Rating Canacs in Memoriam 

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Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder_old
created from rating comment match
16.03.10 in Memory of COREPLAY Detail
10.03.10 Electronic Beat Groovers Detail
10.03.10 Saar Fun Crew gut gespielt Detail
08.03.10 Legends of Destiny Detail
07.03.10 4 and a half noob wp everytime again :D Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.03.10 Na watt denn Detail
14.03.10 Cojones Klatscher Detail
08.03.10 Taste The Game!! Detail
07.03.10 Team New Generation 4 War Fun Detail
06.03.10 Versus.Pro cod4 Ladder Detail
04.03.10 darkFusion Detail
03.03.10 in Memory of 6FEET UNDER 3on3 Detail
20.02.10 BounceX Detail
15.02.10 WIR HASSEN EUCH ALLE !!! gg Detail
12.02.10 pontze Detail
11.02.10 The REALZN Corporation Detail
28.01.10 Die wilden 4 Detail
27.01.10 in Memory of 6FEET UNDER 3on3 gg wp! Detail
26.01.10 INSTINCTIVE gg Detail
26.01.10 Google my Name! Detail
24.01.10 KG.Clan Detail
21.01.10 Google my Name! Detail
21.01.10 Team SynchroniC 3on3 Detail
21.01.10 mies Detail
20.01.10 in Memory of 6FEET UNDER 3on3 Detail
20.01.10 team.Xtream gaming gg war nen gutes train match für uns :) Detail
20.01.10 we r NERDS Detail
19.01.10 Rostock Vikings gg Detail
18.01.10 Waiting for CoD4 Remastered unpünktlich, hätten noshow eintragen können ... dann noch patzig werden und die ganzen zeit flame Detail
17.01.10 HIGH5.Squad Detail
10.01.10 Closed oO gg Detail
29.12.09 Born elite Humans Detail
27.12.09 iCHEAT 3on3 Detail
26.12.09 in Memory of 6FEET UNDER 3on3 camp till 10 sek -.- Detail
11.12.09 Life is Simple:) 3on3 lächerlich gegen euch zu verlieren Detail
05.12.09 IDC FunGamer 5on5 eu Detail
02.12.09 Ordonanz 3on3 Detail
30.11.09 Team Schwarzwald-Elche Good Game, gerne wieder =) Detail
29.11.09 delicious! Detail
29.11.09 German-Fighters CoD4 3on3 II Detail
28.11.09 leftfu-.- Detail
27.11.09 in Memory of 6FEET UNDER 3on3 Detail
26.11.09 quasi Detail
25.11.09 Waiting for CoD4 Remastered Detail
23.11.09 Rostock Vikings Detail
23.11.09 LHC.3on3 Detail
22.11.09 delicious! Detail
20.11.09 Attendings Fights Division Detail
19.11.09 wAsd.Gaming xD self camp Detail
15.11.09 Google my Name! Detail
14.11.09 closed 122 gg Detail
14.11.09 delicious! Detail
14.11.09 iSUCK.COD4 Detail
12.11.09 Team-dignitYY. Detail
12.11.09 PIRATEN PARTEI!! Detail
11.11.09 Frueher war alles besser Detail
10.11.09 TeamDudeneZz 3on3 Detail
09.11.09 eVoniQue - 2Steps aHead Detail
06.11.09 closed and deleted Detail
02.11.09 relaX! Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.03.10 in memory of cHaos eSport CoD4 Detail
07.03.10 Tera-Gaming Detail
04.03.10 myWarplace.honorary Detail
08.02.10 60kg + Antivir Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.03.10 coHesion Gaming gögö ^^ keine chance gegen euch ^^ Detail
07.02.10 L Detail
02.02.10 Crack Clan! Detail
10.01.10 eher N4T Detail
07.01.10 OLD ADDICTED gg Detail
03.01.10 MUTschATschO.o0 Detail
29.12.09 WaYnE gg gerne wieder sehr spannend Detail
29.12.09 Born elite Humans Detail
27.12.09 Rostock Vikings Detail
17.12.09 indestructible Detail
16.12.09 VooDoo Pride Detail
13.12.09 INRI Detail
13.12.09 WaYnE gg gerne wieder Detail
10.12.09 IDC FunGamer 5on5 eu Detail
06.12.09 Bohemia Team Detail
02.12.09 in Memory of 6FEET UNDER CoD 4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 3on3 Winter-Cup
created from rating comment match
17.01.10 th_Clan Detail
14.01.10 AIRMAX CoD4 Detail
12.01.10 Yankee Seven Detail
11.01.10 legaliiize.cod4 Detail
10.01.10 3 Fragezeichen Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 alugraphics Challenge
created from rating comment match
03.01.10 LOLMANN Detail
28.12.09 delete plsssss Detail
28.12.09 Team In'FamouZ 5 on 5 Detail
27.12.09 logiX e.V. CoD 4 gg Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 3on3 Advents-Cup #8
created from rating comment match
16.12.09 neXT-Generation 3on3 SD gg, wp! Detail
15.12.09 INRI Detail
15.12.09 leftfu-.- Detail
15.12.09 roYality eSports wtf? Rauch? Wir haben keinen Rauch :P Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Winter Cup Qualifier 1
created from rating comment match
14.12.09 just-Trolling Cup Detail
10.12.09 extasix Gaming CoD4 Detail
07.12.09 elysium-Gaming.cod Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 MR12 Advents-Cup #5
created from rating comment match
09.12.09 ..... gg Detail
09.12.09 BeW 5on5-Team Detail

Call of Duty 4 Funmod GunGame-Cup
created from rating comment match
24.11.09 iRON62 eSports Detail