Rating Cuxhavener Crew 

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Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 2on2 S&D Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.12.12 Ness and Daddy abstand das grösste gammel game. nur swetten Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 2on2 TDM Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.02.12 GBB Gaming: FuMa krass!! einfach krass! Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 2on2 S&D Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.10.11 Team Sierra I 2v2 - Alpha Detail
28.09.11 Team Sierra I 2v2 - Alpha Detail
27.09.11 Uprising! eSports doubles Detail
24.09.11 chokin Randys Detail
22.03.11 JonezZ carries me! Detail
15.03.11 -G.T.W- Wuppertal Detail
15.03.11 Tiny Wings Es gibt nettere Zeitgenossen. Detail
14.03.11 Team Knusprisch.Dubz Detail
13.03.11 BaQouTz & SiiQnesS Detail
13.03.11 iG SnUs feat TaNk sind beim stand von 9-6 abgehauen Detail
10.03.11 HsC Rave Detail
11.09.10 Langeweile vol. 2 Detail
10.09.10 BliTz&Angel Detail
17.07.10 -------- Detail
16.07.10 Dead Legends 2on2 core Detail
15.07.10 666 Detail
13.07.10 the Basher 2v2 Detail
27.05.10 Soap & Ghost Detail

Germany Call of Duty 4 (360) 2on2 Search & Destroy Blitz Ladder
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26.09.11 C0R3 Gaming Detail

Germany Call of Duty 4 (360) 2on2 SnD Gaming Night #3
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25.02.11 Kiryb & BoGeeY #1 Detail

Germany Wochenprogramm 2on2 MW2.2 KW08
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23.02.11 Laser Gaming Allst4r FanBoy Detail
23.02.11 DKK DuBz! H&C gg, hat spaß gemacht Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 2on2 HC S&D Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.12.10 Elite Warriors P-F Detail
13.12.10 AuT pBo DreamTeam Detail
11.12.10 ReTuRnZ und BliTz Detail
11.12.10 Jugo & Pole Detail
09.12.10 AuT pBo DreamTeam Detail
09.12.10 Ahlens Most Wanted Detail
05.12.10 RuLeZ x ELiTe Detail
04.12.10 Bezugsgruppe Toast Detail
30.11.10 MaXi & iLaaaZe Detail
28.11.10 GERM4N K0TNASCH3RS Detail
28.11.10 GOH MunGos_ JuunGe !! gg wir wussten es ja schonvorher Detail
26.11.10 Ahlens Most Wanted Detail
23.11.10 eSkillz 2on2 Squad Detail
22.11.10 MAFiOSi Detail
21.11.10 BeTaa Gaming Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 2on2 HC S&D Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.10.10 v2 - Gaming 2on2 HC kein kommentar -.- Detail
23.10.10 Nattheimer Detail
23.10.10 Uncharted System-Killer Gutn Tag Detail