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ESL Nordic Nationals Winter 2015 Group Stage Decider #1 Finland
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17.11.15 SkitLite Detail

ESL Nordic Nationals Winter 2015 Group Stage #1 Finland
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10.11.15 godsOnline Detail
10.11.15 iGame.com Detail
10.11.15 ENCE.ASUSROG Detail

ESL Nordic Nationals Winter 2015 Qualifier #2 Finland
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03.11.15 RUSKITURBO Detail
02.11.15 Egonrakentajat Detail
02.11.15 5cons Detail

CS:GO Acer Predator Masters powered by Intel Groupstage Europe
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25.07.15 E-Frag.net eSports Club Detail
07.07.15 KILLERFISH eSport Detail

ESL One Cologne 2015 European Qualifier #1
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28.06.15 worm5 Detail
28.06.15 SAIDERc Detail
27.06.15 Schlaegeros Detail
27.06.15 Attacker.sk Detail
27.06.15 Torpedo.gg Detail

ESL One Katowice 2015 Europe Qualifier #2
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03.02.15 MALIK Detail
03.02.15 Victorious Secret gg guyZ Detail
03.02.15 wcyd Detail

ESL One Katowice 2015 Europe Qualifier #1
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27.01.15 The Last Resort CSGO Detail
26.01.15 F!LM+ Detail
26.01.15 KnightsOfHonor Detail
26.01.15 Expert-Gaming Detail

ESL Pro League CS:GO Winter 2014/15 Group A
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10.12.14 CopenhagenWolves Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive ESL One Cologne 2014 Open Qualifier
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23.07.14 imaginary.gaming Detail
23.07.14 Bad Karma Detail
22.07.14 Mourn Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive EMS One EU Qualifier #2
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22.02.14 NDG eSports Detail
22.02.14 BLUE GORILLAZ Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive EMS One EU Qualifier #1
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19.02.14 In memory of zx9/oBG Detail
18.02.14 eastGamers #2 Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive EMS One Nordic Regional Final
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08.02.14 PANTERS.NOR Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 A-Series
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22.09.13 CrystalSky Detail
15.09.13 myRevenge e.V. Denmark Detail
08.09.13 LeiSuRe Detail
08.09.13 Vikings.CSGO Detail
01.09.13 CrystalSky Detail
01.09.13 Neil_M Girls Detail
29.08.13 Vikings.CSGO Detail
26.08.13 momo momo momooo Detail
19.08.13 plan B staff Detail
08.08.13 EnRo GRIFFINS Detail
01.08.13 teamKR.de Detail
22.07.13 10 gg Detail
14.05.13 KerchNET Detail
12.05.13 E-Frag.net Detail
09.05.13 WGG Detail
05.05.13 LowLandLions Detail
25.04.13 CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS CS:GO Detail
21.04.13 plan B staff Detail
21.04.13 ghosts Detail
18.04.13 Team Wild Fire Detail
16.04.13 F00KINGPRAWNS Detail
16.04.13 QPool Detail
14.04.13 Ildal Lions Detail
09.04.13 pokerteammm Detail

RaidCall EMS One Summer 2013 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cup #1
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14.05.13 Ildal Lions Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #43 - 12/05
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12.05.13 TEAM GRAVITY ! Detail
12.05.13 SMOKESPIEGEL Detail

Counter-Strike Intel Extreme MastersKiev - Stage #3
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18.12.11 TBH. eSports Detail
18.12.11 Moscow Five Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Intel Extreme Masters VI GC Kiev Finnish Qualifier
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30.10.11 No Mercy Detail