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Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 Opening S&D Cup
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10.02.13 BreakingPoint Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 Opening HC S&D Cup
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03.02.13 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
14.01.13 cRanKz eSports Detail
17.12.12 preDiction.infinity Detail
12.12.12 FlyinG eSports Detail
06.12.12 B E R R Y . REACH MY LEVEL Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 Winter S&D Cup
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28.01.13 NXG.FlyeRz :) Als sie verloren haben , nur noch gegen Regeln verstoßen Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 Winter HC S&D Cup
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21.01.13 get.DOMINATED! Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 HC S&D Ladder
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15.01.13 Team. Time2Play rage quitting! Detail
29.12.12 FlyinG eSports ständiger verbindungsabbruch Detail
26.12.12 Team. Time2Play gg :) Detail
18.12.12 The drunken Monkeys-ESport Detail
18.12.12 Team. Time2Play Detail
09.12.12 xtreme FORnicators 667 Detail
02.12.12 The drunken Monkeys-ESport Detail
02.12.12 TeAm BoZz Gute Jungs. Nur beim Sicheren Sieg mit Pistel spielen ist zwar erlaubt aber irgendwie laecherlich :) Detail
30.11.12 INew EraI Detail
30.11.12 NeW Era - nE Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 S&D 2. Qualifikationscup Championship
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13.01.13 Team Hühnersuppe No.1 Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 S&D 1. Qualifikationscup Championship
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06.01.13 Die Strauchdiebe gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 A-Series
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30.12.12 Team.LuckyPunch haha Detail
30.12.12 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
23.12.12 NXG.FlyeRz :) Detail

Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) Go4BO2 #1 02/12
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02.12.12 REDEYES Hawks Call of Duty Detail

Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 S&D Ladder
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28.11.12 Total.BRUTALITY GG Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 S&D Special Cup v2
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25.11.12 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
25.11.12 druSja.horiZon Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 S&D Special Cup
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25.11.12 Die Strauchdiebe gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 World Reveal Cup Series S&D
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11.06.12 Uprising! eSports e.V. Detail
04.06.12 Call of Duty Veterans Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 3on3 World Reveal Cup Series S&D
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22.05.12 AVR Newbies Detail
07.05.12 AVR Legend gutes team Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 S&D Quickcup KW19
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09.05.12 Super Phun Club ! Detail
09.05.12 RaptiLe eSports Detail

Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 SnD Core Ladder
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27.04.12 teamFLY Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 Premium S&D Cup Series #1
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06.03.12 Team.cLassic R.I.P gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 HC S&D Ladder
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22.02.12 FlyinG eSports Detail
13.02.12 Team MvP Detail
09.02.12 FlyinG eSports Detail
02.02.12 Team MvP Detail
01.02.12 UniQeZ Kommt wieder ...3.2.1 Detail
31.01.12 cRanKz eSports Sind nur am Beleidigen!!!! Voll die Opfer!!!! Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 Opening HC S&D Cup
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18.12.11 GW GaMinG eSport GG Naja srry wegen der typ naja gibt aber noch ein faires Rematch Detail
08.12.11 nM Concept One Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 Special HC S&D Quick Cup
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15.11.11 Call of Duty Veterans Detail
15.11.11 S.W.A.T eSports Gaming GG Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 Warm Up S&D Quick Cup
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13.11.11 Cupteam Packhunters gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 3on3 Warm Up HC S&D Quick Cup
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11.11.11 Team ABCD gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 Season (HC S&D)
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25.09.11 get.Dominated by VSL Euer Host! Habt ihr nochmal Glück gehabt! Detail
14.09.11 Cupteam Packhunters gg Detail
28.08.11 SSKv2 TeAm FA!L A!M Detail
14.08.11 nM Concept One Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 HC S&D Ladder
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10.08.11 get.Dominated by VSL Detail
04.08.11 ShoX eSports v1 Detail
31.07.11 Team Br1ng 1T Detail
27.07.11 übergangsteam Detail
24.07.11 nM Concept One Detail
21.07.11 FlyinG eSports schlechtester Host der letzten zeit!!! Detail
17.07.11 NXG.contra Detail
12.07.11 übergangsteam Detail
26.06.11 get.Dominated by VSL Detail
14.06.11 II KMAR & MaI2TiiNii -.- Detail
29.05.11 SSKv2 TeAm FA!L A!M Kiddys Detail
15.05.11 II KMAR & MaI2TiiNii bestes spiel ;D Detail
09.05.11 DeahtKings Detail
06.05.11 NXG.contra Detail
05.05.11 SSKv2 TeAm FA!L A!M Kleine Kinder! Kindisch Detail
19.04.11 electronicGaming x Detail
18.04.11 Captain Lifestyle Rocks Detail
14.04.11 Dark Eclipse Gaming 2k11 Gute Jungs, Spannendes Spiel Detail
11.04.11 RgE.Gaming A Detail
10.04.11 SKULLS BO 2 -Hardcore- Detail
03.04.11 DeahtKings Detail
31.03.11 RSE Red Street Elite Detail
29.03.11 NXG.contra Detail
18.03.11 Dark Eclipse Gaming 2k11 Detail
17.03.11 ReBorn eSports e.V. HC GG... Summit hab ich verbockt Detail
15.03.11 II KMAR & MaI2TiiNii Detail
28.02.11 R.I.P eNKey UniTeD Detail
20.02.11 Team Bösartig Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 HC S&D Quick Cup KW31
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03.08.11 WoH.epic.inactive Detail
03.08.11 NoKz eSports Detail
03.08.11 We Rock this Ladder Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 HC S&D Season Quali Cup 3
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24.07.11 nM Concept One Detail
23.07.11 Black HawK (Inaktiv) couse halt :) Detail
22.07.11 Royal.Society Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 Hardcore S&D Ladder
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19.07.11 The drunken Monkeys MW2 GG gerne wieder Detail
03.07.11 x ZeRo QuALiTy I zQ Detail
11.05.11 The drunken Monkeys MW2 GG gerne wieder Detail
09.05.11 VinEx.EU schönes Spiel Detail
12.04.11 II Mr Fuji vs PiNGuuu II GG Detail
10.04.11 Tactical Revolution Detail
09.10.10 iW x iNSaNe WARRIORs vZ Detail
22.09.10 VinEx eSport Detail
12.09.10 Team21.MW2 Detail
08.09.10 Sir eSport Detail
05.09.10 VOLUME 2 Detail
05.09.10 Dream Rebels eSports Detail
05.09.10 JusT 4 FuN x haha rematch ne weisst bescheid Detail
29.08.10 Ground Zero Gamerz Detail
29.08.10 iW x iNSaNe WARRIORs vZ gutes spiel Detail
28.08.10 RaTeD GaminG Detail
27.08.10 Final Stage Detail
25.08.10 rXg.iRonSight Detail
24.08.10 Dream Rebels eSports Detail
24.08.10 Sir eSport Detail
02.08.10 The Lost Killer Detail
31.07.10 U-96 CoD MW2 Hardcore Squad Detail
30.07.10 VoRTeX eSporT Detail
25.07.10 Dream Rebels eSports Detail
23.07.10 AMOK - Elite Squad 4on4 Fordern nur Teams, wo Sieg sicher scheint anhand von Stats -... Detail
21.07.10 TuRKiSH TaCTic CLaN. MW2 Jhak Xbox,speziell Wallhack wurde benutzt Gegner wurden direkt gesehen Detail
19.07.10 Die Bauern Detail
17.07.10 GOH - We will Rock you ! Detail
13.07.10 RaTeD RKO gutes Match Detail
11.07.10 STAR EXTREME GAMING SeG Also Sau gutes spiel war knapp und eigentlich Fair ! Detail
10.07.10 GTCE alpha squad Detail
08.07.10 Tactical Corp. Newcomer Detail
08.07.10 FeaR x Allstars Detail
06.07.10 MvP Sick SoldierZ können nichts ausser durch wände schiessen und sparyen,starten das spiel ohne das jemand sagt das Detail
04.07.10 Dream Rebels eSports Detail
02.07.10 HB 4on4 Elite Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 HC S&D Season Quali Cup 2
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15.07.11 get.DOMINATED! Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 HC S&D Season Quali Cup 1
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10.07.11 no Mercy ! Detail
09.07.11 NXG.contra Detail
08.07.11 BreakingPoint Naja Nature beleidigt gerne sind halt noch kinder Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 S&D Ladder
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29.06.11 BoesArtig CoD Detail
20.04.11 7T7 Detail
16.04.11 plan-B.Ownage Babyyy Detail
17.02.11 WolveS 3N Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 HC S&D Quick Cup KW23
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15.06.11 get.Dominated by VSL Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 Warm Up HC S&D Ladder
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09.06.11 Deutsche Elite Killer GG Detail
15.05.11 NXG.contra Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 Gaming Night HC SnD Cup
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20.05.11 VeP Instinct Detail

Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 HC SnD Ladder
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19.05.11 I Monster (TGR) Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 3on3 S&D Quick Cup KW20
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18.05.11 Modern Fastfood 2 Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 3on3 HC S&D Cup
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20.04.11 Impressive Gaming e.V. Detail
12.04.11 II KMAR & MaI2TiiNii ich sag nur nuketown -.- Detail
03.04.11 ReBorn eSports e.V. HC Detail
28.02.11 MasSaKa JBG.BO Detail

Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 4v4 SnD LOC
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16.04.11 LosT ReaLiiTy Detail
15.04.11 Remember EQUALITY COD Detail
15.04.11 Team MvP Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 3on3 HC S&D Quick Cup KW15
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13.04.11 NXG.contra Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 3on3 S&D Cup
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12.04.11 Remember good Times schlechte verlierer Detail
07.04.11 dp.CS:GO Detail
10.03.11 NSA eSports 3on3 Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 HC SnD Gaming Night #3
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26.02.11 team kommt neu! Detail
25.02.11 ReaLL & Crykz camp mutch, nie wieder!!! Detail