Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Rating History Rating Dirty Swedes back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Ladder created from rating comment match 02.12.12 In Memory of Phenom Gaming ggwp Detail 28.11.12 PLATOON NAME Detail 14.11.12 eXXtreme3D .BF3 Detail 11.11.12 Playing Ducks e.V. BF gg, next your Map Detail 11.11.12 FragWhores Detail 04.11.12 NS nEo Detail 31.10.12 ImPULSE eSP0RTS Detail 03.10.12 Spain Premium BF3 Detail 03.10.12 ImPULSE eSP0RTS Detail 23.09.12 Team Force ! Detail 12.09.12 818 Multigaming Community Detail 09.09.12 Detail 29.08.12 AlienS e-Sports Detail 29.08.12 D.N.A. Nice team :) Detail 22.08.12 Evil Empire bf. Detail 22.08.12 GamersReality Detail 19.08.12 Team Force ! Detail 15.08.12 AlienS e-Sports Detail 08.08.12 All in GI Detail 31.07.12 Fraga Clan Detail 24.06.12 eMatiC. Gaming Detail 24.06.12 -------- Detail 17.06.12 XSS Veterans gg Detail 17.06.12 Brigaden Detail 10.06.12 Balderdash Gaming Detail 10.06.12 Dirty Heroes Detail 03.06.12 Another View BF3 Team good game guys Detail 03.06.12 Team Frostbite Artisan.BF4 Detail 30.05.12 K-LibR.BF3 Detail 30.05.12 Naturally Aspirated Players Detail 27.05.12 R4ped BY Detail 27.05.12 TROLLS Detail 23.05.12 FeW-GamerS.BF3 Detail 23.05.12 Red Fox Team Detail 16.05.12 Illusion Pictures team Detail 13.05.12 27united e.V. Team Firebird Detail 09.05.12 Italian Afrika Korps Clan Detail 09.05.12 Crazy WolfPack Detail 06.05.12 CSET team Bravo Detail 03.05.12 The Crazies Detail 03.05.12 BLACKWATER Detail 29.04.12 ROCK eSports Detail 25.04.12 Russian Team Zero Detail 22.04.12 MeDiC aRmY Detail 15.04.12 R4ped BY Detail 15.04.12 TOP Nordic Battlegroup Detail 11.04.12 ROCK eSports Detail 11.04.12 omgroflmuhmuh Detail