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Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 3on3 S&D Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.06.12 X3F e.Sports (360) Detail
30.05.12 AuT pBo Gameshop.at Detail
23.05.12 SKULLS MW3 - CORE- Detail
23.05.12 7eam VeGa Detail
02.05.12 SKULLS MW3 - CORE- Detail
06.04.12 FAR BO 2 Detail
18.03.12 Always live On.Mw3 Detail
09.03.12 xaxaxaxax Detail
02.03.12 iTzGAMiNG eSport gg :) Detail
29.02.12 VinEx eSport Detail
24.02.12 Team 1077 Detail
17.02.12 Team.NauTiX Detail
12.02.12 eCg Core Team Detail
12.02.12 German Dream Detail
03.02.12 2young2Die Detail
30.01.12 ........ Detail
14.12.11 RaTeD Gaming Core Detail
02.12.11 Postschnecken (EU) & Ibiza Detail
30.11.11 AuT pBo Gameshop.at Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 S&D Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.05.12 3XTR4 eSports Detail
25.05.12 Team..::.. Detail
23.05.12 Die Doktoren Detail
21.05.12 iBad Detail
16.05.12 Team-eXpect Detail
14.05.12 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
14.05.12 team.CeLaVi GG! Detail
11.05.12 Total.BRUTALITY Good Game! Detail
04.05.12 Team ABCD Detail
27.04.12 Das war einmal 4 Detail
26.04.12 dp.Gaming CoD gg! diesmal Win für uns aber war ein schönes Match ;) Detail
23.04.12 in memory of CReATiVe Gaming Detail
23.04.12 plan-B.Ownage Babyyy Detail
20.04.12 EvoX eSports ProToTYpeS Detail
19.04.12 ViVA.Hobbytänzerinnen Detail
06.04.12 Team ABCD gg Detail
02.04.12 German-Top-Fighter Detail
23.03.12 Team unico Detail
21.03.12 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
21.03.12 Einfach easY Haha nette Gegner Detail
19.03.12 vG xAllStars Nette Gegner! Detail
14.03.12 Inaktiv)))))) Detail
12.03.12 ViVA.Hobbytänzerinnen Detail
09.03.12 defeX.EU Detail
09.03.12 NXG.FlyeRz :) gg Detail
07.03.12 MW3 Team Dashboarder Detail
17.02.12 SEC CORE SQUAD Detail
13.02.12 noLook.eSports COD Detail
06.02.12 Team unico Detail
05.02.12 existiert nicht mehr ! Detail
30.01.12 Shredder 4 President Detail
23.01.12 FAR BO 2 Detail
13.01.12 NXG.FlyeRz :) nette leutz Detail
06.01.12 plan-B - Contra Legem Detail
05.01.12 Undead Pad Detail
04.01.12 Team Invaders Detail
02.01.12 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
30.12.11 Team xx11 Detail
22.12.11 own you now Detail
12.12.11 plan-B.Ownage Babyyy Detail
09.12.11 BlackxDiamondx Detail
02.12.11 EvoX eSports ProToTYpeS Detail
30.11.11 In memory of NXG.eneloop Detail
28.11.11 plan-B - Contra Legem gg Detail
21.11.11 ShotTheRock Detail
18.11.11 Austrian elite Warriors Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 SnD Shootout Dezember
created from rating comment match
13.01.12 Team Whopper Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 4on4 Random Gen Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.12.11 Remember EQUALITY COD Detail
12.12.11 Hanoi Detail
02.12.11 Impressive Gaming e.V. Detail
25.11.11 get.DOMINATED! Detail
21.11.11 in memory of team.n2L gg Detail

Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 4on4 Random Gen Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.11.11 in Memory of Team.Babas Detail
11.11.11 REDEYES Hawks Call of Duty Sehr nette Leute, würden gerne nochmal gegen sie Spielen! Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 S&D Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.10.11 Team DiVine gg:) Detail
15.10.11 LeGenD.eSport Detail
13.10.11 dvX.Synapsia GG Detail
16.09.11 younG StaRz Detail
10.09.11 dvX.Synapsia Detail
09.09.11 EviL GaminG back in Time Detail
09.09.11 ENJOY Gaming - PUBG Detail
02.09.11 xRSx Detail
22.08.11 KellerKinder Detail
19.08.11 plan-B.Ownage Babyyy Detail
19.08.11 Memorial.Mw3 Detail
05.08.11 ProjectX - MW Team Detail
02.08.11 The drunken Monkeys MW2 GG! \'++\' Detail
22.07.11 Team Bravo Detail
22.07.11 Boooyaaaaaa Detail
15.07.11 dynmiC.5N Detail
15.07.11 The drunken Monkeys MW2 GG! \'++\' Detail
13.07.11 Team Vitro Detail
08.07.11 Kommando Spezialkräfte-KGC Detail
06.07.11 x ZeRo QuALiTy I zQ .core Detail
01.07.11 Memorial.Mw3 gg Detail
23.06.11 KinG SiZe Detail
06.06.11 NeXus e.Sports GG, wirklich! Detail
04.06.11 eVince.BoyaaH Detail
03.06.11 PaiNz.e-Sport Detail
03.06.11 Team Vitro Detail
23.05.11 The drunken Monkeys MW2 Detail
20.05.11 TDS.eSports - love iT Detail
20.05.11 UFC Detail
16.05.11 in your Face Gaming Detail
14.05.11 I think I love you MW2 Detail
13.05.11 VinEx.EU GG Detail
13.05.11 Ich rannte Alles. Detail
06.05.11 PaiNz.e-Sport War ein richtig gutes Match. Detail
02.05.11 FAR BO 2 Detail
29.04.11 I think I love you MW2 Detail