Rating From ashes Rise - MW3 

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Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 Hardcore S&D Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.08.10 Sir eSport Detail
19.08.10 rXg.iRonSight Detail
30.07.10 FEAR TEAM GERMANY Detail
29.07.10 rXg.iRonSight Detail
25.07.10 Team Bösartig Detail
23.07.10 Dream Rebels eSports Detail
13.07.10 High End - Gaming Detail
11.07.10 PFG PhoeniXx RiZing gg Detail
01.07.10 GoX - GeneraTion of eXtRemE Detail
25.06.10 austrianEXTREMEgamers es geht so Detail
17.06.10 Team21.MW2.GOLD Detail
06.06.10 In Memories AtAt.Gaming Detail
03.06.10 GTCE alpha squad Gutes Game!! Detail
03.06.10 Packhunters Detail
27.05.10 XBFA Super Spiel! Detail
27.05.10 HGEC X-SQUAD Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 HC S&D Clandesigns Cup
created from rating comment match
16.05.10 BurgerTown R.I.P gg, nette leute^^ Detail
09.05.10 in memory of Team.absoluT Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 6on6 Public Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.03.10 MoH Mercenaries of Hell Detail
14.03.10 GOH 6on6 Publik Ladder 1a Jungs gern immer wieder ! Detail
07.03.10 HwG-Rules Detail
28.02.10 GB360.Easy Going GG faires team Detail
28.02.10 Bachforellenfreunde 1904 e.V. gg Detail
22.02.10 SCNS Detail
21.02.10 Call of Duty Veterans Detail
18.02.10 GKS aMoK x2 Sehr nette Jungs... Detail
07.02.10 HwG-Rules Detail
31.01.10 GKS aMoK x2 Faire Gegner... coole Jungs! Detail
28.01.10 GoV e-Sport Detail