Rating FAR BO 2 

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Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 Opening RG Cup
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06.12.12 n8Buzz Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 S&D Warm Up Weekend Cupv2
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18.11.12 plan-B.Ownage Babyyy Detail

Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 4on4 S&D Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.05.12 Team unico Detail
25.04.12 X3F e.Sports (360) GG Detail
13.04.12 X3F e.Sports (360) Detail
08.04.12 NXG.FlyeRz :) gg Detail
04.04.12 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
03.04.12 INVICTUS-GAMING.net gg Detail
29.03.12 www.Flames-From-Hades.de GG Detail
29.03.12 derdrclan Detail
14.03.12 nuBreed.Infinity Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 3on3 S&D Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.04.12 BreakingPoint GG Detail
07.04.12 Force Delta Detail
04.04.12 aim.Revolution Inaktiv Detail
04.04.12 LibertY.gaming Detail
02.04.12 Team.NauTiX gg Detail
25.01.12 ........ Detail
25.01.12 RaptiLe.COD Detail
24.01.12 2young2Die Detail
18.01.12 quality.Movement BO2 Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 S&D Shootout Februar
created from rating comment match
11.03.12 NXG.FlyeRz :) Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 S&D Ladder
created from rating comment match
07.03.12 Bachforellenfreunde 1904 e.V. GG Detail
05.03.12 NXG.FlyeRz :) gg Detail
05.03.12 VISA.NeverDeaD GG Detail
04.03.12 defeX.EU Detail
15.02.12 MHE! Detail
15.02.12 ABK Fun Gaming MW3 Sehr gutes Team! Detail
13.02.12 ............................. Sehr \"schwitzige\" Spielweise. Detail
13.02.12 MW3 Team Dashboarder Detail
12.02.12 Who Ra1N z0Ne Detail
12.02.12 The drunken Monkeys-ESport Detail
09.02.12 old paradox CAMP MUCH Detail
06.02.12 In memory of NXG.eneloop Detail
03.02.12 5on5dubub Camper Detail
30.01.12 in memory of CReATiVe Gaming Detail
26.01.12 EazY Gaming es wurde zb bei mp7 2 aufsätze (verbotene klassen) benutzt Detail
26.01.12 Shredder 4 President Detail
23.01.12 no alle nur am schimmeln bis auf die letzte map echt nervig diese ganzen gammelteams Detail
22.01.12 Time-Revolution Detail
19.01.12 bobobobobo Detail
19.01.12 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
15.01.12 The Pr1Me Gang Detail
11.01.12 plan-B.Ownage Babyyy Detail
09.01.12 High VoLTage Detail
06.01.12 UT pro gaming Detail
04.01.12 Bachforellenfreunde 1904 e.V. Detail
04.01.12 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
03.01.12 Team Invaders Detail
29.12.11 Team xx11 Detail
28.12.11 FTW - for team wAx good game Detail
27.12.11 plan-B - Contra Legem Seit nich so Host-fixiert, Jungs. Detail
20.12.11 Undead Pad Detail
20.12.11 EvoX eSports ProToTYpeS Detail
15.12.11 no Detail
14.12.11 NeXtGen.ArmaGeddon WIr hätten gerne die letzte map noch zuende gespielt schönes spiel Detail
12.12.11 BlacK eSport 4on4 Detail
11.12.11 eR-electronic Raping Detail
08.12.11 A4TH - ResTarT Detail
08.12.11 Prototype eSport Detail
05.12.11 Yeah Squad 1 Detail
04.12.11 Liam 2tha Phooooory Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 S&D 4. Qualifikationscup Championship
created from rating comment match
26.02.12 Shredder 4 President Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 Opening S&D Cup
created from rating comment match
27.12.11 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
01.12.11 Memorial.Mw3 Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 S&D Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.05.11 eVince.BoyaaH Detail
22.05.11 VinEx.EU gg Detail
22.05.11 The drunken Monkeys MW2 Detail
15.05.11 EpicGaming Detail
08.05.11 teamFLY Detail
02.05.11 FTW - for team wAx Detail
01.05.11 Independent Gaming Returns Detail
27.04.11 Azzlackz ohne Zähne Detail
26.04.11 PaiNz.e-Sport Gutes Match Detail
24.04.11 againstGravity.ESL Detail
21.04.11 dp.CS:GO Detail
21.04.11 iLove Gen.1 Detail
17.04.11 inactive team Detail
17.04.11 Azzlackz ohne Zähne Detail
13.04.11 minuS.gaming GG Detail
31.03.11 just waiting for cod:ghost Detail
28.03.11 wAx Detail
27.03.11 Team such Clan - AllStars Detail
20.03.11 Independent Gaming Crew schönes spiel :) Detail
14.03.11 THE1 Detail
08.03.11 WiXa eSport .BO Core biggest schrottleitung EU...!!! get good Detail
02.03.11 lösch ma Detail
02.03.11 againstGravity.ESL Detail
23.02.11 NeWcoMeR 1 Gutes Spiel, absoluter nerven kizzel Detail
21.02.11 KellerKinder Detail
10.02.11 royal Destroy Detail
10.02.11 Independent Gaming Crew Detail
07.02.11 NeW KiDS eSport Detail
06.02.11 Easy xp yum yum GG Detail
03.02.11 Rushing Campers.CoD Detail
01.06.10 Team VaniTy CoRe-eSport Detail
30.05.10 WoH.CoD4.inactive Detail
23.05.10 WiXa eSport Core.MW2 gg Detail
20.05.10 BKzZ-BattlekingzZ Detail
19.05.10 iG CReW II Schönes Match ;) Detail
12.05.10 GOH - Next Generation !! Detail
06.05.10 GB360.WuSa GG faires team wie immer!!! Detail
28.04.10 WiXa eSport Core.MW2 Detail
27.04.10 BrokeN ArroW BO Detail
27.04.10 ABK Gaming Detail
25.04.10 SvG TeamPhoenix GooD GamE =) danke,nettes spiel Detail
21.04.10 HwG-Rules freundliche jungs ;-) Detail
21.04.10 United Clan Domination Detail
20.04.10 NeW KiDS eSport Detail
18.04.10 GOH S&D Core Team Detail
16.04.10 Uno Dubz Detail
11.04.10 xGoCx MAFIA SEHR GUT Detail
11.04.10 F4n4tiC GaminG gg Detail
05.04.10 Modern Fastfood 2 Detail
01.04.10 MP game4game.at Team Priceless Detail
30.03.10 BurgerTown R.I.P gg Detail
15.03.10 The G0dLikes Detail
15.03.10 SvG TeamPhoenix sehr nette jungs Detail
11.03.10 Sparten Crew Omega Detail
09.03.10 in memory of TES-Gaming Detail
02.03.10 Coast Bangers Detail
24.02.10 LeX Gaming gg Detail
18.01.10 plan-B - Contra Legem gg Detail
17.01.10 NeXgL.TooHigh Detail
17.01.10 WoH.epic.inactive schönes match Detail
10.01.10 wird gelöscht2k Detail
07.01.10 uP-Gaming Detail
07.01.10 Team Energy GGs xD Detail
27.12.09 ReD ConnecTioN Detail
15.12.09 AuT pBo Gameshop.at sehr netter clan, freundlich Detail
13.12.09 HD-Gaming MW2.SnD Detail
13.12.09 GKS aMoK x2 MW2 S&D 4on4 Schönes Spiel! Detail
08.12.09 Team Voltage fifa Detail
05.12.09 team wird disbanded Detail
02.12.09 Team.SenZiviTy II. 3on3 Detail
28.11.09 AmazinG.sweden Detail

Europe Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 HC Premiership Qualification
created from rating comment match
05.05.11 International Gaming Main Team Drecks camperei!! Detail
10.04.11 inactive team Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 S&D Cup
created from rating comment match
27.03.11 4 Nations Detail
20.03.11 minuS.gaming Mw2 Detail
14.03.11 Team.OutlawzZ Detail
06.03.11 MoH Fatality 4 Justice Detail
27.02.11 LosT ReaLiiTy Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 Random Gen Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.12.10 WoH.epic.inactive Detail
12.12.10 p2b ist inaktiv Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 S&D PRO Mastership
created from rating comment match
11.10.10 EviL GaminG back in Time Detail
03.10.10 Modern Fastfood 2 gg Detail
26.09.10 N7 Nation GG! Detail
19.09.10 AuT pBo Gameshop.at Detail
12.09.10 Bachforellenfreunde 1904 e.V. gg Detail
05.09.10 GB360.WuSa Detail
15.08.10 in Memory of team.BaC GG Detail
08.08.10 In Memory of eyes.NN Detail
01.08.10 plan-B - Contra Legem gg Detail
25.07.10 AmazinG.sweden GG, nette Jungs Detail
18.07.10 Call of Duty Veterans Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 S&D Mastership 3. Qualifikationscup
created from rating comment match
25.06.10 XpG.Team Next Level Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 Premium S&D Shoot Out Mai
created from rating comment match
14.06.10 Bachforellenfreunde 1904 e.V. Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 S&D 8 Rounds Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.05.10 plan-B - Contra Legem gg Detail
14.05.10 Erfurter Killer Clan Detail
12.05.10 ABK Gaming II gg Detail
10.05.10 WoH.CoD4.inactive Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 RG PRO Mastership
created from rating comment match
16.05.10 Modern Fastfood 2 Detail
25.04.10 Bachforellenfreunde 1904 e.V. gg Detail
18.04.10 in memory of team.United Detail

Europe Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 SnD Cup
created from rating comment match
19.04.10 Triathlon - Cupteam Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 Random Gen Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.03.10 EvoX Detail
28.02.10 AmazinG.sweden Detail
25.02.10 plan-B - Contra Legem gg Detail
21.02.10 Kellerkinder MW2 Danke Jungs, sehr spannend! Detail
17.02.10 team-wAx.at Detail
16.02.10 GOH Random Gen Team gg Detail
09.02.10 Team.SenZiviTy II. 4on4 s&D war gut. Demolition bloß gecampe.... Detail
07.02.10 RbK Rocking Basstards Krew Detail
04.02.10 Kellerkinder MW2 Detail
02.02.10 AGC inaktiv Detail
17.01.10 Call of Duty Veterans Detail
12.01.10 Team X Detail
11.01.10 in memory of team.United Beleidigungen, falsche Regeln, gekickt, gemutet... Detail

Germany Call of Duty 4 (360) 5on5 Hardcore Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.10.09 Cupteam Packhunters Detail
27.10.09 FoD xGhosT DivisioNx MW2 Detail
20.10.09 Remember: HoRRoR Detail
19.10.09 N7 Nation Detail
18.10.09 iW x iNSaNe WARRIORs vZ Detail
16.10.09 pXq.vX CoD4 Detail
15.10.09 GdW- virtual.Xtream.CoD4 Rip Detail
12.10.09 7thGate TheSurvivors Detail
11.10.09 Project Warfare CoD4 Detail
08.10.09 MODERN GAMING.CoD4 Detail
06.10.09 DX the FineSt Detail
01.10.09 xbox-Gaming-crew Detail