Rating Vega Squadron .SC2

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SC2 Open Ladder Clanwar All-Kill Europe
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22.03.14 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV Detail
20.02.14 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV gggggggs Detail
18.02.14 Cascade 1xBet Detail
16.02.14 Skill Forge Gaming Detail
04.02.14 dA-Gaming SC2 Detail
02.02.14 HD Game Detail
07.01.14 National Gaming Community Detail
05.01.14 Aachen eSport Detail
29.12.13 Starcraft Freaks Clan Detail
22.12.13 revolutiongamingsc2 A-Squad Detail
15.12.13 Skill Forge Gaming Nice guys. Detail
15.12.13 Houkago Tea Team Detail
24.10.13 INRI.SC2 Was a nice clanwar and all friendly! Abver my hero <3 Detail
03.10.13 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV Detail
28.08.13 Poisoned Hearts B Detail
26.08.13 PunchLine! Detail

Euro Series Winter 2013 StarCraft II Groupstage
created from rating comment match
25.11.13 mousesports Detail

StarCraft II Clanwar EES SC2 Team Winter 2013 Qualifier #2
created from rating comment match
07.11.13 Cascade 1xBet Detail
06.11.13 Alien Invasion Detail
06.11.13 Cascade Academy team Detail

StarCraft II Clanwar EES SC2 Team Winter 2013 Qualifier #1
created from rating comment match
05.11.13 Cascade 1xBet Detail

StarCraft II Clanwar Ladder
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18.08.13 noMERCY SC2 Detail
19.07.13 noMERCY SC2 Detail
14.06.13 Kamikaze Overlords Detail
13.05.13 Sgeht StarCraft 2 Team A GGs Detail
15.01.13 pod virtual gaming Detail
16.12.12 The-Dead-Generation Academy Detail
07.11.12 H2k SCII Acadamy Team Detail
02.11.12 ReGolith Team SCII Detail
31.10.12 Cascade 1xBet Detail
29.09.12 Vega Squadron E-sport Detail
25.09.12 Team ErroX.SC2 Detail
24.09.12 Risingskill Detail
23.09.12 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
10.09.12 Micronae Supremacy A Team <3 u Detail
09.09.12 Cascade 1xBet Detail
31.08.12 Micronae Supremacy A Team Detail
30.07.12 Northern Maniacs Detail
29.07.12 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV ggs Detail
28.07.12 Micronae Supremacy A Team Detail
17.07.12 TLR Esports Detail
14.07.12 Mouse Control SC II vanished after 1v1\'s Detail
06.07.12 Cascade 1xBet Detail
05.07.12 pod virtual gaming not too fair this time Detail
04.07.12 You ll be Sorry Detail
03.07.12 readmore.de Community Detail
02.07.12 myRevenge e.V. Gigabyte Detail
07.06.12 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
17.05.12 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
15.05.12 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
07.05.12 pod virtual gaming Detail
05.05.12 R.I.P esportZ Detail
02.05.12 LaVa Gaming 1. Artanis 2. Kilen 3. Rotcod 4. Wolf 2on2: Artanis + Kilen Detail
01.05.12 Micronae Supremacy A Team Detail
30.04.12 DRUCKWELLE Starcraft 2 most bad mannered team I\'ve ever met Detail
29.04.12 CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS Detail
22.04.12 pod virtual gaming Detail
21.04.12 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
20.04.12 GC eSports.SC2 Alpha Detail
13.04.12 Team Mango Sc2 Detail
10.04.12 pod virtual gaming Detail
09.04.12 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
07.04.12 TeamDieTrying Detail
07.04.12 R.I.P esportZ Detail
03.04.12 eXe Team Behemoth Detail
30.03.12 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
28.03.12 KnightS* SC2 (Honorary) Detail
25.03.12 Micronae Supremacy A Team Detail
22.03.12 eSuba SC2 Academy team Detail
19.03.12 pod virtual gaming Detail
18.03.12 Flai Gaming Detail
16.03.12 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
14.03.12 Team Mango Sc2 Detail
13.03.12 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV Detail
12.03.12 pod virtual gaming Detail
10.03.12 GC eSports.SC2 Alpha Detail
08.03.12 pod virtual gaming Detail
06.03.12 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
05.03.12 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV Detail
04.03.12 Team Mango Sc2 Detail
01.03.12 pod virtual gaming gg Detail
29.02.12 TeamDieTrying Detail
25.02.12 Chemical Chaos Detail
24.02.12 R.I.P esportZ gg Detail
22.02.12 pod virtual gaming Detail
22.02.12 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
21.02.12 Jhays Private Team Detail
20.02.12 Brothers community Detail
19.02.12 RuW.SC2.White Legion Detail
18.02.12 eSuba SC2 Academy team Detail
08.01.12 pod virtual gaming Detail
07.01.12 Wild-Play e.V. SC2 Pro Detail
03.01.12 phoenX Very Nice guys! GG WP : ) Detail
22.12.11 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV Detail
21.12.11 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
18.12.11 eXe Team Behemoth Detail
18.12.11 The Angry Bears SC2 Detail
17.12.11 Corrupted Team Detail
16.12.11 Team Identity Detail
16.12.11 EYES ON U Detail
15.12.11 Virtus.pro*BenQ Detail
14.12.11 Pwnanza thanks for patience and good orga. GL in future Detail
03.12.11 Corrupted Team Detail
03.12.11 Team Mistral.Tt Detail
03.12.11 uPro Legends ESL Detail
02.12.11 teamKR.de Detail
01.12.11 WeWannaWin Clan Detail
27.11.11 QuiCk e-Sports Club Detail

StarCraft II Clanwar RaidCall ESL Euro Series Summer 2013 Qualifier #2
created from rating comment match
24.07.13 Lowlandlions Starcraft2 Detail
24.07.13 Imperium Gamers SC2 Detail

StarCraft II Clanwar RaidCall ESL Euro Series Summer 2013 Qualifier #1
created from rating comment match
22.07.13 Fnatic Detail
22.07.13 HD Game Detail