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Day of Defeat: Source 2on2 Sommercup 2010
created from rating comment match
08.08.10 E RASED Detail

Day of Defeat: Source 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
07.11.09 pps sucks Detail
17.10.09 Strip Club Detail
17.10.09 Hightech Gaming! Detail
16.10.09 The Butterflys.dods 2on2 Detail
11.10.09 Ironsoldiers Bugusing Detail
27.09.09 dln. Detail
13.09.09 pps sucks Detail
12.09.09 Sancho und Pancho GG Guter Gegner Detail
30.08.09 TECMOD Detail
28.08.09 PinkisPorno Nette gegner nur beim ächsten mal ping probleme beheben sonst gg Detail
07.08.09 TECMOD gg Detail
05.07.09 EnRo GRIFFINS lowrates, camper, fastspawn Detail
01.07.09 KaMiKaZ Detail