16.01.11 CLIPTEK.de - laPLAY Detail
19.12.10 DoomPlatoon 5on5 CoD 4 Detail
12.12.10 INACTIVEGAMNG Detail
05.12.10 The Second Coming Detail
02.12.10 myeSport.cod4 5on5 Detail
21.11.10 LegioN Gaming Detail
01.11.10 Unidad de Intervencion Tactica Detail
24.10.10 INRI Detail
05.09.10 Ewenement Detail
05.09.10 riSing-esports Mainteam Detail
28.08.10 ecortys progaming team very good opponent Detail
22.08.10 Unskilled-ownage gg Detail
10.08.10 BLOOD-CLAN-GERMANY CoD4 Alpha Detail
07.08.10 riSing-esports Mainteam Detail
19.07.10 Closed..ä i.O. Detail
18.07.10 The Infinity Power Detail
05.07.10 The Last Resistance Detail
07.06.10 Team aquatiX. Detail
19.05.10 coHesion Gaming nette, faire gegner Detail
16.05.10 pLuR Detail
09.05.10 llooll Detail
25.04.10 qAZEN Gaming Detail
19.04.10 Team Hardware-Mods Oldman Crew gg Detail
28.03.10 Knuddel Clan GG, WP :) Detail
28.03.10 SySTechnology eSports Detail
24.03.10 Born elite Humans Detail
23.03.10 Team FPS-Power.eu Detail
14.03.10 OverFuzion eSports We played 4x5 and still pulled out a win. GG and GL 4 the future. Detail
14.03.10 Einfach nur Fame gg Detail
13.03.10 RaZeR.GaminG Detail
07.03.10 One and Only Team Alpha Gerne wieder ein Rematch Detail
28.02.10 CRACKHEADz S&D 5on5 Detail
21.02.10 SW gg Detail
14.02.10 2HeldenNoobm4KackscopeundnKekz Detail
13.02.10 Ultime gamers Detail
17.01.10 GiFr eSport Detail
17.01.10 One and Only Team Alpha Detail
29.12.09 Team.EoS CoD4 Detail
20.12.09 VooDoo Pride Detail
06.12.09 GaMinG InVenTion gg gerne wieder Detail
05.12.09 hsc.Clan Detail
05.12.09 HS2ooo Detail
29.11.09 FGP.X-Ray CoD4 Detail
28.11.09 Team*Lollipop* 5on5 Detail
23.11.09 HIGHFLY.cod4 gg Detail
15.11.09 German-Fighters CoD4 5on5 gg Detail
03.11.09 Custom by Bluescreen Detail
31.10.09 eVoniQue - 2Steps aHead gg Detail
11.10.09 Crippled Detail
10.10.09 NG4W Pro-live company Detail
26.09.09 dfgd56 Detail
26.09.09 kIngZ pOrn gg Detail
20.09.09 Team Sanity n!ce Gamer! Detail
18.09.09 In memory of aAa.COD4 Detail
17.09.09 diZasta Detail
05.09.09 momafkichidleebennerunde GG WP Detail
27.08.09 1Member :p schaut mal Punkbusdet Detail
19.08.09 th_Clan Detail
07.08.09 fenneks.negative gg Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 MR12 Herbst-Cup
created from rating comment match
17.10.09 chicken.Wingz Detail
15.10.09 IsF.CoD4 gg Detail
13.10.09 prediction Gaming CoD4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Funmod Paintball Cup
created from rating comment match
26.09.09 Team Sanity n!ce Gamer! Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 MR12 Sommer Cup #4
created from rating comment match
29.08.09 Back in Action 5on5 gg nice Match, gerne wieder!!! Detail

Call of Duty 4 PAM Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.06.09 SpeziaL-Forces-Team Detail
23.05.09 Dead Silence Detail
23.05.09 Team InRaGe.3on3 Detail
03.05.09 indestructible Detail
01.05.09 HK-Clan 3on3 Team Beta mist, naja pipe könnt ihr^^ Detail
18.04.09 UCS-eSports.de Detail