Rating adi&pawel 

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CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 AIM Europe
created from rating comment match
20.10.14 Im Namen des neijers Detail
26.09.14 Opur Topur Detail
26.09.14 wir aimen auch kalt Detail
20.08.14 5n4ckt3rm1n4t0r3N settings were loaded and u leave? lol Detail
18.08.14 Fritsche Brothers Detail

CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 Europe
created from rating comment match
25.09.14 unpredictable Detail
19.08.14 supah. Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 AWP Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
13.08.10 SUPER CHLOPAKI Detail
25.04.10 lanskarkz Detail
23.04.10 Tyramy czaszki Detail
23.04.10 GRUNt TO BUNt 2on2 Detail
23.04.10 TESTOSTERON Detail
22.04.10 carrapicho Detail
21.04.10 Kmiot i Gniot ;o Detail
21.04.10 abecaduo Detail
20.04.10 Ostatni Gasi Swiatlo Detail
20.04.10 KWADRATY2 Detail
17.04.10 ILUMINACI Detail
05.04.10 Ekipa Zordona Detail
13.01.10 Team Ziolo Detail
11.01.10 miazga musi byc! Detail
10.01.10 LeSzMaN and MiSHeK Detail
09.01.10 GROM Detail
06.01.10 WeGotFreedom Detail
06.01.10 teamUNIX 2on2 Detail
06.01.10 uFrag-Gaming Detail
03.01.10 Amegakure Detail
02.01.10 variand gaming 2.2 Detail
01.01.10 GIVE IT UP! Detail

Counter-Strike Funmap 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
25.04.10 Lektion Detail
22.04.10 KAKAREKSY Detail
22.04.10 TeamCombat Detail
22.04.10 NAKURWIATORY Detail
21.04.10 JLB.FM.NM Detail
21.04.10 Kosmiczni Destroyerzy Detail
19.04.10 gLANOWI Detail
17.04.10 RENDZERS.fm Detail
17.04.10 Fanmap Detail
05.04.10 Bukake Detail
15.01.10 PrzyczajoneJezozwierze2on2FM Detail
13.01.10 tarnowPOWER.! Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 MR15 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
10.01.10 syn-dy-kat Detail
31.12.09 unn3m3d Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.12.09 GAMEPLAY Detail