Rating GiqoLoo & ShoX 

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Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 2on2 S&D GUNNAR Cup
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04.10.11 Notorious BPEU Detail
26.09.11 Fun Team inaktiv Detail
15.09.11 raazzr & CriMeZ Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 2on2 S&D Ladder
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19.02.11 Florry und Farrby theGangStaRs Detail
10.02.11 CannoN&CriMezZ Detail
09.02.11 TirolerElite Detail
23.01.11 BliTz&Angel Note 1 Detail
23.01.11 NSA eSport 2on2 Detail
22.01.11 AuT pBo Army of Two Detail
17.01.11 2 HoRnEtS Detail
16.01.11 teAm ilLeGaL Detail
12.01.11 Die Schöne und das Biest sehr nette Gegner :) Detail
09.01.11 Der neue Westen.dnW 2on2 gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 2on2 Monday Night of CTF v2
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17.01.11 digidi & TiGeR Detail
17.01.11 AuT pBo DreamTeam Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 2on2 Premium S&D Shoot Out Juli
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15.08.10 Austrias Best! JeeZy hat Angst :p Detail

Europe Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 2on2 Mixed Gametype Ladder
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12.07.10 XpG.DuBz E&Z Detail

Germany Wochenprogramm 2on2 2on2 MW2 S&D
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08.06.10 heterovereinigung e.V. Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 2on2 HC S&D Quick Cup
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27.03.10 SpitzkopfLarry u DreckigerDan Detail
26.03.10 MvP 2on2 Destruction Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 2on2 S&D Ladder
created from rating comment match
17.03.10 Doubles gg <3 Detail
29.12.09 no more Detail
29.12.09 DzonE & DRoW Detail
19.12.09 Planlos und Clanlos Detail
12.12.09 no more Detail
06.12.09 IDouble WhopperI Detail
29.11.09 Die Liebeskralle Detail
28.11.09 sTaTiC bL00dY m3SS Gutes Spiel! Detail
27.11.09 xXx Pro2Gaming xXx Detail
27.11.09 SSC.Band of Brothers Detail
27.11.09 uD360 MW 2 Hotel two Detail
26.11.09 Baby Bomber Detail
25.11.09 i M16 KinGz Detail
24.11.09 CryTeKzZ feat. CrySiiSs Detail
23.11.09 KoN Doubletrouble Detail