Rating Oruzane Snage Egoista 

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World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 137
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17.11.13 Szarnyas Huszarok VTEPS Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 136
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10.11.13 Best in Show Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 M-95 Degman kup #8
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01.06.13 Ri051 Detail

Wargaming.net League Europe Bronze Series
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30.05.13 The Big RED 1 Detail
28.05.13 SBP Siemka Detail
23.05.13 Koksy Papaja Detail
22.05.13 LANSHOT CRU Detail
21.05.13 116. Pz.D,Windhund-Division Detail
20.05.13 Fight Club Reloaded Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 113
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26.05.13 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail
26.05.13 Fun Fighters Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 "Dobar, loš, zao" kup #1
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18.05.13 CTNovci Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 100
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03.03.13 Gogo Pover Rangers Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 97
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17.02.13 Ashes of Sins Detail
17.02.13 -BHL-Baerenrudel Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Ladder
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04.02.13 Felo de se Division Detail
03.01.13 CSD a ine zveriny :-) Detail
04.12.12 KBLO WARRIORS Detail
04.12.12 Baltic Rush good dno ) Detail
27.11.12 Norwegian Vikings Detail
22.11.12 Fatal Corrosion Detail
22.11.12 KBLO WARRIORS Detail
22.11.12 Fight Club Reloaded Detail
20.11.12 barbari Detail
19.11.12 BA625 Seven Detail
19.11.12 Ordo Draconis Valachorum Detail
18.11.12 ShadowCry Detail
18.11.12 A-T Detail
12.11.12 Fatal Corrosion Detail
12.11.12 RAK - CRAYFISH Detail
09.11.12 116. Pz.D,Windhund-Division Detail
08.11.12 Danish Panzer Brigade Detail
31.10.12 CSD - academi Detail
31.10.12 Theutron Lovagrend Detail
30.10.12 Fatal Corrosion Detail
30.10.12 Big Ugly Fat Fellows gg Detail
29.10.12 Danish Panzer Brigade Detail
28.10.12 Dutch Tank Bataljon Detail
28.10.12 RaZor ( DELETED ) Detail
26.10.12 RAK - CRAYFISH Detail
23.10.12 Danish Panzer Brigade Detail
23.10.12 Fatal Corrosion Detail
23.10.12 Swedish Viking 1st Good guys Detail
22.10.12 Danish Panzer Brigade Detail
22.10.12 CSD - academi Detail
22.10.12 OCTA_Red Fox Detail
20.10.12 Fight Club Reloaded Detail
19.10.12 Reject Company Detail
19.10.12 Theutron Lovagrend Detail
18.10.12 116. Pz.D,Windhund-Division Detail
15.10.12 Pannon Panzer Division Detail
11.10.12 116. Pz.D,Windhund-Division Detail
08.10.12 CSD - academi Detail
07.10.12 Pannon Panzer Division Detail
07.10.12 ShadowCry Detail
05.10.12 Harbingers of the Apocalypse Detail
04.10.12 Evil Cyber Destroyers Detail
03.10.12 Danish Panzer Brigade Detail
02.10.12 116. Pz.D,Windhund-Division Detail
01.10.12 Yeeeti Detail
29.09.12 Bullet Boys CRUS Squad Detail
26.09.12 BBB ESL team II Detail
25.09.12 Danish Panzer Brigade Detail
24.09.12 116. Pz.D,Windhund-Division Detail
24.09.12 Theutron Lovagrend Detail
24.09.12 Pannon Panzer Division Detail
23.09.12 Black Hats Detail
21.09.12 Harbingers of the Apocalypse Detail
21.09.12 Bullet Boys CRUS Squad Detail
20.09.12 Global-Hardcore-Gamers Detail
20.09.12 CZZB Detail
20.09.12 Swedish Viking 1st gg Detail
20.09.12 Kilplased Detail
19.09.12 Quo Detail
19.09.12 21. Deuttches Afrikakorps Detail
18.09.12 CZZB Detail
17.09.12 Pälzer Panzerkeil Detail
16.09.12 Pannon Panzer Division Detail
14.09.12 BANDA Detail
13.09.12 BANDITOS 7v7 Detail
13.09.12 5 Regiment Amuses of Enemy Detail
13.09.12 Fight Club Reloaded Detail
12.09.12 AJDUCI Detail
12.09.12 CSD - academi Detail
10.09.12 Germanische Front Detail
10.09.12 Theutron Lovagrend Detail
08.09.12 Danish Panzer Brigade Detail
06.09.12 BANDA Detail
06.09.12 Fight Club Reloaded Detail
04.09.12 Team Whatever Detail
03.09.12 116. Pz.D,Windhund-Division Detail
02.09.12 AJDUCI Detail
31.08.12 Xel Naga Core X akzeptabel Detail
29.08.12 Nobody is Perfect Detail
28.08.12 5 Regiment Amuses of Enemy Detail
27.08.12 116. Pz.D,Windhund-Division Detail
27.08.12 Fight Club Reloaded Detail
25.08.12 AJDUCI Detail
24.08.12 Veszett Horda gg Detail
22.08.12 Xel Naga Core X akzeptabel Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 92
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20.01.13 Trigger Team Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 91
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13.01.13 Borg Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 87
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23.12.12 Otwieracze Konserw Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 85
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09.12.12 Ekipa z Czerwonego Jeepa Detail
09.12.12 I GPZ Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 84
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02.12.12 Rybka Squad Detail
02.12.12 Serbian Bar-Codes Alfa Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 82
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25.11.12 TGM Ralphs friends Detail
25.11.12 Global-Hardcore-Gamers Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 81
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18.11.12 Dywizja Uznam Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 M-95 "Degman" kup #3
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11.11.12 Hegemony Detail
11.11.12 Ri051 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 80
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11.11.12 Baltic Rush Detail
11.11.12 AKW Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 79
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04.11.12 WUSA Detail
04.11.12 Catch Twenty-Two Detail
04.11.12 2nd Battalion - Delta Company Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 77
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28.10.12 Lama Power Detail
28.10.12 Pustynne Szczury 3 vs 3 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 M-95 "Degman" kup #2
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21.10.12 Ludicrous Steel Division Detail
21.10.12 United Warriors Detail
21.10.12 FANG.HR Detail
21.10.12 Weekend WarriorZ Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 76
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21.10.12 The Expendables Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 75
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14.10.12 Cavaliers Detail
14.10.12 Gangnam Kru Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 74
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07.10.12 Wo ist die kokosnuss 2014 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 72
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30.09.12 1SBP - Black Panthers Detail
30.09.12 Ghost Army Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 71
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23.09.12 RoX.KIS gg Detail
23.09.12 EMPTY Nie stawili sie na czas. 15 minut zwlekali z dołączeniem do pokoju treningowego. Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 70
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16.09.12 SIEG Detail

World of Tanks Company Cup #2 - Qualifier #4
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20.08.12 Brygada Kawalerii Pancernej Detail