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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Hardcore Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
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06.05.11 Frankens tolle Gamer gg, but dont stoped rounds after disc. and it was not possible to rejoin the game, so 6 rounds 2-3 Detail
02.01.11 offffffff_1 Detail
02.08.10 Full-S Detail
28.07.10 eXclusive C-gaming Detail
27.07.10 BensCrime gg - rundrum positiv. Detail
27.07.10 Schepasten Detail
26.07.10 exotiQue gg. leider auf rundown totales einigeln. defensiv ok, aber nen cm bewegen wäre nicht schlecht. Detail
23.07.10 eXclusive C-gaming gg Detail
22.07.10 Einfach da! Detail
21.07.10 Spiderschwein ins Detail
21.07.10 Noobs-United Detail
20.07.10 Emc Detail
18.07.10 Hardcore gg Detail
18.07.10 Nouvelles forces speciales Detail
18.07.10 Foxhound gg hat spaß gemacht Detail
17.07.10 Nouvelles forces speciales camp, camp, camp and camp. really annoying! Detail
16.07.10 Lonely Souls Team Detail
15.07.10 Special Elite Team Beta Detail
15.07.10 eSports-Elite Detail
14.07.10 eSports-Elite Detail
13.07.10 Emc Detail
13.07.10 Einheit X 2on2 Detail
11.07.10 Foxhound Detail
09.07.10 team MetrickZzz Detail
08.07.10 Nouvelles forces speciales Detail
05.07.10 Lonely Souls Team Detail
05.07.10 Stark gg, Friendly Team! Detail
04.07.10 special Orbs Detail
04.07.10 German-Endgegner (Green Elite) gg Detail
01.07.10 Qe CoD Detail
01.07.10 World important Zocker Detail
30.06.10 Remember Of Mayday GG! Detail
24.06.10 HighFiive Detail
21.06.10 mw2 squad A Supprimer Detail
21.06.10 Team.xPress-Gaming BO II Detail
19.06.10 Forgotten Heroes of Hungary Detail
16.06.10 Greek Spesial Forces Detail
16.06.10 Remember Of Mayday Detail
16.06.10 F3 Team 3on3 Detail
15.06.10 Nouvelles forces speciales good game ! Detail
12.06.10 AmiGos Gaming Detail
05.06.10 Boring eSport 1 GG Detail
03.06.10 Error.404 Pro Camper but N1 Match Detail
02.06.10 Phase2.0 Re Detail
02.06.10 European Para Section Detail
25.05.10 Deafening Silence da setzt jemand schimmel an :/ besonders auf rundown Detail
24.05.10 wir haben den krieg gewonnen Detail
24.05.10 European Para Section Detail
23.05.10 Team.xPress-Gaming BO II Detail
22.05.10 grgdrffffffff Detail
20.05.10 Hardcore gg nette gegner Detail
16.05.10 Einherjar Warriors Detail
13.05.10 Tijuana eSports gg Detail
12.05.10 United Soldiers for Killing very nice and friendly players! Detail
11.05.10 Team Thermaltake good game :) Detail
09.05.10 Stark gg, Friendly Team! Bissel sehr defensiv :D Detail
08.05.10 Qe CoD gg - good@rundown! Detail
06.05.10 Qe CoD flame! Detail
30.04.10 THE MASTERS (3on3) S&D Hc Detail

Call of Duty: Black Ops Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.03.11 Team DJ-Mario Detail
26.03.11 Nitrose.BO EU gg Detail
23.03.11 Viral Gaming .CoD:BO 5v5 gg Detail
20.03.11 SYNERGY eSports Detail
20.03.11 sggc.Free4All Detail
19.03.11 Implacable MerCenaries Detail
06.03.11 Widerstand ist SWAGL0S gg Detail
05.03.11 Nitrose.BO EU GG Detail
04.03.11 BROCHETTE Detail
27.02.11 Remember Of Mayday Detail
26.02.11 nbbfdyf Detail

Call of Duty: Black Ops All in One 3on3 Cup Roulette #5
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23.02.11 roYality eSports - CLOSED totale verzögerung..... Detail
23.02.11 Intelligentsquotient Detail

Call of Duty: Black Ops Search & Destroy 5on5 EMS Qualification Germany
created from rating comment match
21.02.11 in memory of beQuiet MW2 naja. next time startet das match bei 50 sec Detail
20.02.11 Ares e.Sport e.V. CoD BO2 Detail
18.02.11 LeiSuRe gg :) Detail

Call of Duty: Black Ops All in One 3on3 Cup Roulette #4
created from rating comment match
16.02.11 Tt Dragons Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
08.01.11 ONE cup gogo Camp, Camp, Camp n1 Detail
05.11.10 beQuiet 3n3 Detail
28.09.10 nbo name noob hackers...obvious timmings Detail
28.09.10 A.U.R-Elite Detail
27.09.10 Polish Tactics Group Detail
27.09.10 New World Order Detail
26.09.10 Cold but Gold Detail
25.09.10 SoftieZ gg ++ ^^ Detail
24.09.10 NoTor!ouS InSt@nZ gg Detail
29.08.10 DIE Leberwurst Detail
20.08.10 New World Order Detail
07.08.10 team.KA Detail

Call of Duty 4 Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.02.10 Zwei geile Atzen gg ++ Detail