Rating TNT eSports 

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BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #98 Global
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02.07.17 ST6 eSports Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #92 Global
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21.05.17 iNex Platoon Detail
21.05.17 Ardor eSports Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #89 Global
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30.04.17 Grim Reaper Detail
30.04.17 Last Survivor Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #86 Global
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09.04.17 Team E.o.S Detail
09.04.17 AlienS GaminG Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #84 Global
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26.03.17 Ardor eSports Detail
26.03.17 Der Gelbe Lotus Detail
26.03.17 Deutsche Elite Gamer Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #82 Global
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12.03.17 Deutsche Elite Gamer Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Community Cup #3 Europe
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03.03.17 VipeZ Gaming Detail
03.03.17 FroSTFox Gaming Battlefield Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #78 Global
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12.02.17 VipeZ Gaming Detail
12.02.17 Extaz Detail
12.02.17 noXius eSports Detail
12.02.17 Top Notch Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #77 Global
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05.02.17 VipeZ Gaming Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Squad Obliteration Christmas Cup 2016 Global
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18.12.16 noXius eSports Detail
18.12.16 Top Notch Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #56 Global
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14.08.16 1 In The Chamber Gaming Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #42 Global
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05.05.16 Team NeXtGen.Battlefield Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Community Choice Weekly Cup #41 Global
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28.04.16 TeamGillette Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #39 Global
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14.04.16 VeriZon e-Sports Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Winter League 2016 Global
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03.04.16 TeamGillette Detail
06.03.16 Team NeXtGen.Battlefield Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #31 Global
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21.02.16 At Your 6 Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #30 Global
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12.02.16 cW E-sports Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #6
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03.02.16 iDomina eSports Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Community Cup 2016 Europe #2
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20.01.16 hotline.bling Detail
20.01.16 The Expendables Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Winter League 2016 Cup #2 Global
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17.01.16 GunZ Gaming V Detail
17.01.16 TrQc Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Kickoff Cup 2016 Europe #3
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11.01.16 Spirit.of.Champion Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Winter League 2016 Cup #1 Global
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10.01.16 TeamGillette Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #26 Global
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06.12.15 Team NeXtGen.Battlefield Detail
06.12.15 AmazinG TeaM - XboxONE Detail

BF Hardline (One) 5on5 Rescue Weekly Cup #10 Europe
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18.10.15 EXO gaming Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #19 Europe
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27.09.15 After Death Detail
27.09.15 SmD Clan Detail

ESL BF4 (One) 10on10 Conquest Open League Summer 2015 America
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10.08.15 Comandos Brasil Detail
03.08.15 After Death Detail
18.07.15 Best Players E-Sports Detail
18.07.15 Best Players E-Sports Detail
11.07.15 Soldiers Of The Hunted Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #14 Europe
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29.06.15 Project Mayhem E-Sports Detail

BF Hardline (One) Open Ladder 5on5 Rescue Europe
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26.05.15 PANDA Gaming Team Hardline GG Detail

BF Hardline (One) 5on5 Rescue TestCup #2 Europe
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10.05.15 Task Force Spartan Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Weekly Cup #5 Europe
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01.03.15 The Elite 5 Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 CTF Operation Metro Weekly Cup #2 Europe
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08.02.15 AVR.Battlefield Detail

BF4 (One) 5on5 Domination Cup #1 Europe
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18.01.15 Taticos Team Detail

Europe Battlefield 4 (One) 5on5 Domination Ladder
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14.09.14 TeamGillette Detail

Europe Battlefield 4 (One) 5on5 Opening EU cups for domination
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20.06.14 TeamGillette Detail

Germany Battlefield 4 (One) 5on5 Domination Eröffnungs Cup
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15.06.14 TeamGillette Detail

Europe Battlefield 4 (One) 5on5 Celebrate the Server Cup
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18.05.14 FroSTFox Gaming Battlefield gg Detail

Europe Battlefield 4 (One) 5on5 Defuse Ladder
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11.05.14 FroSTFox Gaming Battlefield gg Detail

Europe Battlefield 4 (One) 5on5 Defuse Opening Cup
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27.04.14 TeamGillette Detail

Germany Battlefield 4 (One) 5on5 Defuse Ostercup
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18.04.14 Unity e-Sports Detail
18.04.14 TeamGillette Detail

Europe Battlefield 3 (360) 5on5+ Infantry
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08.09.13 JAYPEX eSports Team DeMoZiD Detail

Europe Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Squad Rush Ladder
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28.04.13 eNeRgie eSports Destiny Detail
07.04.13 Be Naked Detail
01.04.13 ROAR Detail
31.03.13 Genesis Detail
17.03.13 eNeRgie eSports Destiny Detail
17.02.13 Vitality.Brothers to the Death Detail
10.02.13 NextGaming Detail
03.02.13 eNeRgie eSports Destiny Detail
26.01.13 ROAR Detail
20.01.13 Bl4ckSheep Detail
06.01.13 Bl4ckSheep Detail
17.12.12 Tera-Gaming e.V. - BF3 Detail
16.12.12 German Brotherhood Detail
09.12.12 Banana Boys SR 2 Detail
02.12.12 NextGaming Detail
14.10.12 German GunBrothers Detail
23.09.12 Jaypex eSports Detail
16.09.12 Bl4ckSheep Detail
09.09.12 Revolution Of Gaming Detail
02.09.12 Banana Boys Clan Detail
30.08.12 Airborne101 Detail
20.08.12 Austrian Underdogs SR Detail

Europe Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4+ Conquest Domination
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27.01.13 Legion of Glory Conquest Detail
23.12.12 The Madji-Stick Detail
23.12.12 Hyenes Razors Fighters Detail
25.11.12 24/7-Battlefield weder habe ich einen hack noch bin ich schwul Gruß TF7 RAP1 Detail
18.11.12 Hyenes Razors Fighters Detail
04.11.12 Legion of Glory Conquest Detail
28.10.12 German GunBrothers Detail

Germany Battlefield 3 (360) 4on4 Squad Rush Ladder
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13.01.13 Phoenix 01 Clan Detail

Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 S&D Ladder
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18.12.12 NXG.contra Detail