Rating OxydGaming .Oxyd.BF3

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Battlefield 3 4on4 Squad Rush
created from rating comment match
11.04.12 G-Buster.Fun Oxydgamming c\'est présenté très enreatrd après une soit dissante abs de joueur Detail
10.04.12 Nights Soldiers eSport Detail
21.03.12 division PhoeniX gg meme a 3 !!! Detail
18.03.12 iPwN Detail
18.03.12 Les Anges de LApocalypse L1 Detail
11.03.12 Team de Potes Detail
06.03.12 K-Othic eSport BF3 Detail
28.02.12 G-Buster.Fun Detail
21.02.12 Trinitium Bf3 5v5a Detail
16.02.12 Les Anges de LApocalypse L1 Detail
13.02.12 RAID France Detail
10.02.12 FUCK Detail
10.02.12 EnJoYs Detail
08.02.12 DrinkII Detail
07.02.12 G-Buster.Fun Detail
05.02.12 SAW6 Detail
29.01.12 Les Anges de LApocalypse L1 Detail
29.01.12 Veni Vidi Vici Detail
26.01.12 Trinitium Bf3 5v5a Detail
25.01.12 Black Elite line up 1 Detail
15.01.12 Les Anges de LApocalypse L1 Detail

Battlefield 3 Coupe de France 2012 5on5 Infantry
created from rating comment match
27.03.12 webSPELL GAMING .BF3 Detail
19.03.12 G-Buster Detail
19.03.12 La 7eme Compagnie Super match, merci pour votre fairplay Detail
16.03.12 PaperPlane GG Detail
15.03.12 Weedz 4 Battle Detail
14.03.12 THE BLACK SHEEP Detail
11.03.12 Veteran bf Detail
07.03.12 OPUS Detail
06.03.12 GiFr FuN Detail
05.03.12 Dark Realm Of World Detail
05.03.12 F&F /Tempest Detail
02.03.12 FR - ROG BF3 Detail
29.02.12 HardwareFR Detail
26.02.12 Team Sans Merci Detail
22.02.12 K-LibR.BF3 Detail
15.02.12 Vlaa Detail
08.02.12 silent Xtrem skill eG1 Detail
02.02.12 NITROSE.BF3 Detail
01.02.12 4seasons.BF3 Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.03.12 MeDiC aRmY Detail
07.03.12 Bulgarian Gaming Detail
20.01.12 Yes! a4tech.users gg wp Detail

Battlefield 3 5on5 Plus One Day Cup #16
created from rating comment match
31.01.12 oRiginal NiCe Team Detail

Battlefield 3 5on5 Plus Opening Cup - GroupStage
created from rating comment match
31.01.12 DeltaFr Detail
16.01.12 GiFr eSport Detail

Battlefield 3 5on5 Plus Infantry Ladder
created from rating comment match
25.01.12 We Support Authority Detail

Battlefield 3 4on4 Opening Cup - GroupStage
created from rating comment match
23.01.12 Ni Dieu Ni Maitre Detail

Battlefield 3 4on4 Rush Cup #10
created from rating comment match
12.01.12 MORDAL Detail
12.01.12 BLABLA-esc Detail

Battlefield 3 4on4 Rush Cup #9
created from rating comment match
11.01.12 Les Anges de LApocalypse L1 Detail
10.01.12 MORDAL Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.12.10 Belek Detail
21.12.10 AROMIX.3VS3 Detail
08.12.10 SITURAJONET Detail
08.12.10 PURE! Detail
08.12.10 WEGOTGAME GG ;) Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder2
created from rating comment match
28.12.10 southeroe cup Detail
28.12.10 elonex Detail
27.12.10 UnMixDansLe_MIXEUR Detail
27.12.10 PURE! gg Detail
27.12.10 Hornet.Gaming Detail
26.12.10 yB.CSS Detail
23.12.10 Devate Detail
21.12.10 OSEFcLENET Detail
20.12.10 Xperia pracc Detail
20.12.10 redByte.MSI Detail