Rating Hardcore 

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Hardcore Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.02.12 Conviction Poland Detail
30.01.12 Malicious Demons Detail
29.01.12 Omega-Gaming Detail
22.01.12 INAKTIV BUT BEST. farid, why u cant lose? Detail
21.01.12 Better Than You Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.01.12 TeamSexy Detail
01.01.12 Time Will Only Tell Detail
01.01.12 Phase2.0 Re Detail
31.12.11 nix könner hoch 10 Detail
30.12.11 Chaos Crew² gg Detail
29.12.11 Chaos Crew² gg Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Hardcore Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.08.11 KKillerkommando Beta nice game Detail
10.08.11 KKillerkommando Beta Detail
31.07.11 TtK Kaliber 45 Detail
30.07.11 KKillerkommando Alpha gg Detail
26.07.11 Few Left Standing gg Detail
07.07.11 Few Left Standing gg gerne wieder Detail
01.07.11 In memory of w4sp BO2 gg nice game immer wieder gern!!! Detail
26.06.11 In memory of w4sp BO2 gg nice game immer wieder gern!!! Detail
25.06.11 In memory of w4sp BO2 Detail
19.06.11 xTreme Fighters Detail
17.06.11 Käsemaiks Detail
13.06.11 Call of Duty Team.cod6 Detail
12.06.11 Rofa SnD Detail
27.05.11 In memory of w4sp BO2 flameeee Detail
27.04.11 In memory of w4sp BO2 Detail
14.04.11 Les 3 petits cochons Detail
13.04.11 United Division Detail
25.03.11 In memory of w4sp BO2 Detail
21.03.11 The Hawks Gaming! Detail
20.03.11 RudeBoyZ.MW2 HC Detail
17.03.11 SEA Detail
16.03.11 Team Hangover Detail
15.03.11 Team Hangover Detail
06.01.11 offffffff_1 Detail
05.08.10 German-Endgegner (Green Elite) Detail
05.08.10 Illusion.eSports3on3 Detail
03.08.10 Full-S gg guys Detail
26.07.10 Full-S Detail
25.07.10 Clan-Los-Gluecklich Detail
23.07.10 exotiQue gg, gerne wieder ;) Detail
20.07.10 Full-S Detail
19.07.10 Qe CoD gg Detail
19.07.10 Nouvelles forces speciales Detail
18.07.10 Kill U All Detail
15.07.10 Elite Gamer Fraction Detail
13.07.10 eSports-Elite Detail
05.07.10 Stark Detail
04.07.10 U n i V e r S a l - Elite Detail
28.06.10 Italian Pitbull - Bravo Detail
28.06.10 Lonely Souls Team Detail
20.06.10 Qe CoD nice evading. smallville or luck? Detail
12.06.10 Nouvelles forces speciales Detail
09.06.10 Team RESIDENT.ENUZI gg Detail
07.06.10 Team RESIDENT.ENUZI Detail
02.06.10 Deafening Silence Detail
31.05.10 LYCANS gg Detail
30.05.10 Pro-gamer Elite Squad Detail
29.05.10 Typisch X4V Detail
29.05.10 Crew Berlin Detail
23.05.10 European Para Section Detail
21.05.10 in memory of RAGE lame, unfreundlich, laberköppe Detail
21.05.10 Stark gg, Friendly Team! Detail
21.05.10 DeVIATE b@stErdS gg Detail
20.05.10 Kill U All Detail
19.05.10 uS! MW2 Detail
18.05.10 grgdrffffffff Detail
17.05.10 Qe CoD gg nette Gegner Detail
16.05.10 Crystal Evolution Detail
15.05.10 Qe CoD gg Detail
15.05.10 DSC eSport Nice gegner...immer wieder gern Detail