Rating The Movement 

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Combat Arms Search & Destroy 4on4 Pro Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.03.11 OnlineGamingPT Detail
07.03.11 High Performance Combat Arms Detail
06.03.11 OnlineGamingPT Detail
23.02.11 De Facto eSport v2 Detail
18.02.11 JustF0rfuN Detail
12.08.10 Team GROM Detail
20.06.10 XL Gaming very good match, never bored in the match. respect for the movement :) Detail
15.06.10 Blue Street Elite eSport A Detail
13.06.10 Bomb-Controllers Detail
04.06.10 Blue Street Elite eSport A Detail
24.05.10 eXplosion eSports Detail
23.05.10 In Memory of Biogenix eSport Detail
23.05.10 PhazeOne Detail
04.05.10 puB StarZ Detail
28.04.10 aRa.Gaming Detail
25.04.10 eXplosion eSports Detail
23.04.10 OnlineGaming.CA Detail
11.04.10 eSP-GaminG Detail
11.04.10 Fresh :) Detail
23.03.10 GR.Gaming Detail
20.03.10 eSP-GaminG Detail
15.03.10 Oldschool Detail
01.03.10 Annihilation Detail
28.02.10 VeryInsanePeople Detail
18.02.10 Inner power Detail
15.02.10 CeS//b0rN2pWn Detail
01.02.10 InMemoryOfCROWFEX flames Detail
24.01.10 G0LDEN ARMY Detail
23.01.10 NonSense Alpha Friendly guys! Detail
23.01.10 pub.staRs Detail
22.01.10 CaniSciolti Detail
16.01.10 pub.staRs Detail
10.01.10 Balls of Steel Detail
09.01.10 Prisoners Detail
29.12.09 Knight Riders Detail
29.12.09 Xalphyte eSport Club Bravo Detail
27.12.09 in Memory of UHPS Team.CA Detail
20.12.09 Devils Rejects 4vs4 Team Detail

Combat Arms Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.02.11 SCIAO BELO Detail
23.12.10 In Memory of Biogenix eSport Detail
05.08.10 CA eGaming Detail
04.07.10 1stCav Immortal Fraggers Detail
02.07.10 SCIAO BELO Detail
20.06.10 SCIAO BELO Detail
18.06.10 Blue Street Elite eSport A Detail
18.06.10 Biker boyz eSport Detail
03.06.10 SCIAO BELO Detail
26.05.10 Eclipse eSports Detail
27.04.10 Blue Street Elite eSport A Detail
16.04.10 Haarausfall.Gayming Detail
04.04.10 Blue Street Elite eSport A Detail
28.03.10 In Memory of Biogenix eSport Detail
24.03.10 NRG-Gaming Detail
13.03.10 dimension9.CombatArms Detail
07.03.10 Annihilation Detail

Combat Arms Search & Destroy 4on4 End of Year Cup - S&D Pro
created from rating comment match
30.12.10 Ursula Detail