Rating Routrings 

 [ Ratings received ]  [ Ratings submitted ]

Wargaming.net League Europe Silver Series
created from rating comment match
12.12.14 Team UpRising Detail
11.12.14 FreeFall Detail
10.12.14 WiLD.CM Storm - WoT Detail
09.12.14 Only Fools and Horses Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #192
created from rating comment match
07.12.14 TOXIC 7 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #126
created from rating comment match
02.12.14 Rotten Tomatoes Detail
02.12.14 WiLD 7v7 Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #191
created from rating comment match
30.11.14 Drooling Leprechauns Detail
30.11.14 Balkan_Pro Detail
30.11.14 ERV 7X7 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #125
created from rating comment match
25.11.14 Paralitic Detail
25.11.14 Cap Fast Pls Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #190
created from rating comment match
23.11.14 RAGE Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #124
created from rating comment match
18.11.14 WiLD 7v7 Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #189
created from rating comment match
16.11.14 Stronk Siema Detail
16.11.14 Unorthodox Detail
16.11.14 Panteri Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #123
created from rating comment match
11.11.14 Bobry Squad Detail
11.11.14 OrlyPolskie Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #122
created from rating comment match
04.11.14 Super Pazie Detail
04.11.14 Paralitic Detail
04.11.14 Do delikatesow na zakupy Detail
04.11.14 Buzia w Tenczu 7v7 Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #187
created from rating comment match
02.11.14 Rusty Roster Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #121
created from rating comment match
28.10.14 Bobry Squad Detail
28.10.14 Szopy Pracze Wymiatacze Detail
28.10.14 Pancerna 7 Alfika Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #186
created from rating comment match
26.10.14 Snowman Team TDSTR Detail
26.10.14 HighflyingLowbirds Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #120
created from rating comment match
21.10.14 Learn To Play Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #185
created from rating comment match
19.10.14 Celowanie jest dla slabych Detail
19.10.14 HighflyingLowbirds Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #119
created from rating comment match
14.10.14 2BaStKa Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #184
created from rating comment match
12.10.14 U4G Detail
12.10.14 Xel Naga Core II akzeptabel Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #117
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30.09.14 Parabellum Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #116
created from rating comment match
23.09.14 Celowanie jest dla slabych Detail
23.09.14 Metaxa Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #114
created from rating comment match
09.09.14 Parabellum Detail
09.09.14 GwN Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Fun Cup #2
created from rating comment match
19.08.14 WiLD 7v7 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #112
created from rating comment match
05.08.14 Stronk Siema Detail
05.08.14 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail

Wargaming.net League Europe Bronze Series
created from rating comment match
31.07.14 TWB-Gaming Detail
30.07.14 Armored Hussars Detail
28.07.14 Tongue Tornado WGL Detail
25.07.14 For The Win Invictus Detail
29.04.14 iN7 - eSports Detail
23.04.14 Unorthodox Detail
22.04.14 Hemorrhoids Detail
11.03.14 SSF - WoT - Team Red Detail
25.02.14 SLAVLAND #2 Detail
24.02.14 BIRRA Detail
23.02.14 BG-TANK-KILLERS Detail
28.07.13 Puulaaki Detail
25.07.13 Xpain Detail
24.07.13 Super Pazie Detail
23.07.13 1PAD - Cesarskie Pazie Detail
22.07.13 Happy Tree Friends_T1 Detail
18.07.13 FreeFall Detail
17.07.13 ONS Detail
15.07.13 RAGE! Detail
11.07.13 Aaaaaargh Detail
08.07.13 DB Gaming Detail
07.07.13 1PAD - Cesarskie Pazie Detail
04.07.13 The Nerds Detail
01.07.13 OM-V Trolling Team A-Series Detail
30.06.13 Beaverboard Squad Detail
27.06.13 PanzerPiraten A-Series Detail
26.06.13 Srpska Garda Detail
23.06.13 USSR ESport Detail
20.06.13 Alpha.LV Detail
19.06.13 Division Wüstenfuchs-WoT Detail
17.06.13 Cavaliers RED Detail
16.06.13 Black Wolf Detail
13.06.13 Nowotomyski Batalion Pancerny Detail
09.06.13 Relic Armoured Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #111
created from rating comment match
29.07.14 V Batalion Remontowy Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #110
created from rating comment match
22.07.14 Paralitic Detail
22.07.14 Authentic Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #108
created from rating comment match
08.07.14 aVAV - a Verbis ad Verbera Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #107
created from rating comment match
01.07.14 Just for Gold Detail
01.07.14 Rusty Roster Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #106
created from rating comment match
24.06.14 UTOPIA Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #105
created from rating comment match
17.06.14 Who Cares? Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #104
created from rating comment match
10.06.14 Lemming Train Detail
10.06.14 Felo de se Division Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #103
created from rating comment match
03.06.14 DPA Team Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #102
created from rating comment match
27.05.14 DPA - Bezprawie Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #99
created from rating comment match
06.05.14 Stronk Siema Detail
06.05.14 BimBer SquaD Detail
06.05.14 Elite Steel Battalion Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Funcup 1
created from rating comment match
29.04.14 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail
29.04.14 V Batalion Remontowy Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #98
created from rating comment match
15.04.14 UTOPIA Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #97
created from rating comment match
08.04.14 Evil Panda Squad Detail
08.04.14 DPA - Bezprawie Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #96
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01.04.14 Pancerne Ziemnioki Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #93
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11.03.14 FAME! Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 153
created from rating comment match
09.03.14 Taktical Turtle Hangover Club Detail
09.03.14 Dutch Reloaded - Easy Riders Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #92
created from rating comment match
04.03.14 aVAV - a Verbis ad Verbera Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 152
created from rating comment match
02.03.14 Transform-Wolfpack Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #91
created from rating comment match
25.02.14 Super Pazie Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 151
created from rating comment match
23.02.14 For The Win Invictus Detail
23.02.14 Lapdance7 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 138
created from rating comment match
24.11.13 Elite Assault Shooters Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 137
created from rating comment match
17.11.13 UTOPIA Detail
17.11.13 Drunkoholics Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #78
created from rating comment match
12.11.13 UTOPIA Detail
12.11.13 Elite Steel Battalion Detail
12.11.13 TYM GO NIE POKONAMY Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 136
created from rating comment match
10.11.13 Slow Deep Hard Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #77
created from rating comment match
05.11.13 UTOPIA Detail
05.11.13 The Nerds Detail
05.11.13 Virtuti Militari_7team Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 135
created from rating comment match
03.11.13 Lemming Train Detail
03.11.13 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail
03.11.13 No Idea 7v7 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 134
created from rating comment match
27.10.13 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 133
created from rating comment match
20.10.13 Fatal.UK Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #74
created from rating comment match
15.10.13 Polska Grupa Pancerna Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 132
created from rating comment match
13.10.13 WUSA Detail
13.10.13 Szczelamy Za Zer0 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #73
created from rating comment match
08.10.13 Gat Demecz Detail
08.10.13 M0RDEKAISER Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 131
created from rating comment match
06.10.13 Lemming Train Detail
06.10.13 Fatal error Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #72
created from rating comment match
01.10.13 Elite Steel Battalion Detail
01.10.13 UTOPIA Detail
01.10.13 Jesus Love Us! Detail
01.10.13 SBP 3 Detail
01.10.13 Snowman Team TDSTR Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 130
created from rating comment match
29.09.13 The Shadows eSports Detail
29.09.13 RIP United Forces Detail
29.09.13 The German Tank Highlanders Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #71
created from rating comment match
24.09.13 TeAMPlaY.ZdZ Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 129
created from rating comment match
22.09.13 Penta Sports.Wot Detail
22.09.13 Baltic Rush dniweeee Detail
22.09.13 Sudden Impact Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #70
created from rating comment match
17.09.13 eXpendable Squad Detail
17.09.13 1st Fallen Angels Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 128
created from rating comment match
15.09.13 DURE Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #69
created from rating comment match
10.09.13 eXpendable Squad Detail
10.09.13 Achtung! PMHC Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 127
created from rating comment match
08.09.13 Lemming Train Detail
08.09.13 KING TIGERS Detail
08.09.13 Mercenaries Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #68
created from rating comment match
03.09.13 eXpendable Squad Detail
03.09.13 The Nerds Detail
03.09.13 PMHC Hussars Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 126
created from rating comment match
01.09.13 Alpha.LV Detail
01.09.13 Mieszac Beton Team Detail
01.09.13 7on7 Blow Up Team Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #67
created from rating comment match
27.08.13 Ashes of Sins Detail
27.08.13 eXpendable Squad Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 125
created from rating comment match
25.08.13 PIMP MY GUN Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 124
created from rating comment match
18.08.13 Evil Panda Squad Detail
18.08.13 Mieszac Beton Team Detail
18.08.13 SEMPER FIDELIS - ROT Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #65
created from rating comment match
13.08.13 FrameOfMind Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 123
created from rating comment match
11.08.13 Schoolbus Detail
11.08.13 Wuestenfüchse Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 122
created from rating comment match
04.08.13 Lemming Train Detail
04.08.13 Penta Sports.Wot Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #63
created from rating comment match
30.07.13 Slepe Kobry Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 121
created from rating comment match
28.07.13 WiLD.CM Storm - WoT Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #62
created from rating comment match
23.07.13 Who Cares? Detail
23.07.13 Pieniazki Uciekaja 7 vs 7 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 120
created from rating comment match
21.07.13 UNlTY Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #61
created from rating comment match
16.07.13 Who Cares? Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 119
created from rating comment match
14.07.13 UTOPIA Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #60
created from rating comment match
09.07.13 Super Pazie Detail
09.07.13 Way To Fun Detail
09.07.13 1st Fallen Angels Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 118
created from rating comment match
07.07.13 Schoolbus Detail
07.07.13 WiLD.CM Storm - WoT Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #59
created from rating comment match
02.07.13 I4G - Red Team Detail
02.07.13 Forlorn Hope EU Detail
02.07.13 Who Cares? Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 117
created from rating comment match
30.06.13 Schoolbus Detail
30.06.13 Way To Fun Detail
30.06.13 Alpha.LV Detail
30.06.13 Front Uderzenia Warriors Gods Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #58
created from rating comment match
25.06.13 1PAD - Cesarskie Pazie Detail
25.06.13 X-RAY Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 116
created from rating comment match
23.06.13 Panzer Fist Detail
23.06.13 KING TIGERS Detail
23.06.13 SBP Jarema Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #57
created from rating comment match
18.06.13 Strzelamy za JedeN Detail
18.06.13 Ashes of Sins Detail
18.06.13 Way To Fun Detail
18.06.13 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 115
created from rating comment match
16.06.13 DB Gaming Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 114
created from rating comment match
09.06.13 Xel Naga Core II Detail
09.06.13 peculiar gaming e. V. Detail
09.06.13 132 CORAZZATA ARIETE Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #55
created from rating comment match
04.06.13 Who Cares? Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 113
created from rating comment match
26.05.13 My Mum Stole Your ESL Gold Detail
26.05.13 Xel Naga Core II Detail
26.05.13 Taktical Turtle Hangover Club Detail
26.05.13 White Tigers Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #53
created from rating comment match
21.05.13 Ashes of Sins Detail
21.05.13 Rasta Squad Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 112
created from rating comment match
19.05.13 UnderW0rld Detail
19.05.13 KDX Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #52
created from rating comment match
14.05.13 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 111
created from rating comment match
12.05.13 SPALE Detail
12.05.13 BigRedOne Detail
12.05.13 Reaper Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #51
created from rating comment match
07.05.13 S-D Strikeforce Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #50
created from rating comment match
30.04.13 VAV - Royal Guards Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 109
created from rating comment match
28.04.13 YeKindaLame Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #49
created from rating comment match
23.04.13 Anguis In Herba Detail
23.04.13 Ashes of Sins Detail
23.04.13 DUCHY-GSR Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 108
created from rating comment match
21.04.13 Xel Naga Core II Detail
21.04.13 MPV Team Detail
21.04.13 Zniwiarze Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #48
created from rating comment match
16.04.13 S-D Lamy Detail
16.04.13 1 SBP Blue Team Detail
16.04.13 Beaverboard Squad Detail
16.04.13 UVC: Taaaka Lama Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 107
created from rating comment match
14.04.13 SPALE Detail
14.04.13 K-Kakkonen Detail
14.04.13 invisible team 7vs7 2 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #47
created from rating comment match
09.04.13 Lemming Train Detail
09.04.13 HIENA Detail
09.04.13 KFOR Vikings Detail
09.04.13 ostatnia blacha jablecznika Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 106
created from rating comment match
07.04.13 The Nerds Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #46
created from rating comment match
02.04.13 S-D Strikeforce Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 104
created from rating comment match
31.03.13 Super Pazie Detail
31.03.13 Fatal.UK Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #45
created from rating comment match
26.03.13 S-D Lamy Detail
26.03.13 NO ONE IS SAFE 7 vs 7 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 103
created from rating comment match
24.03.13 Hemorrhoids Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #44
created from rating comment match
19.03.13 Vae Victis Detail
19.03.13 1SBP Zawisza Detail
19.03.13 TTeam#RageQuitters Detail
19.03.13 iG Team Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 102
created from rating comment match
17.03.13 Panzer Fist Detail
17.03.13 Tank Busters Detail
17.03.13 Why you HEFF to be mad!? Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #43
created from rating comment match
12.03.13 eXpendable Squad Detail
12.03.13 Tank Busters Detail
12.03.13 Teletubisie Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 101
created from rating comment match
10.03.13 Garms Rudel good game Detail
10.03.13 Svenskapansarkaren Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #42
created from rating comment match
05.03.13 Szczelamy Za Zer0 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 100
created from rating comment match
03.03.13 Tesla Power Detail
03.03.13 Powder Puff Gurlz Detail
03.03.13 TheFrugo_Team Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #41
created from rating comment match
26.02.13 PAB Forefront Detail
26.02.13 Partacze Detail
26.02.13 2SBP Szeregowiec Dolot 7vs7 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 98
created from rating comment match
24.02.13 BRAVEst Turtles 7x7 Detail
24.02.13 Shevu Multigaming Clan Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 97
created from rating comment match
17.02.13 Brygada_PPBB Detail
17.02.13 CS Army CRIMSON Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #39
created from rating comment match
12.02.13 Felo de se Division Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 96
created from rating comment match
10.02.13 Legio Dacia Felix Detail
10.02.13 KOBRA 7vs7 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 95
created from rating comment match
03.02.13 ...SDS.12 Detail
03.02.13 Wolves Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #37
created from rating comment match
29.01.13 Cziterzy Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 93
created from rating comment match
27.01.13 TORNADO ENERGY Team Detail
27.01.13 -H-E- Detail
27.01.13 Steel Riders Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #36
created from rating comment match
22.01.13 -XII- White Panthers Detail
22.01.13 Polish Legion Gamers Detail
22.01.13 KABUM-WOT Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 92
created from rating comment match
20.01.13 Tesla Power Detail
20.01.13 Black Knights of Hungary2 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #35
created from rating comment match
15.01.13 1SBP Zawisza Detail
15.01.13 KOBRA 7vs7 Detail
15.01.13 Polish Legion Gamers Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 91
created from rating comment match
13.01.13 Lemming Train Detail
13.01.13 1BWP Detail
13.01.13 Dywizja Uznam Detail
13.01.13 OrlyPolskie Detail
13.01.13 The Shadows eSports Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 90
created from rating comment match
06.01.13 Seven Eleven Detail
06.01.13 Noname Team - Troll Wave Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Turniej Noworoczny
created from rating comment match
03.01.13 1SBP - Black Panthers Detail
03.01.13 X-RAY Detail
03.01.13 Se7en Grzechow Glownych X-RAY Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 86
created from rating comment match
16.12.12 The Homicidal Maniacs Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #32
created from rating comment match
11.12.12 X-RAY 7on7 II Detail
11.12.12 Ashes of Sins Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 85
created from rating comment match
09.12.12 Transform-Wolfpack Detail
09.12.12 Pink Panthers 7v7 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #31
created from rating comment match
04.12.12 AKK Detail
04.12.12 PA-TD Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 84
created from rating comment match
02.12.12 Garms Hunde good game Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #30
created from rating comment match
27.11.12 1PAD - Cesarskie Pazie Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 81
created from rating comment match
18.11.12 Die Horde Detail
18.11.12 -BlackEagle- Gold Detail
18.11.12 aVAV - a Verbis ad Verbera Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 80
created from rating comment match
11.11.12 S-D Lamy Detail
11.11.12 Dzikie Misie Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 79
created from rating comment match
04.11.12 WUSA Detail
04.11.12 Balkan Rats Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #26
created from rating comment match
30.10.12 Henry Morgan Detail
30.10.12 1st PAD BeTa Detail
30.10.12 HTCrew Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 77
created from rating comment match
28.10.12 PL_BSP Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 76
created from rating comment match
21.10.12 Sparta Fire Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 75
created from rating comment match
14.10.12 WUSA Detail
14.10.12 HTCrew Detail
14.10.12 Pustynne Szczury 3 vs 3 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #23
created from rating comment match
09.10.12 -XII- Blue Lucky Seven Detail
09.10.12 VAV - Hic Sunt Leones Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 74
created from rating comment match
07.10.12 S-D Lamy Detail
07.10.12 Global-Hardcore-Gamers Team2 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #22
created from rating comment match
02.10.12 Polish Iron Guards Detail
02.10.12 Bullet Boys CRUS Squad Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 72
created from rating comment match
30.09.12 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 EMS Poland Qualifiers XI
created from rating comment match
26.09.12 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail
22.09.12 Anguis In Herba Detail
20.09.12 KO- Made by Kanapka Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #21
created from rating comment match
25.09.12 Gods Of Penetration Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 71
created from rating comment match
23.09.12 Crazy Clownz Squad Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #20
created from rating comment match
18.09.12 Lemming Train Detail
18.09.12 1SBP - Black Panthers Detail
18.09.12 FreeFragTeam.pl 2 3vs3 - 7vs7 Detail
18.09.12 Armored Beasts Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 70
created from rating comment match
16.09.12 1PAD - Cesarskie Pazie Detail
16.09.12 OM - Daddy Detail
16.09.12 Pamparampampam squad Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #19
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11.09.12 Golden Panda Squad Detail
11.09.12 Gods Of Penetration2 7vs7 Detail
11.09.12 1PAD - Cesarskie Pazie Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 69
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09.09.12 Evil Panda Squad Detail
09.09.12 Garms Rudel Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 68
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02.09.12 Deep Tranquility 7on7 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #17
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28.08.12 3SBP MEGAZORD Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 66
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26.08.12 S-D Last Stand Detail
26.08.12 Serbian Bar-Codes Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #16
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21.08.12 TTeam#WoT.Bravo Detail
21.08.12 Lemming Train Detail
21.08.12 National Armored Forces Detail
21.08.12 Polish For Fun Players 7on7 Detail
21.08.12 Armored Beasts Veterans Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 65
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19.08.12 Die Horde Detail
19.08.12 K-Kakkonen Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #15
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14.08.12 Polish For Fun Players 7on7 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 64
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12.08.12 OM - Daddy Detail
12.08.12 Transform-Wolfpack Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #14
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07.08.12 TTeam#WoT.Bravo Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #8
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26.06.12 Lemming Train Detail
26.06.12 Verbis ad Verbera Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 55
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24.06.12 RoX.KIS gg Detail