Main Members (1) Replay Archive (0) Awards (4) Rating History Rating In Erinnerung .an das GSG9-wws 4on4 Team back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Vietcong Teamplay Ladder created from rating comment match 24.10.04 Red Dog good game Detail 21.10.04 CraZy GaMing ClaN - NoSkiLL sehr sehr harte Gegner Detail 14.10.04 KSK - 4vs4 Detail 12.10.04 Veteran Camp Germany -VC 4on4- Nice Enemy! Detail 05.10.04 Alliance of Darkness nice Match Detail 07.09.04 Napalm Brothers nice clan Detail 17.08.04 Dutch Special Forces Detail 13.08.04 The Funky Brothers -VC- 4on4 Detail 08.08.04 ReSp4wNkiLLaZ by nett und gut ! ! ! Detail 25.07.04 GSG9 is halt 1337 geworden... ;( Detail 18.07.04 dream 4 *g* Detail 12.06.04 Veteran Camp Germany -VC 6on6- Nice Game!!! Nice Enemy!!! Detail 11.06.04 3SF - System of Lights Detail 11.06.04 German Eagle Force -VC- 4on4 thx for game , nice Detail 08.06.04 Extreme Forces Detail 07.06.04 Faster Than Light gg Detail 07.06.04 Blablabla Detail 04.06.04 German Eagle Force -VC- 4on4 n1 Detail 02.06.04 Legion of Fighters VC Squad Black Detail 01.06.04 Ak Hellfire Squad .inaktiv. gg Detail 25.05.04 Alliance of Darkness GG Detail 19.05.04 Grey-Wolves VC 4on4 Detail 18.05.04 NecroRaisers Vietcong Detail 17.05.04 Webspace4you Detail 17.05.04 Czech Amateur Clan Detail 04.05.04 Porno Produktions Harter Fight!! Detail 27.04.04 FGP-inaktiv-powered by Detail 13.04.04 Veteran Camp Germany -VC 6on6- Nice Enemy!!! Detail 06.04.04 Extreme Forces Detail 30.03.04 GSG9-6 Pack :P Detail 28.03.04 LOTUS-Clan I Detail 24.03.04 Die Profis Detail 21.03.04 NecroRaisers Vietcong Detail 17.03.04 Thanh Sa Clan nice clan Detail 17.03.04 Wilde Horde - Alpha Squad OK! Detail 14.03.04 Ak Hellfire Squad .inaktiv. Detail 13.03.04 Alliance of Darkness fair team Detail 09.03.04 Legion of Fighters Detail 03.03.04 Veteran Camp Germany -VC 6on6- Nice Enemy!!! Good Team Detail 29.02.04 Young Dynamic Fighters sehr fairer clan Detail 26.02.04 Webspace4you Super Fight!! Echt spannend und Fair! Vorallem auf NVA sehr offensiv, einfach super!! Danke für den Battle! Detail 18.02.04 Detail 16.02.04 Soldiers of Hell I Detail 11.02.04 Battles of Death Detail 08.02.04 Loser4ever Detail 07.02.04 Grey-Wolves VC 4on4 Detail 04.02.04 SmurfCraft Detail