Rating 56k-Sports.BF4 

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BF4 Major Ladder 5on5 Squad Obliteration Europe
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10.12.13 eSuba.INTEL BF Detail
26.11.13 FrontLine.EU Detail
24.11.13 ex EnRodeviantGAMEFACE Detail
21.11.13 Frogs of War Detail
17.11.13 project-C Detail

BF4 Major Ladder 5on5 Domination Germany
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10.12.13 Nameless gg wp Detail
25.11.13 Just do it. Detail

Battlefield 4 Go4BF4 Cup #1 - 17/11/13
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17.11.13 Vination eSports e.V. BF4 Detail

Battlefield 4 Cups 5on5 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
11.11.13 No.Names, die Detail
11.11.13 YDK.ME Cup BF4 Detail

Battlefield 4 Cup 5on5 Domination Testcup#1
created from rating comment match
04.11.13 Brutality Corps Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 A-Series
created from rating comment match
17.03.13 Brutality Corps Detail
18.02.13 Gunrunners.BF3 Detail
17.02.13 Gunrunners.BF3 Detail
24.01.13 All in One Gaming Detail
22.01.13 Team Frostbite D Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 6on6 Cup #1
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11.03.13 EYEBALLERS Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Ladder
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11.02.13 Insomnia Gaming BF3 Detail
30.12.12 Stealth-Gaming BF3 Detail
09.12.12 webSPELL GAMING BF3 .Ger Detail
02.12.12 Pandemic Brigade Detail
27.11.12 No Butter Team Ultra Detail
25.11.12 eXXtreme3D .BF3 Detail
25.11.12 In Memory of Phenom Gaming ggwp Detail
13.11.12 Remake eSports.BF3 Detail
31.10.12 Naturally Aspirated Players Detail
31.10.12 Chill and Kill Detail
28.10.12 AlienS e-Sports Detail
21.10.12 Karma BF4 Alpha Detail
18.10.12 FLUX Gaming Detail
14.10.12 Crazy WolfPack Whining Detail
10.10.12 PartyVanGaming Detail
08.10.12 Hellenic.Elite.Armed.Team Detail
04.10.12 Remake eSports.BF3 Detail
30.09.12 no Butter Team eXtra Detail
30.09.12 818 Multigaming Community Detail
06.09.12 InSane Victory Detail
22.08.12 Team Frostbite D Detail
08.08.12 Beta-Gaming Detail
01.08.12 inGenium Detail
26.07.12 In Memory of Phenom Gaming Detail
25.07.12 Artificial Intelligence Detail
20.07.12 Imonium Detail
18.07.12 BF3 - Fallen Orcs Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Winter Cup 2013
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14.01.13 wWg.eSport Detail
14.01.13 Evasion.IE BF3//.OFF gg wp Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Handguncup #1
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30.12.12 Team Frostbite Artisan.BF4 Detail
30.12.12 Os Marretas Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #52
created from rating comment match
17.12.12 BLABLA-esc Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #50
created from rating comment match
19.11.12 Team Shockwar.com Detail
19.11.12 ptFORCE.justBIT Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #49
created from rating comment match
12.11.12 Evasion.IE BF3//.OFF Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #48
created from rating comment match
05.11.12 PuRe e-Sports Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #46
created from rating comment match
29.10.12 Game why you no work Detail

Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Autumn Cup
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18.10.12 FireSix.Pack eSports Detail
17.10.12 Team Frostbite Artisan Detail
17.10.12 H2OGaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #45
created from rating comment match
15.10.12 FragWhores Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5+ Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.10.12 ToonSquad Detail
27.09.12 Team Acer gg Detail
26.09.12 Team-5ive Detail
23.09.12 blackoutshot Detail
11.09.12 PENTA Sports Detail
24.06.12 Just do it. Detail
10.06.12 LimiTeD.Gaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Cups 5on5 Inf-only Summercup 2012
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20.09.12 PENTA Sports Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #40
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10.09.12 Evokate.BF3 Cup Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #32
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16.07.12 Crazy WolfPack Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #30
created from rating comment match
02.07.12 Evokate.BF3 Cup Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #26
created from rating comment match
06.06.12 R4ped BY Detail