Rating BlackTrains.DoD 

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Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.06.07 in Memory of w4sp.dods Detail
05.06.07 aw3some.dod Detail
22.05.07 Nuked Head Detail
20.05.07 Arc Angels Samael gg Detail
15.05.07 Brothers In Fight Detail
13.05.07 PropheTe.DoDs Detail

Day of Defeat 6on6 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.05.05 DYPER'S Detail
08.05.05 Steel-Warriors Lindda Detail
08.05.05 deleted cup team Detail
11.04.05 IZA Detail
06.03.05 Yahoo Gruene Fusel Combo n1 game Detail
27.02.05 Schutzstaffel Berlin a little bit to much flaming, but nice war Detail
31.01.05 SpecialGuests fair play Detail
16.01.05 Kinderzimmermoerder Detail
10.01.05 team.AoD Detail
09.01.05 CLOSED HEHE =D to late but nice Detail
21.12.04 VirTuaL-reaLity Detail
16.12.04 von Gottes Gnaden hezky match^^ Detail
12.12.04 aw3some.dod Detail
12.12.04 Bone-Clan The Big Red Hard Bones nice war, great opponent, an allround good match! at least for our opponents ;-) Detail
07.12.04 SpecialGuests Detail
02.12.04 the whited sepulchers Detail
28.11.04 Horde wilder Eier DoD Squad Detail
21.11.04 Army 4 Freedom Detail
18.11.04 DoD-Killer Detail
18.11.04 aGu - Day of Defeat Haben in unseren Spawn Granaten geworfen.Ansonsten waren sie recht freundlich und klar besser. Detail
14.11.04 IZA Detail
07.11.04 Fiat Nox - Day of Defeat Source Detail
04.11.04 Mit freundlichen Gruessen ZJ gegner war koorperativ, trotz nörgeln, guter war Detail
04.11.04 team.AoD Nice clan! Very Strong but Fair!! Detail
24.10.04 in memory of m8 DoD Detail
17.10.04 Schutzstaffel Berlin bad server, no idler for our lost player Detail
14.10.04 nGs Detail
14.10.04 Neverending War Detail
10.10.04 x.squad Detail
07.10.04 the whited sepulchers Detail
05.10.04 aXo-clan Detail
04.10.04 3. Kaiserliches Grenadier Regiment Detail
03.10.04 Choumer Gruenauge opponent restartet map after 2 minutes on dod_avalanche, maybe they donnow the rule maybe they did not want loose, because we were at a superb rush if they restartet .. we decidet to play without a protest .. Detail
30.09.04 les maquisards francais Good Game BT and good sniper Detail
26.09.04 Mit freundlichen Gruessen ZJ super, guter gegner, gern wieder Detail
20.09.04 DoD-Killer Detail
07.09.04 Finnish Brandenburg Detail
24.08.04 Again This Brigade Detail
22.07.04 eXtra eXtra Flags very nice game and fairplay team..GG all Detail
22.07.04 Rocketz of Destruction DoD Detail
13.07.04 Praetorians of Violence Detail
12.07.04 Again This Brigade Detail
07.07.04 von Gottes Gnaden Detail
06.07.04 DoD-Killer Detail
23.06.04 Red Dwarf.DoD Detail
22.06.04 iNdeCis GG Detail
21.06.04 Tolose Fight Club Detail
13.06.04 Genetic Crew - DoD good game but our team had probs with the server. .. but np :) Detail
12.06.04 redspawn Cool match, no prb, fair play Detail
10.06.04 Les TaYeTe thx for all, good fair play Detail
24.05.04 MiNi Killer's Detail
24.05.04 team.six germany Detail
23.05.04 Rocketz of Destruction DoD Detail
16.05.04 aXo-clan ok Detail