Rating Kumquats 

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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.06.12 UltraMegaKlatsche Detail
29.05.11 hoonatiX.5on5 Detail
29.05.11 Evil Gaming Clan Mr15 Detail
22.05.11 Zangen Detail
22.05.11 Summer l feelinG Detail
19.05.11 vega.core.CS:S train Detail
16.05.11 Einfach mal 5on5 mr15 mixen Detail
16.05.11 GHETT0SLUTS Detail
15.05.11 Team?cheCk!Clan?cHeck? Detail
15.05.11 crimetime ++ Detail
10.05.11 5 Legends on the road to fame Detail
08.05.11 EinHochAuf 5on5 Detail
08.05.11 Ultimate-Crew Detail
08.05.11 17-3-6 MR15 GER Detail
05.05.11 MIXED NOOBS GG++ Detail
26.04.11 WUNDERHARKE 5000 gg++ Detail
26.04.11 inSide.CS:S Detail
25.04.11 Gaming Incipit gg Detail
17.06.10 XITE.Ladder.Team Detail
17.06.10 Team.WB 5on5 Squad Detail
15.06.10 RinnDa - 5on5 gg Detail
14.06.10 LATINA SCHLAMPEN Detail
14.06.10 HAHA XD Detail
13.06.10 LadyLike Detail
12.06.10 eDeL.5on5* gg++ Detail
12.06.10 BASMA DÜGME Detail
07.06.10 DieMitDenWeissenRiesen was für typen -.- Detail
06.06.10 Clan.Serenity Detail
05.06.10 xdcc Detail
01.06.10 RUBBERDOLL Detail
01.06.10 lawl p41n7 Detail
01.06.10 ein bischen zoggen Detail
01.06.10 permH1GH Detail
01.06.10 Crasy and STONE in LOVE Detail
31.05.10 Gaming Incipit Detail
31.05.10 amazinG.CSS-Gaming ++ nice team Detail
30.05.10 BENGELz. Detail
30.05.10 nn R U L E z gg Detail
30.05.10 Arcatera-Gaming.Team eXtreme gg Detail
28.05.10 Delete ! Detail
28.05.10 BANGBROS Detail
27.05.10 l0wness Detail
27.05.10 your MoM is My daily Detail
27.05.10 BULLEN.CSS Detail
26.05.10 Hard-Knocks - Rookies TRAINACC Detail
25.05.10 JackyCoke Detail
25.05.10 inFinity.X2-Hosting Detail
25.05.10 HiGHLiGHT-Gaming Detail
25.05.10 meatSports.ger mr12 Detail
24.05.10 PINKPANTHERS Detail
24.05.10 Alte - Säcke Detail
24.05.10 Onkelz 4ever MR15 CSS Detail
24.05.10 RAGE 4 ANgk R.I.P x3 Detail
24.05.10 10 Na?? nP. Detail
24.05.10 Shooting STARZ Detail
24.05.10 yuuh lan Detail
24.05.10 we r NERDS Detail
24.05.10 Unser Trainings Team gg++ Detail
23.05.10 Team MultiplaY Hat Spaß gemacht und war spannend Detail
23.05.10 xstYle Gaming - ReUnion Detail
21.05.10 deleted:X gg++ Detail
21.05.10 Arctic Eagles Detail
20.05.10 OWLS8 man kann sich auch anstellen... Detail
19.05.10 3ste Antidrücker gg Detail
19.05.10 Ich warte nur die PPs ab-.- Detail
17.05.10 Arcatera-Gaming.Team eXtreme gg Detail
17.05.10 Gaming Incipit Detail
16.05.10 Remake-Gaming Detail
16.05.10 CSR 5n5 Team Detail
16.05.10 Haufen voller Spasten Detail
16.05.10 RAINBOWCOLOR Detail
16.05.10 xigame.TODESLOW Detail
16.05.10 JackyCoke Detail
15.05.10 wir spielen ohne zb_lock Detail
13.05.10 CCCP-Elite Detail
13.05.10 Frostys Fanboiiiis Detail
11.05.10 Game Reader Detail
11.05.10 Logical Gaming gg++ Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups Night Cups 2011 #5 5on5
created from rating comment match
12.04.11 qwertz Detail
12.04.11 BOOK OF BRETT Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 Handgun Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.02.11 the spawnferkels Detail
11.01.11 eh ach nur ej Detail
05.01.11 BRAVOUR Detail
04.01.11 deagle ... klatsch Detail
04.01.11 HAHA HEADSHOT gg Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
25.01.11 TANZGEWITTER Detail
25.01.11 EKG.Gaming CSS Detail
02.01.11 wa!ne Detail
29.12.10 Fun Detail
29.12.10 h4ck Detail
28.12.10 Unsportliches Verhalten Detail
14.12.10 KICKERS Detail
14.12.10 Ja! Gaming Detail
13.12.10 New Fang Detail
09.12.10 pfundskerle Detail
09.12.10 ALLE HASSEN FLUBBER11 Detail
08.12.10 haseNN Detail
08.12.10 Pokemon 2 Detail
06.12.10 Novostars Detail
05.12.10 schon Detail
03.12.10 paNtiii strikes back Detail
24.11.10 raaaaadikal Detail
23.11.10 SEGELBERT ;.llk Detail
29.10.10 N00BZUG v1 Detail
26.10.10 bisschen kindazz zerstoerren Detail
21.10.10 return of eXtrem Hackfleisch Detail
20.10.10 iNS4NE Detail
18.10.10 Clean wie Meister Proper Detail
18.10.10 einfach nur dope Detail
16.10.10 Tasti Gaybar Stammkunde Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.01.11 trolololmeeeee ++, fair und freundlich Detail
02.01.11 Move On Baby Detail
02.01.11 supergeeks Detail
01.01.11 Antwerpaces.ger Detail
01.01.11 ne echt, oder ? Detail
30.12.10 JohnPlayers Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups 3on3 HG Cup #1
created from rating comment match
22.12.10 Goa Goa Goa MPU, ja!? Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups Advents Cup 2010 Finale
created from rating comment match
21.12.10 CuperizZzZzZzZ0r Detail
21.12.10 INMEMORYOF19.12.10 Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups Advents Cup 2010 #4
created from rating comment match
20.12.10 Adventiyanern Detail
19.12.10 CuperizZzZzZzZ0r Detail
19.12.10 WeihnachteNN Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups Advents Cup 2010 #3
created from rating comment match
12.12.10 merry xsichtsmas richtig geiles match jungs Detail
12.12.10 adventyaner Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups Advents Cup 2010 #2
created from rating comment match
05.12.10 freilos Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups Nightcups 2010 #26
created from rating comment match
20.10.10 Black-KruemelCupTeam Detail
20.10.10 Die Gummibärenbande sieg = gammel server Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups 5on5 MR15 Anti-Cheat Cup #1
created from rating comment match
06.10.10 wir haben an Detail