Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Rating History Rating WPIERDOLow back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder created from rating comment match 21.01.10 ZEBRA EXTREME Detail 18.01.10 5 THE FORCE UNLEASHED Detail 17.01.10 Spajs Gerls Detail 16.01.10 ULTIMATE.nOObaX! NO-LIFE CLUB Detail 16.01.10 PlayAllDay Detail 15.01.10 infernaL Detail 15.01.10 VERY HARD SKILL Detail 14.01.10 Adrenaline eXplosioN CLUB Detail 14.01.10 wings kfc Detail 13.01.10 JURWA! Detail 13.01.10 Chlopaki Szczupaki Detail 13.01.10 COMPLEX 5on5 mr15 Detail 13.01.10 AM@Z1NG Detail 12.01.10 Twarzowcy 5on5 Detail 12.01.10 NIEDOWIARY Detail 11.01.10 SIEPATORNIA Detail 11.01.10 Frag-eXecutors #2005 Detail 11.01.10 TRYNIDAD I TOBAGO Detail 08.01.10 teamSKILLUNITED Detail 03.01.10 zaklad Karny 5on5 Detail 03.01.10 Made in Poland.cs Detail 20.12.09 ULTIMATE kaTTax! eSports CLUB Detail 20.12.09 FUNCLUB Dragon-Team Detail 20.12.09 Fear.5on5 Detail 19.12.09 FEEDUJEMY Detail 19.12.09 SNICKERSS Detail 19.12.09 coldgame .LoL Poland Detail 18.12.09 DREAM5 Detail 18.12.09 Twarzowcy 5on5 Detail 18.12.09 hedopizgacze Detail 18.12.09 setinfo Detail 16.12.09 dARKSIDE! Detail 02.12.09 Detail 01.12.09 Lamehack Detail 01.12.09 TLUSTE KOTY #2 Detail 30.11.09 ROBIMY SHOU ! Detail 29.11.09 PSZCZOLA Detail 29.11.09 TURBO Detail 29.11.09 Team Parodia.fnatic Detail 29.11.09 MASSAKRATORNIA Detail 28.11.09 DE_MIXOWO Detail 25.11.09 Polish Game Control .cs Detail 23.11.09 i co jest? Detail 23.11.09 EAT PENGUIN SHIT Detail 22.11.09 PRIDE 5x5 Detail 22.11.09 Siekiera w Drzwi Detail 22.11.09 R JAK ROBAK Detail 21.11.09 Walimy na TOP 1 Detail 21.11.09 Empty Walls Detail 21.11.09 L33T CR3W Detail 21.11.09 BURTERIERZY Detail 21.11.09 setinfo Detail 18.11.09 endless Detail 18.11.09 Up in Arms 5on5 Detail 18.11.09 Hunters Group PL Detail 17.11.09 Twarzowcy Detail 17.11.09 SKARPETKA Detail 17.11.09 Menczyciele Czaszek Detail 17.11.09 Five Stars Detail 17.11.09 Detail 16.11.09 team melanz Detail 16.11.09 Bad Taste Detail 16.11.09 Happy Tree Friendss Detail 16.11.09 no to sru Detail 16.11.09 AMD Detail 15.11.09 Drewniana Piontkia Detail 15.11.09 PREORDER pracc Detail 15.11.09 ADHDcrew Detail 15.11.09 PIZGATORY Detail 15.11.09 IMBA Detail 15.11.09 Happy Tree Friendss Detail 14.11.09 5 THE FORCE UNLEASHED Detail 14.11.09 THIS IS SPARTA Detail