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ESL R6 (PS4) Major League Season 1 Group B 2017 Europe
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18.04.17 The.eVoLuTioN Detail
04.04.17 Big Guns Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #8
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02.04.17 Bot Empire Detail
02.04.17 Agility eSports Geiles Game Detail
02.04.17 Yebba Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #14
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29.03.17 ENJOY - Ouroboros.Major Detail
29.03.17 Judgement Detail
29.03.17 WhiteTigerZ Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #7
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26.03.17 Sc0p3 Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #13
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25.03.17 DyNasty eSports Detail

ESL R6 (PS4) Major League Season 1 2017 Open Qualifier #3 Europe
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12.03.17 The.eVoLuTioN Detail
11.03.17 Complex Simplicity Detail
11.03.17 FinestCornerCamping Detail
11.03.17 Marrix Detail
11.03.17 Majestic M.L. Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #8
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08.03.17 ComingSoon Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #4
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05.03.17 SuperWeAre Detail
05.03.17 Dixit team Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #6
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01.03.17 Morpheus Esport Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #3
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26.02.17 Claw.eSports (EU) Detail
26.02.17 ENJOY - Ouroboros.Major Detail
26.02.17 R3X Gaming Detail
26.02.17 NEMESIS 5 Detail
26.02.17 3st! Mixed gG Detail

ESL R6 (PS4) Major League Season 1 2017 Open Qualifier #1 Europe
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25.02.17 R6 ML Champion S1 Detail
25.02.17 The eVoLuTioN Detail
25.02.17 Taube e-Sport Detail
25.02.17 3st! Mixed gG Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #4
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22.02.17 5 Angry Men Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #3
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19.02.17 The eVoLuTioN Detail
18.02.17 RedEnd Detail
18.02.17 Deleid Detail
18.02.17 The Mighty Duck Smugglers #mouse accuracy Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #2
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15.02.17 Unknowm Team Detail
15.02.17 The Legion of Boom Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #1
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12.02.17 Invicta Gaming R6_PS4 Detail
12.02.17 HDS_esport Detail
12.02.17 EMME Kimera Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #1
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11.02.17 Don't CRY.MarotiGaming B Detail
11.02.17 EMME Kimera Detail
11.02.17 WhiteTigerZ Detail

BF Hardline (PS4) 5on5 Rescue Blackout Cup #1 Europe
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27.11.15 special Instinct KillaZz Detail

BF Hardline (PS4) 5on5 Rescue Weekly Cup #14 Europe
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15.11.15 Limitless Revolution Detail
15.11.15 Experienced Pros Detail

BF Hardline (PS4) 5on5 Rescue Weekly Cup #13 Europe
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01.11.15 REVELATION Detail

BF Hardline (PS4) Open Ladder 5on5 Rescue Global
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07.10.15 lnstinctive Detail
04.10.15 Tatical Suicide Team Detail
27.09.15 The Hussars Detail
20.08.15 IMPULSE GamING 2on2 Detail

BF Hardline (PS4) 5on5 Rescue Weekly Cup #11 Europe
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04.10.15 REVELATION Detail

Europe Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Squad Rush Revival Cup
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06.07.13 Task Force Spartan Detail
01.07.13 RagMen Mix Detail
26.06.13 eNeRgie eSports Destiny Detail

Europe Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Squad Rush Ladder
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14.06.13 eNeRgie eSports RL Detail
02.06.13 TeamGillette Detail
01.06.13 eNeRgie eSports RL Detail
21.05.13 Genesis Detail
07.04.13 eNeRgie eSports Destiny Detail
06.04.13 Genesis Detail
06.04.13 Vitality.Brothers to the Death Detail
01.04.13 TNT eSports Detail
23.02.13 Bl4ckSheep Siehe angehängtes JPEG -Bild Nr. 5 Detail
08.02.13 Bl4ckSheep Detail
26.01.13 TNT eSports Detail
02.11.12 The 4ngry Birds Detail
21.10.12 The 4ngry Birds Detail
21.10.12 SMCK-CLAN Detail
14.10.12 Revolution Of Gaming Good players Detail
07.10.12 Bl4ckSheep Detail
05.10.12 GGB BF3 Alpha Squad Detail
30.09.12 RagMen Mix Detail
28.09.12 eNeRgie eSports RL Detail
23.09.12 Jaypex eSports Detail
08.05.12 TEAM ALPHA 7 Detail
13.03.12 RagMen Mix Detail
11.03.12 Rudy 102 Polish Crew Detail
25.02.12 Operation Delta Clan. BF3 Macht einfach kein spaß wird nur Spawn gecampt Detail
25.02.12 TEAM ALPHA 7 great team Detail
30.01.12 UBITEAM Detail
21.12.11 Xynthia EaSy Company Detail
20.12.11 Operation Delta Clan. BF3 top spiel Detail

Europe Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Championship
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24.02.13 AVR.Battlefield Detail
06.01.13 styX eSport Clan Great game with great players !;) Detail
04.01.13 Austrian Underdogs SR Detail
09.12.12 eNeRgie eSports Destiny Detail
02.12.12 LoG eSports Detail

Germany Halo 4 (360) 4on4 Opening Cup
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05.01.13 mean Machines Detail
23.12.12 Electronic Sports Detail

Germany Halo 4 (360) 4on4 1. Advent (verschoben)
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08.12.12 Electronic Sports Detail

Europe Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Qualifying- Cup #2
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03.11.12 AVR.Battlefield Detail

Germany Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Squad Rush Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.10.12 Makersfield eSport Detail
02.06.12 eNeRgie eSports Destiny Detail
30.03.12 LoG eSports Detail
28.03.12 A4TH SquadHush Detail
25.03.12 1UPeSport Battlefield (X1) Detail
21.03.12 HarlequinZ eSports Detail
15.03.12 HarlequinZ eSports Detail
11.03.12 1UPeSport Battlefield (X1) Detail
09.03.12 EGS Battlefield 3 Detail
26.02.12 A4TH SquadHush Detail
23.02.12 1UPeSport Battlefield (X1) Detail
21.02.12 B4L AllsTarS Detail
20.02.12 A4TH SquadHush Detail
20.02.12 EGS Battlefield 3 Detail
31.01.12 A4TH SquadHush Detail
30.01.12 Br0thers 4 L!fe Detail
29.01.12 DHZ Battlefield Detail
21.01.12 1UPeSport Battlefield (X1) Detail
15.01.12 SMCK-CLAN Detail
22.12.11 Operation Delta Clan. BF3 Detail
17.12.11 Austrian Underdogs Schlechte Eigenschaften sollte man nicht von anderen clans übernehmen, SC. Detail
16.12.11 Game Squad Community wie immer =) Detail
09.12.11 Br0thers 4 L!fe gg Detail
07.12.11 FroSTFox Gaming Battlefield Detail
04.12.11 Game Squad Community Sehr sehr gern wieder :) Detail
03.12.11 Die Rosa Roten Detail
29.11.11 Die Rosa Roten Keine besonderen negativen Vorkomnisse Detail
27.11.11 K41 Detail
26.11.11 The NEW impression. BF3 Detail
21.11.11 UNSC Coffee Sup. 4vs4 Detail

Germany Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 1. Bundesliga
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02.09.12 LoG eSports Detail
12.08.12 AVR.Battlefield gg Detail
05.08.12 FroSTFox Gaming Battlefield gg Detail
29.07.12 1UPeSport Battlefield (X1) Detail
22.07.12 HarlequinZ eSports Detail

Germany Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 WandelWare Cup
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15.07.12 RagMen Mix Detail

Germany Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Bundesliga Qualifikationscup
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04.07.12 1UPeSport Battlefield (X1) Detail
27.06.12 Kein Mitglied Detail
23.06.12 LoG eSports Detail
14.06.12 SoH eSports - Team 2 Detail

Europe Battlefield 3 (360) 5on5 Infantry
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29.06.12 SoH eSports - Team 2 Detail

Germany Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Ostercup
created from rating comment match
26.05.12 RagMen Mix Detail
11.04.12 AVR.Battlefield Detail

Germany Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Gaming Night #6
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26.05.12 Bl4ckSheep Detail
26.05.12 uNreal_Gaming Detail
26.05.12 A4TH SquadHush Detail
25.05.12 German Gun Brothers Detail

Europe Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Easter Cup
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12.05.12 Supremacy Detail
09.04.12 SoH eSports - Team 2 Detail

Europe Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Bigben Special Cup
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07.02.12 Supremacy Detail

Germany Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 SR Test Cup #1
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22.12.11 K41 Ein Spieler hat in Warte-Runde trotz Absprache nicht zu schießen,gezielt das feuer eröffnet /gekil Detail
18.12.11 EGS Battlefield 3 Detail