Rating Team Latin 

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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.11.04 cSc team closed GG.... bella cw nonostante i problemi Detail
11.10.04 G.I.S. Detail
24.05.04 Gladiatori Detail
20.05.04 TeamOnu Detail
19.05.04 Brotherhood Of Steel Bravi ma non molto disposti a divertirsi Detail
16.04.04 The w4nteds gg thx lealissimi :D Detail
06.04.04 Universal Soldiers gg! Detail
22.03.04 AF Corretti durante tutto il match. GG Detail
18.03.04 AGdC - e.Sports GG bel game ci siam divertiti Detail
02.03.04 CncC ClaN eXplosiVe Detail
26.02.04 SWAT Center mfps Clan - Italy Detail
10.02.04 take this gg buon team no flame inutili ;D Detail
05.02.04 guNNers Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Spring Cup
created from rating comment match
24.03.04 knds-server.de Detail