Rating 4seasons.BF3 ..MEMORIAL

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Battlefield 3 5on5 One Day Cup #19
created from rating comment match
30.04.12 Soldiers of Fortune BF3 #1 Detail
29.04.12 Evokate.BF3 Detail

Battlefield 3 Coupe de France 2012 5on5 Infantry
created from rating comment match
13.03.12 HardXCore.BF3 #1 Detail
08.03.12 GiFr FuN Detail
07.03.12 silent Xtrem skill eG1 Detail
05.03.12 Trinitium Bf3 5v5a Detail
05.03.12 French Team Connection Detail
29.02.12 HardXCore.BF3 #1 Detail
26.02.12 F&F /Tempest Detail
23.02.12 oRiginal NiCe Team Detail
21.02.12 La 7eme Compagnie Detail
19.02.12 G-Buster Detail
19.02.12 1ere Legion Detail
16.02.12 GiFr eSport Detail
16.02.12 THE BLACK SHEEP Trop de headshot à longue distance + matchmaker pas équilibré. Detail
15.02.12 silent Xtrem skill eG1 map de merde mais map quand meme =) Detail
13.02.12 Veteran bf Detail
08.02.12 oRiginal NiCe Team Detail
07.02.12 SAW6 Detail
06.02.12 webSPELL GAMING .BF3 Detail
06.02.12 GiFr eSport Detail
01.02.12 OxydGaming Detail
01.02.12 Hard Reset team non fair-play. Detail
31.01.12 ClanDestin Detail
31.01.12 D&R Battlefield3 line up #2 Detail
29.01.12 La 7eme Compagnie Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Ladder
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06.03.12 Brutality Corps Detail
04.03.12 Karma Clan of Games BF Main Detail
28.02.12 SeTh Clan Detail
23.02.12 Audere Semper eSports - ESP A Detail
22.02.12 Deleted-One Detail
22.02.12 AnVil eSports Detail
21.02.12 Ozone Giants BF4 Detail
20.02.12 Slovak Bad Company Detail
13.02.12 Hellenic Elite Armed Team Detail
08.02.12 ROCK eSports too bad for the first round start:) Detail
03.02.12 Unbelievabots Detail
29.01.12 1stCav 1 Brigade Detail
26.01.12 Modus Operandi Detail
18.01.12 We Were There... Detail
10.01.12 Spanish Shooters Elite Detail
08.01.12 xForce TEAM - BF3 Detail

Battlefield 3 5on5 Plus Opening Cup - Finales
created from rating comment match
27.02.12 SK Gaming Detail

Battlefield 3 5on5 Plus Opening Cup - GroupStage
created from rating comment match
24.01.12 diSPlay-Gaming.BF3 Detail
23.01.12 RELAPSE! Detail
17.01.12 oRiginal NiCe Team Detail

Battlefield 3 5on5 Plus Infantry Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.01.12 SpecForce Detail
06.01.12 silent Xtrem skill eG1 Detail
05.01.12 Les Lions Imperiaux Detail

Battlefield 3 5on5 Plus Christmas Cup 2011 #3
created from rating comment match
22.12.11 NITROSE.BF3 Detail

Battlefield 3 RoG Tour Online Battlefield 3 Cup #5
created from rating comment match
14.12.11 against All authority Detail
14.12.11 For The Win Detail
14.12.11 Old School Player Detail