Rating 27 in 1 hit 

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Go4CS:GO Europe Cup #134
created from rating comment match
15.02.15 Red Instinct Detail
15.02.15 Balelas Esports Detail
15.02.15 Bad Influence CS:GO Detail

CS:GO Open Ladder 3on3 Europe
created from rating comment match
05.10.14 ShadowsV13 Detail
07.09.14 3on3Nudelmitschinken Detail

CS:GO Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
created from rating comment match
23.09.14 LONDON BRIGADE Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CM Storm Go4CSGO Cup #61 - 15/09
created from rating comment match
15.09.13 CouchMasters Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CM Storm Go4CSGO Cup #56 - 11/08
created from rating comment match
11.08.13 3NZI Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.12.11 MY2DLAZABAWY Detail
05.12.11 munkka Detail
04.12.11 pjenciu fspanialych Detail
30.11.11 DG Detail
30.11.11 timBET0N Detail
29.11.11 VERY HARD SKILL Detail
28.11.11 SUX POLAND Detail
27.11.11 VERY HARD SKILL Detail
24.11.11 e-bani ferrari Detail
19.07.10 PIZGATORZYY Detail
19.07.10 MIXY Z KOLEGAMI Detail
18.07.10 KSW NAJMAN Detail
16.07.10 Ludzie Pulpetita Detail
16.07.10 SKURWIBONk Detail
16.07.10 DEERS mixofo Detail
16.07.10 PRIDE 5x5 Detail
15.07.10 KINDERparty Detail
15.07.10 oXide Gaming eSport club Detail
14.07.10 dwwqdwdwq Detail
14.07.10 Made of Stars.cs Detail
13.07.10 Alternate Reality g... przez duże G netowe Detail
13.07.10 SKUR3BYKI Detail
13.07.10 Bajzel Na Strychu Detail
13.07.10 Clean & Easy Detail
12.07.10 maciek corporation firma JP Detail
12.07.10 BoomSlave Detail
12.07.10 mixownia Detail
10.07.10 Alternate Reality Detail
10.07.10 ex TEAM-OPRI Detail
10.07.10 GoodFellas.cs Detail
09.07.10 We Will Never Die.cs Detail
09.07.10 If you know Detail
07.07.10 SPOJRZ NAM W OCZY Detail
07.07.10 tim zaÜBER Detail
07.07.10 Team Delete Detail
06.07.10 Alternate Reality Detail
06.07.10 Kamandiery Detail
06.07.10 Miami Vice Detail
05.07.10 RaisedFist napinatorzy Detail
05.07.10 zordy Detail
05.07.10 Team Delete Detail
05.07.10 SAME GUOWY Detail
05.07.10 VERY HARD SKILL Detail
30.06.10 boonR Detail
29.06.10 Mega Mikss Detail
29.06.10 DZIKIE BAWOLY Detail
29.06.10 MLODE WILKI Detail
28.06.10 SKURWIBONk Detail
27.06.10 o rly? Detail
24.06.10 SeeKandDestroy Detail
24.06.10 PO IMPREZIE Detail
24.06.10 maciek corporation firma JP Detail
24.06.10 PO IMPREZIE Detail
24.06.10 The Golden Cats Detail
23.06.10 RAZEM PONAD KILO 5on5 Detail
23.06.10 MIKS Detail
23.06.10 BenQ.18 Detail
22.06.10 CLPC Detail
22.06.10 tim wyyebanix Detail
21.06.10 NB.cs Detail
20.06.10 kanss.eu Detail
18.06.10 MEDALIKI #3 Detail
18.06.10 Inferno kolejne dzieciaki co lana widziały na esl tv Detail
17.06.10 5on5 MIXOWO OKAZYJNIE Detail
17.06.10 RAZEM PONAD KILO 5on5 Detail
16.06.10 IRRIDUCIBILI Detail
16.06.10 Hello! Detail
15.06.10 EKYPA WPJERDOL Detail
15.06.10 BASTARDS & PRZYJACIELE o_O Detail
15.06.10 MEDALIKI #3 Detail
15.06.10 We Will Never Die.cs Detail
15.06.10 zaklad Karny 5on5 Detail
14.06.10 WZITY SOSITY Detail
13.06.10 SORTUJ MEDALE KU_WO Detail
13.06.10 VERY HARD SKILL Detail
13.06.10 mixownia Detail
13.06.10 to Make odds even 3/3 Detail
09.06.10 NB.cs Detail
06.06.10 Salvation Army Detail
06.06.10 WZITY SOSITY Detail
06.06.10 HOMiES.. Detail
06.06.10 Fenomenalnie Miotam gg Detail
02.06.10 JANKI Detail
01.06.10 Bajzel Na Strychu Detail
31.05.10 cbteam Detail
31.05.10 Szybkie Szachy m1xando Detail
31.05.10 lesne boby Detail
31.05.10 Good Entertainment Detail
30.05.10 Wyrwalem Chwasta Detail
30.05.10 hajs on fire Detail
30.05.10 team PADLINA Detail
30.05.10 Simple & Clever Detail
30.05.10 PAWIAN GEJMING 5/5 Detail
30.05.10 dobra Koniec Detail
29.05.10 Mega Mikss Detail
29.05.10 FRAG FIGHTERS Detail
29.05.10 Niech Ginie! Detail
27.05.10 Salvation Army Detail
27.05.10 Polish Game Control .cs Detail
26.05.10 joint me! Detail
26.05.10 BERECIARZE Detail
26.05.10 team PAPAYA Detail
26.05.10 PO IMPREZIE Detail
25.05.10 JANKI Detail
24.05.10 HOMiES.. Detail
24.05.10 Zielone Zlowieszcze Zaby Detail
21.05.10 Na pelnej pod okno Detail
20.05.10 MALY GLOD Detail
19.05.10 HEROES.EPS OLD Detail
19.05.10 HATCHING Detail
18.05.10 quest Detail
18.05.10 NB.cs Detail
18.05.10 KSW PUDZIAN Detail
14.05.10 HOMiES.. Detail
13.05.10 SPOJRZ NAM W OCZY Detail
12.05.10 CHCESZ WP? Detail
12.05.10 Pancio Detail
12.05.10 xeonss Detail
12.05.10 Blue Mountain State Detail
11.05.10 the headuvers Detail
10.05.10 BE THIRTEEN Detail