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SC2 Open Ladder Clanwar All-Kill Europe
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21.09.14 Skill Forge Gaming Detail
16.08.14 Monolith Team Detail
02.07.14 Monolith Team Detail
17.05.14 Monolith Team Detail
17.04.14 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV Detail
13.04.14 MyStarCraft Staff ggs Detail
06.04.14 xGame - Starcraft 2 Detail
20.03.14 World is War Gaming gg Detail
13.03.14 Team Gosu Pro Team Detail
09.03.14 Skill Forge Gaming Detail
01.03.14 Empire Academy Team Detail
26.02.14 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV Detail
23.02.14 NGPr0 Detail
18.02.14 Vega Squadron Detail
16.02.14 Skill Forge Gaming Detail
12.02.14 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV Detail
10.02.14 Micronae Supremacy Detail
04.02.14 FD Gaming Detail
30.01.14 dA-Gaming SC2 Detail
29.01.14 Houkago Tea Team Detail
24.01.14 ELITGAMERS Multigaming Detail
12.01.14 revolutiongamingsc2 A-Squad Detail
07.01.14 Starcraft Freaks Clan Detail
05.12.13 dA-Gaming SC2 Detail
19.11.13 Starcraft Freaks Clan Detail
10.11.13 revolutiongamingsc2 A-Squad Detail
03.11.13 Aachen eSport Detail
29.10.13 NoN-eSports Squad 2 Detail
25.10.13 KnightS* SC2 (Honorary) Very nice clanwar and friendly players. Detail
25.10.13 dA-Gaming SC2 Detail
20.10.13 revolutiongamingsc2 A-Squad Detail
16.10.13 Micronae Supremacy Detail

StarCraft II Clanwar Ladder
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13.02.14 World is War Gaming Detail
19.01.14 CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS Detail
24.11.13 PwGaming SC2 Detail
22.09.13 CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS Detail
20.09.13 INRI.SC2 Detail
19.09.13 dA-Gaming SC2 Detail
13.09.13 The-Dead-Generation Sc2 Detail
06.09.13 NoLiFE Clan Detail
17.08.13 Cascade Academy team Detail
05.08.13 You ll be Sorry Detail
31.07.13 Click-Storm Detail
28.07.13 ESC.ICY BOX Starcraft II Detail
25.07.13 The-Dead-Generation Sc2 Detail
24.06.13 CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS Detail
17.06.13 Kamikaze Overlords Detail
13.06.13 RuW.SC2.White Legion Detail
10.06.13 Gizmo eSports Detail
02.06.13 Starcraft Freaks Clan Detail
31.05.13 Team Gosu Pro Team Detail
29.05.13 Sgeht StarCraft 2 Team A GGs, nice company! Detail
26.05.13 ReGolith Team SCII Detail
31.03.13 Sgeht StarCraft 2 Team A GGs, nice company Detail
26.03.13 phoenX ggs Detail
21.03.13 Unstoppable Warriors Detail
18.03.13 Darkstar Detail
10.02.13 Sgeht StarCraft 2 Community Detail
30.12.12 be.inSide e.V. SC2 Detail
12.12.12 Vega Squadron Russia Detail
28.11.12 Los Piratos SC2 Detail
31.10.12 Vega Squadron Detail
22.10.12 Lunatics Detail
09.09.12 Vega Squadron Detail
06.07.12 Vega Squadron Detail
05.07.12 Winds of War Detail
06.06.12 UCAP.TunnelVision Detail
01.06.12 e-Synergy Detail
29.05.12 CK-99 Detail
07.04.12 3 Spooky 5 Me Detail
09.03.12 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
18.02.12 Face of Power Gaming They are pretty BM, i have got screenshoot for they told us \"burn in the hell\" Really BM guys. Detail
01.02.12 NoNameTeam! Detail
09.01.12 Vega Squadron Junior Detail
07.01.12 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
08.12.11 Pwnanza We forfeit 2v2 and RvSon vs Mitsu, I got late to orga this cw, and players cannot be here tomorrow. Detail
03.12.11 Air Swimmers Detail
02.12.11 Micronae Supremacy B Team Detail
01.12.11 incredible Panic ESL Detail
30.11.11 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV Detail
28.11.11 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV Detail
12.11.11 uPro Legends ESL Detail
09.11.11 RiemuRemmi.sc2 Detail
19.10.11 Inaktiv Detail
17.10.11 uPro Legends ESL Detail
09.10.11 Imbaland team Detail
20.09.11 Post Mortem (SC2) Detail
16.09.11 The GhoST Clan.SC2 Detail
14.09.11 Origine-online.SC2 gg Detail
12.09.11 Random sc2 Detail
10.09.11 R.I.P esportZ gg wp Detail
07.09.11 ... Detail
03.09.11 Random sc2 Detail
03.08.11 Daymare eSports SC2 Detail
27.07.11 w4sp.sc2 B Detail
20.07.11 Team Source Detail
19.07.11 National Pride Detail
16.07.11 R.I.P esportZ gg wp ncie team Detail
10.07.11 R.I.P esportZ WP Detail
07.07.11 TruE DestroyerS TeaM Detail
06.07.11 Corrupted Team Detail
05.07.11 ex-force.sc2 Detail
29.06.11 ex-force.sc2 Detail
26.06.11 Micronae Supremacy Talents Detail
11.06.11 ReGolith Team SCII nice game gg Detail
08.06.11 Daymare eSports SC2 Detail
06.06.11 Exilits Legion Detail
05.06.11 Daymare eSports SC2 Detail
02.06.11 R.I.P esportZ gg Detail
27.05.11 Micronae Supremacy A Team Detail
25.05.11 Stars Team Gaming Detail
24.05.11 seeN - Starcraft 2 Detail
16.05.11 sIN.Gaming gg Detail
10.05.11 iN7 - ESPORTS SC II Detail
04.05.11 vioesports Detail
03.05.11 R.I.P esportZ gege Detail
28.04.11 Jedi Power Users Detail
18.04.11 Stars Team Gaming Detail
07.04.11 causeWEcan e.V. Detail
05.04.11 RuW.SC2.White Legion Detail
30.03.11 Origine-online.SC2 gg Detail
29.03.11 Grow uP Gaming SC2 Detail
24.03.11 Clan Fresh Detail
22.03.11 army From Future Detail
20.03.11 ULTRA Energy Stars SC2 Detail
16.03.11 Daymare eSports SC2 good guys ;c Detail
15.03.11 Looking for Organisation Detail
14.03.11 StrefaSC Gaming Detail
03.03.11 HWBG Detail
28.02.11 DEXTRA.Sc2 Detail
27.02.11 In7 - eSports SC2 bad english, only playing allin Detail
21.02.11 The Sentinel of Light Detail
20.02.11 smart-Gaming Detail
15.02.11 3D.FastVPS.sc2 Detail
07.02.11 Exilits Legion Detail
03.02.11 Deads Team gg Detail

Euro Series Winter 2013 StarCraft II Groupstage
created from rating comment match
09.12.13 Copenhagen Wolves Detail
04.12.13 Team Empire Detail
26.11.13 Team Acer Detail

StarCraft II Clanwar EES SC2 Team Winter 2013 Qualifier #3
created from rating comment match
13.11.13 ESC.ICY BOX Starcraft II GG\'s thx 4 games Detail
12.11.13 Love Your Girlfriend helped us out when i was at work Detail

StarCraft II Clanwar EES SC2 Team Winter 2013 Qualifier #2
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06.11.13 ESC.ICY BOX Starcraft II Detail
06.11.13 Esselta Gaming Detail

StarCraft II Clanwar EES SC2 Team Winter 2013 Qualifier #1
created from rating comment match
05.11.13 PunchLine! Detail

Euro Series Summer 2013 StarCraft II Groupstage
created from rating comment match
26.08.13 Western Wolves.SC2 Detail
19.08.13 Fnatic Detail

ESL Major Series Spring 2013 StarCraft II Playoffs QF
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22.05.13 CompLexity Detail

ESL Major Series Spring 2013 StarCraft II Groupstage
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22.04.13 NaVi.SC2 Detail

StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm EMS Spring 2013 SC2 Clan Qualifier 1.4 Ro8
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28.03.13 7x Team Detail

StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm EMS Spring 2013 SC2 Clan Qualifier 1.3 Ro16
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28.03.13 mYinsanity.eu Starcraft 2 Detail

StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm EMS Spring 2013 SC2 Clan Qualifier 1.2
created from rating comment match
27.03.13 MeetYourMakers Detail

StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm EMS Spring 2013 SC2 Clan Qualifier 1 (PS)
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27.03.13 Value at Risk Detail