Rating Ketchup .Clan

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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
01.06.06 RdK Clan Detail
17.05.06 La Mitica Detail
16.05.06 Apocalypse Now - Team C.S.S. Detail
10.05.06 Inferno eSports Detail
29.09.05 Inferno eSports Detail
23.06.05 A.S. Elite Predators Detail
06.06.05 VagrantS Detail
01.06.05 Associazione CRY Detail
30.05.05 A.S. Elite Predators Detail
26.05.05 Headshot Clan bella raga....dopo questa cw il clan hs si scioglie definitivamente..... Detail
24.05.05 Black Lions CSS Team By Pc-power.info Detail
23.05.05 Sixth Sense Detail
16.05.05 Team ArtiC.Syn - xRent.it Detail
11.05.05 VagrantS Detail
10.05.05 Unearth Gaming GG! Fair Play da Manuale ;-) Detail
10.05.05 We Can't Die GG ragazzi Detail
04.05.05 adrenalinE GG! Detail
03.05.05 AgonyRealm.CSS gg :) grazie x il player bloccato ma eravamo in 4 :( Detail
02.05.05 Brotherhood Of Steel Detail
26.04.05 tci GG Detail
25.04.05 1337 pRo SkiLL Detail
18.04.05 Headshot Clan Detail
13.04.05 Sixth Sense GG match molto bello! Detail
11.04.05 1337 pRo SkiLL Detail
07.04.05 VagrantS Detail
25.03.05 La Mitica Clan leale e ordinato GG Ketchup Clan Detail
21.03.05 nF Psi Team Detail
16.03.05 Brotherhood Of Steel Detail
07.03.05 Grr Phobos Team Detail
25.02.05 Headshot Clan Detail
22.02.05 Tazor Detail
21.02.05 SplashDamage Detail
16.02.05 Team illusion Detail
15.02.05 Imperial Legion Rulez Correttissimi. CW divertente! Detail
11.02.05 eLiTe NiNe CSS 5on5 inactive ci dispiace per il server laggoso :( cmq gg bella cw lo stesso Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Spring Cup 2006
created from rating comment match
20.04.06 BlackBoys gg ragazzi^^ Detail
19.04.06 change.it Detail

Counter Strike: Source 5on5 Spring Cup CS:S 2005
created from rating comment match
08.03.05 I.Rage Detail
01.03.05 VagrantS bella cw, gg ^^ Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.12.04 S.E.A.L. clan gg ;) Detail
03.12.04 TGM Sharks Detail
30.11.04 Smurfs Detail
24.11.04 Paura e Delirio gg sorry i casini Detail
18.11.04 Specialotti GG a Voi. Detail
11.11.04 dontexist.it molto leali e simpatici! Detail
08.11.04 Gli Ultimi Guerrieri Detail
04.11.04 Royal Navy Detail
02.11.04 Darkness SQuad CS:GO gg Detail
27.10.04 Doh Clan GG :) Detail
27.10.04 Pietravalle Clan Soldiers Detail
20.10.04 G.I.S. Detail
18.10.04 cSc team closed gg Detail
11.10.04 Royal Navy Detail
13.07.04 TheShop Detail
12.07.04 SilverHawks Team pRo Detail
28.06.04 suBBisci ottimi avversari molto simpatici Detail
25.06.04 T.2D Molto bravi Detail
08.06.04 Darkness SQuad CS:GO Detail
07.06.04 Imperial Legion Rulez - close Detail
02.06.04 Band of the Hawks Detail
24.05.04 Calo di Tensione BUFFONATA LOL Detail
19.05.04 Paura e Delirio gg raga Detail
17.05.04 Team Legend - CS Section si è giocata d2 al posto di nuke dato che nuke non andava sul server Detail
12.05.04 Brotherhood Of Steel Detail
11.05.04 TGM Sharks GG Ketchup bel match Detail
04.05.04 Infinity StylerS Detail
03.05.04 The w4nteds gg thx simpaticissimi :) Detail
02.05.04 AssaulT raga scegliete una mappa seria cm home xke se no nn crescerete mai^_^!!gg Detail
28.04.04 Zero Gravity Detail
28.04.04 Ultras.69 Detail
25.04.04 Royal Navy Invicible Detail
20.04.04 United Clan CS Z Detail
18.04.04 digitaldevils simpatici :) Detail
08.04.04 Black Panthers server con ping molto alto, la loro mappa non era de_chateau ma de_aztec Detail
07.04.04 AssaulT GG raga bella cw Detail
26.03.04 Calo di Tensione gg Detail
23.03.04 SWAT Center mfps Clan - Italy Detail
10.03.04 dontexist.it Detail
08.03.04 h8red.it Online gg Detail
22.02.04 Team Latin GG Detail
15.02.04 cinQ-iT GG grazie della cw alla prox. Detail
10.02.04 sluup.it - A Team gg Detail
09.02.04 AF GL! Detail
04.02.04 guNNers Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Cup #2
created from rating comment match
30.11.04 Fleet Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Cup #1
created from rating comment match
26.11.04 as-OnFire.Europa Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Cup
created from rating comment match
29.09.04 oldstyle.IT Detail