Rating Rofa Tactical Angels .[Rofa]

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CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 Europe
created from rating comment match
09.01.13 eVolution-Networks 2on2 Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.08.12 Darkness Inside Detail
25.08.12 Allround-Gamer Detail
10.08.12 WolfsCorporation Detail
09.08.12 PsyEnergy Detail
06.08.12 WaNnabe Detail
02.08.12 Wir gewinnen eh Detail
24.07.12 EigeNtuM Danke für die Nette Hilfe Nettes Spiel Detail
24.07.12 Darkness Inside Detail
19.07.12 isso 2on2 gruppe B Detail
19.07.12 Trainer Ludwigs eSport -Team Detail
18.07.12 Viribus Unitis Detail
17.07.12 Keine Ahnung Detail
17.07.12 NikitaBawan Detail
16.07.12 WaNnabe Detail
15.07.12 TaktikSwatArmy - 2on2 leider am ende flame + leave sonst nett Detail
15.07.12 MarburgCrime Detail
15.07.12 avoid it. Detail
14.07.12 20-inaktiv-2 Detail
12.07.12 KinGs Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Hardcore Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.08.11 Isso Esl 2 on 2 Detail
17.06.11 xTreme Fighters 2on2 Detail
16.06.11 TapeWormZ 2on2 Detail
15.06.11 Area 51 Detail
14.06.11 Pingu-Rebirth gg Detail
14.06.11 Source Elite Detail
13.06.11 Grind Detail
12.06.11 2v2 regl0rn flam0r Detail
12.06.11 Grind Detail
11.06.11 Muchachos Detail
11.06.11 G*A Green Army Detail
11.06.11 Udo wtf gg Detail
11.06.11 Bananas in Pyjamas gg Detail
10.06.11 Grind Detail
09.06.11 Deluxe Soldiers Germany HC TDM Detail