Rating AnTi.x22 

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Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Amateur Series Old
created from rating comment match
28.02.10 Keiser and Seken Detail
17.01.10 Toxic Dimension 2on2 Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.01.10 ronn1e & DIKEI Detail
13.01.10 GraphX-2on2 Detail
12.12.09 BUSTED 2on2 Detail
30.11.09 Super Mal 0 Q 2on2 Detail
29.11.09 xpL Detail
28.11.09 HARDCORE SYNDROME gg a vous :) Detail
25.11.09 EPSON! Detail
25.11.09 64line gg tres b match Detail
24.11.09 Wreaked.Life 2on2 aim Detail
23.11.09 EK. Rage :) Detail
23.11.09 iS' Detail
23.11.09 SEXYSBITCHS Detail
22.11.09 benjyy/ . Aur & Lien gg mdr no fiarplay ... a recommander x) Detail
20.11.09 Trp aNd awesome Bande de low Detail
09.11.09 64123 Detail
09.11.09 deu aune deu sa raux gg Detail
18.10.09 iNTERNET Detail
18.10.09 SeneN -&- sTuDfx insinuation de triche envers nous, spam, lam .. Detail
17.10.09 Sodomiz'8 Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Handgun Ladder
created from rating comment match
17.01.10 inactiv Detail
13.01.10 SweaT69 Detail
18.12.09 VoDkA.MaNyaX Detail
13.12.09 L0oL Detail
01.12.09 fxvo Detail
25.11.09 YaZeN Detail
19.11.09 64line gg a vous Detail
08.11.09 B0-GOSSS <3 Detail
29.10.09 Loko. Leon & Ny4k Detail
26.10.09 noname.csgo Detail
24.10.09 Loveless Gaming 2on2 Detail
24.10.09 Half Brain Detail
21.10.09 FUCK&LOVE Detail
17.10.09 THIS IS PROS Detail
16.10.09 Fuel for live - DIESEL Detail
16.10.09 You.Lose Detail
12.10.09 playeurs du net Detail
11.10.09 RockZor Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
24.12.09 GUTEN APPETIT flame Detail
23.12.09 shut up flanders Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Aim Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.12.09 GARGES Detail
02.12.09 sdgsdgs dgsd Detail
02.12.09 IFY0UL1KETHAT Detail
28.11.09 MNX/LS Detail
27.11.09 Violeurs.34 \"vous posterez vos demo on va aller rire\" Detail
26.11.09 Nie AloZomich Detail
26.11.09 KASIWIN Nice :=) Detail
22.11.09 lexxxluf Detail
22.11.09 Half Brain Detail
21.11.09 mYg - CS:S Aim 2on2 Rageux qui joue sa vie sur esl impatiant et essaye de tout faire pour gagner le match. Detail
08.11.09 Violeurs.34 Detail
30.10.09 iconz.aim 2on2 Detail
26.10.09 We Are Geek Detail
25.10.09 TekiWa Detail
24.10.09 KASIWIN GG Detail
19.10.09 FlasHHHH.Ext3nsive Detail
19.10.09 clack & pok Detail
18.10.09 Half Brain gl pour la suite =) Detail
18.10.09 Black Heart Detail
17.10.09 myCLAK8! 2n2 Detail
15.10.09 Lille Detail
11.10.09 Dudu.Npz Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 AWP Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.11.09 NEWERA Detail
07.11.09 1177pts no fair play Detail
27.10.09 JADORE Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Cup Classic
created from rating comment match
31.10.09 TEXTO SMS ? Detail