Rating Invisible Skulls 

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Left 4 Dead 2 Versus Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.02.11 logiX e.V. L4D2 GG | Dreht den Swag auf Detail
08.02.11 GG BUG Detail
07.02.11 Misters Team Detail
06.02.11 Psycho RaGe Detail
18.01.11 BiG POUNCE Detail
16.12.10 logiX e.V. L4D2 Very close! GG, WP Detail
06.12.10 Twisted Vision Detail
05.12.10 Router Pixies Detail
29.11.10 Ja gut ehhh Detail
27.11.10 Boooomers! Detail
26.11.10 Pro Noobs United Detail
29.10.10 Agony Realm Resurrection Detail
16.10.10 Pro Noobs United gg Detail
14.10.10 Post Mortem Detail
12.10.10 21 Pare Detail
28.09.10 Plüschhasen Schlitzer Detail
08.09.10 Zeden.l4d Detail
06.09.10 BloODy FARMERS Detail
31.08.10 logiX e.V. L4D2 Detail
17.08.10 Team Devsy (reggieside-noob) Detail
08.07.10 Niggaz Wit Attitudes Detail
29.06.10 logiX e.V. L4D2 Always a pleasure to play with you =) Detail
20.06.10 XE Organized Ragequit Detail
04.06.10 Twisted Vision Detail
31.05.10 MOTLEYCREW ELITE Detail
23.05.10 Twisted Vision Detail
20.05.10 Extinct 4 Kings Detail
16.05.10 my.Assis mit Niveau Detail
12.05.10 Zeden.l4d Detail
12.05.10 MOTLEYCREW ELITE Detail
10.05.10 mindset Detail
06.05.10 Team Obnoxia Detail
06.05.10 xx1337xx sry für warte gg Detail
05.05.10 Router Pixies Detail
04.05.10 Zeden.l4d Really funny guys and fairplay as well. Zn team would be glad to play again with you =) Detail
02.05.10 IM SUPERMAN Detail
29.04.10 Chien de la Casse Detail
27.04.10 mindset Detail
18.04.10 SmokeStone Gaming Detail
13.04.10 xx1337xx Detail
10.04.10 Russian Bears Detail
05.04.10 Requiem Detail
03.04.10 Twisted Vision Detail
15.03.10 Team Obnoxia Detail
14.03.10 One Bullet Left Detail
11.03.10 One Bullet Left Detail
08.03.10 logiX e.V. L4D2 Detail
07.03.10 4 Soldiers of Heaven super spiel ... schade nur das wir den BUG tank hatten Detail
07.03.10 Businessmen L4D2 Detail
03.03.10 Pineapple Revenge Detail
03.03.10 One Bullet Left gg Detail
01.03.10 Arschwasser Gaming e.V. Detail
28.02.10 RIP miXd inc. (L4D2) Detail
26.02.10 Pineapple Revenge Detail
23.02.10 team-aVanti L4D 2 Detail
22.02.10 Arschwasser Gaming e.V. Detail
20.02.10 Team-FRANCE Detail
15.02.10 Les Mouettes Detail
12.02.10 SaG-L4D2 Detail
11.02.10 Router Pixies Detail
10.02.10 District Clan from Hungary Detail
09.02.10 One Bullet Left Detail
08.02.10 Extinct 4 Kings Detail
07.02.10 District Clan from Hungary Detail
05.02.10 Twisted Vision Detail
02.02.10 One Bullet Left Detail
31.01.10 Hell Bastards Detail
31.01.10 Low Flying Zombies Detail
20.01.10 flasHbacK Nice friendly team! Thank you for the game! Detail
18.01.10 ecLipse Team Left 4 Dead Detail
17.01.10 Die-Indianer.net L4D2 Detail
16.01.10 Skulls Left 4 Dead 2 Detail
13.01.10 xx1337xx Detail
12.01.10 CZech tactiX L4D Sigma Squad Detail
08.01.10 PHANTOMS GAMING .L4D2 Detail
29.12.09 souz Detail
23.12.09 4 Soldiers of Heaven Detail
20.12.09 Team Hero Detail

Left 4 Dead 2 Versus Summer League 2010
created from rating comment match
28.06.10 badSmiths buggy game but gg Detail
22.06.10 Wintro.eSports.l4d2 Detail
18.06.10 Misters Team Detail

Left 4 Dead 2 Versus Late Night Pwn #5
created from rating comment match
16.05.10 Quarantine nice opponents :) Detail

Left 4 Dead 2 Versus Late Night Pwn #2
created from rating comment match
11.04.10 InterN Detail