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Soldat Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.04.05 karl ranseier ist tot. 2on2 TDM nice one! Detail
09.10.04 Rote Gurken Some intended Selfkills and a bit lame at all...annoying Stop-Sayings Detail
14.08.04 Selective Erasement some spawnkills and lags, but gg. Detail
15.05.04 WronG FucKeD aNd OverraTeD hmm, it was a good game, but there were some problems with the no-head-bug... And the spawnkilling and camping was not fine, too. but, it was okay,,, Detail
08.05.04 Rote Gurken good, exept the forbidden skin Detail
18.01.04 HornY GuYs look at matchdetails and screens ... Detail
14.12.03 cha0s Clan Detail
28.11.03 LeeT n' iTch TeaM Detail
27.11.03 Soldiers Xtreme Detail
22.11.03 nur wir zwei our enemies didn`t want to play on an neutral german server, sayed things like \"nazi\" to us, used 2 barrets at one time and camped very often. realy lame! Detail
10.11.03 The Law Detail
01.11.03 69 Boys Detail
22.10.03 nur wir zwei Nice people.Leider wurde zeitweise gecampt. Sonst ganz cool. Detail

Soldat Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.01.04 Drunken Eagles Detail