Rating Folk Club BIAD 

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Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Amateur Series Old
created from rating comment match
13.06.10 Wh and Sextoys Detail
04.05.10 Queen Detail
25.04.10 Les Kastors Allumes Detail
11.04.10 JuSt & helid :D Detail
04.04.10 ROBBEN feat. MESSI Detail
14.03.10 cheaterblock Detail
07.03.10 PixeLGames Detail
28.02.10 goodwork v2 Detail
21.02.10 Meca&Pintas Detail
13.02.10 durum kebab tastes gut Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Ladder2
created from rating comment match
05.05.10 Team.Elites Detail
05.05.10 F.A.M.E. 2vs2 Detail
28.04.10 TnT Detail
25.04.10 aDDicTeD 2on2 Detail
22.02.10 Arctic Detail
13.02.10 Tumbaci Detail
01.12.09 ArT of DeaD Detail
26.11.09 Family Force Detail
22.11.09 VALOUR Detail
21.11.09 HeLL_Boys Detail
17.11.09 VALOUR Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
25.04.10 In memory of StreamArena Detail
19.02.10 Make it! Do it! Detail
11.02.10 California,sunset Detail
08.02.10 bye1 Detail
08.02.10 HeLL_Boys Detail
01.02.10 WE_LOVE_TAKA Flame Detail
29.01.10 Electric bunnys! Detail
29.01.10 fanclub edit Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Handgun Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
08.02.10 HeLL_Boys Detail
01.02.10 minus 10ner np mit goonie Detail